Results for: merrick garland

Democrats Continue Quixotic Quest to Pack the Supreme Court
– The ”Pow Wow Chow” creator also complained about Senate minority leader Mitch McConnell blocking the appointment of Merrick Garland
Merrick Garland Announces Department of Justice Will Try to Block Texas' Redistricting Plan…f-justice-will-try-to-block-texas-redistricting-plan-n488232
– These United States are in the midst of creating new Congressional maps for the 2022 election. Things don’t look great for the Democrats. Not only did core Democrat states lose population because large numbers of their citizens voted with their feet, but those citizens also ended up in Red States....
Biden Launches 'Building a Better America' Propaganda Website
– Joe: Every one of those people makes things worse when their lips are moving, and we’re not even talking about Antony Blinken and MerrickGarland.…
I'm Cool With Jim Jordan Not Becoming Speaker and My Reasoning Is Sound
– As evidenced in the video below when, just last month, he laid out a case that Attorney General Merrick Garland had been possibly weaponizing…
It's Time for GOP Holdouts to Stop Blaming Matt Gaetz for the Chaos and Elect a Speaker
– We were heartened when the Republican majority started holding hearings to hold people like Joe Biden, Alejandro Mayorkas, MerrickGarland, and Anthony Fauci accountable.…
Former Republican Candidate for Michigan Governor Gets 60 Days in Jail for Jan. 6 Activity…governor-gets-60-days-in-jail-for-jan-6th-activity-n2165306
– Capitol Hill conservatives have pressed Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray about why Epps was still … Thomas Massie posted the video he showed Garland: I just played this video for AG Merrick Garland.…
The Real Reason Behind Breyer's Retirement Is Ominous for Democrats
– McConnell blocked the nominee, Merrick Garland. … Garland is another part of Biden’s diversity push. He’s a short Chicagoan.…
McCarthy Brings in 'Grandfather of House Republicans' to Help Destroy Dems in 2022 Midterms…se-republicans-to-help-destroy-dems-in-2022-midterms-n514442
– It’s basically a lynch mob, and unfortunately, the attorney general of the United States [hapless Merrick Garland] has joined that…
If You Thought NYC Mayor Eric Adams Would Offer Anything Other Than Excuses for Gun Violence, You Need Your Head Examined…excuses-for-gun-violence-you-need-your-head-examined-n511304
– The collaboration extends to Attorney General Merrick Garland, whose spokesperson at the Justice Department, Anthony Coley, tweeted … that Garland and Sewell spoke earlier in the evening.…
Senator Tom Cotton Demands Answers for the Leniency Given by Department of Justice in a BLM Arson-Murder…given-by-department-of-justice-in-a-blm-arson-murder-n518974
– Tom Cotton Letter to Merrick Garland on MPLS Sentencing by streiff on Scribd These are not merely rhetorical questions. … The January 6 people, on the other hand, represent the traditional order and are a threat to the norms Biden/Garland are trying to…
Biden's Judicial Nominees Have Been Consistently Bad — Expect More
– Had Trump lost in 2016, the Supreme Court would today be composed of six leftists, likely including a re-nomination of Merrick Garland
Biden DOJ Recommended Reduced Sentence for BLM Arson Killer for Political Reasons…sentence-for-blm-arson-killer-for-incredible-reason-n520135
– Tom Cotton (R-AR) also demanded that AG Merrick Garland “provide all communications between the United States Attorney’s Office for…
A Tsunami of Cope Approaches After Criminal Case Against Donald Trump Implodes…es-after-criminal-case-against-donald-trump-implodes-n526808
– nothing left now but long-shot dreams surrounding a possible referral from the January 6th committee, and as much of a hack as AG MerrickGarland is, he’s not going to hand the former president a big win prior to the 2024 election by taking on a bad case and losing.…
Hunter Biden Associate Told to Start Singing or Face Jail Time
– The latter part of that equation is far from certain given the politicization of the department under the leadership of AG MerrickGarland, who himself is facing charges of perjury from a whistleblower.…
REPORT: Hunter Biden's Legal Team Refuses to Share Strategy with the 'Big Guy's' White House…o-share-legal-strategy-with-the-big-guys-white-house-n741427
– Anthony Coley, a former top spokesman for the Justice Department who was a senior advisor to Attorney General Merrick Garland, told…
WATCH: O'Keefe Media Shock Report on Transgender Male Inmates Impregnating Women in Female Prisons…er-male-inmates-impregnating-women-in-female-prisons-n741320
– Furthermore, Noelle claims that the DOJ under Attorney General Merrick Garland “rolls over” and pays off inmates who sue over gender … “And the DOJ, unfortunately, under Merrick Garland, it rolls over. … latest story into DOJ shows men pretending to be women in order to get into female prisons and rape/impregnate DOJ told OMG; “Garland
Katie Britt Rips Into Merrick Garland After 'Clear Evidence' Confirms Dereliction on SCOTUS Justice Protection…ce-confirms-dereliction-on-scotus-justice-protection-n740846
– Katie Britt (R-Ala.) blew the lid off of Biden Attorney General Merrick Garland’s purposeful deception on the issue of protecting conservative … When confronted, Garland denied being aware of the training materials she had in hand and told Britt he would not “amend” his earlier … wrote the training materials and post orders, and if Garland agrees that they “undermine” both U.S.…
James Comer and Chuck Grassley Claim 'Highly Credible' Evidence of Joe Biden Bribery Scheme…highly-credible-evidence-of-joe-biden-bribery-scheme-n740780
– The claim was made in a letter addressed to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray, noting that an unclassified…
'I Stand by My Testimony'—Merrick Garland Denies He Lied to Congress
– Attorney General Merrick Garland responded Tuesday to an IRS whistleblower’s claims that a senior Biden Administration official—who … GARLAND: That is still the case. I stand by my testimony. The “Mr. … AG Merrick Garland: "I stand by my testimony" — RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 2, 2023 As we reported…
Afghan Soldier Who Helped US Troops Forced by Biden DHS to Jump Mexican Border -- to Reunite With Family…en-dhs-to-jump-mexican-border-to-reunite-with-family-n748796
– this Administration really feels about our military branches and those who act in supporting roles for them (see Joe Biden and MerrickGarland Throw US Military Contractors to the Wolves).…
Joe Biden and Merrick Garland Throw US Military Contractors to the Wolves…garland-throw-us-military-contractors-to-the-wolves-n748630
– The Biden White House and Merrick Garland’s Justice Department are attempting to throw a US military contractor under the bus, and … Merrick Garland was the lone dissent. … immense implications for US military operations overseas, and then the “let it rip” attitude when a response was made, seems like Garland
IG Report Reveals Criminal Corruption by US Attorney in Massachusetts, Garland Declines to Prosecute…us-attorney-ag-merrick-garland-declines-to-prosecute-n747295
– Incredibly, despite so much criminal corruption being laid out so plainly by Horowitz, AG Merrick Garland and the rest of the powers…
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