Results for: democrats should replace

Donald Trump's Supreme Court Pick Should Not Be Thomas Hardiman
Democrats (and in some cases even dishonest conservatives) can use to twist against them. … Trump should not be overly concerned with such predictable partisan nonsense. … But “judges should do none of these things in a democratic society.”…
GOP Rep to Introduce Health Care Bill to Cover Those with Preexisting Conditions
– It affirms the commitment of congressional Republicans not simply to replace the so-called Affordable Care Act, but to do so with a … Indeed, Talking Points Memo quotes Walden on that very point: “We believe that people with pre-existing conditions should not be … In fact, it was a Republican idea before the Democrats put it into ACA. We’re going to reaffirm that as well.”…
People Who Screamed ‘Bake the Cake!’ Advocate ‘Don’t Serve Them!’ To Obamacare Opponents
– Apparently, it’s totally fine to not serve people you disagree with again because Democrats are upset about Republicans controlling … A group called the “Democratic Coalition Against Trump” is so irritated that Republicans want to repeal and replace Obamacare that … Disagree on how Americans should buy health insurance?…
Donald Trump is a Canadian health care system-loving big government liberal who needs to be shut down…care-system-loving-big-government-liberal-needs-shut-n55838
– He is, in fact, running on a platform to replace Obamacare with full-on single-payer health care (just not Medicare-for-all, per se … He will drag a more moderate or establishment candidate down, should they win the nomination, if he continues to be strongly associated … But the grassroots can, and should. Liz Mair is a strategist with Make America Awesome, a SuperPAC targeting Donald Trump.…
Trump's Use of Eminent Domain is a Problem of Character, Not Politics
– In fact, the way that he’s used eminent domain should be drawing very pointed investigations into the politicians he bought to make … Here’s the saddest part: Democrats will do a much better job of painting him as a monster. … The Democrats will campaign smarter. They will hammer Trump if he’s the nominee as a man whose character is reproachable.…
Chuck Schumer Agrees With Mitch McConnell That Obama Should Not Get Another Supreme Court Nomination…mcconnell-obama-get-another-supreme-court-nomination-n56800
– But for the rest of the Democrats, this is going to be a political boon. … Mitch McConnell has said that the right to replace Scalia belongs to the next president. … Schumer, a powerful member of the Democratic leadership, said Friday the Senate should not confirm another U.S.…
Can Any Republican Senators Afford To Go Wobbly On A Scalia Replacement? Guess Which Ones.…tor-can-afford-go-wobbly-scalia-replacement-guess-one-n56794
– The battle to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court is gut-check time in the Senate, just as it is in the presidential race … In a republic, this should not be so – but it is. … Like so many things, the stakes now are high, and a choice of Trump would hand permanent victory to the Democrats.…
¡No Pasarán! The Senate Must Not Give Obama A Supreme Court Appointment!
– The chances of Obama successfully appointing a Supreme Court Justice to replace Scalia? … pleasing noises — much like he did about repealing ObamaCare: Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Saturday that the Senate shouldDemocrats said that with 11 months left in Mr.…
A Donald Trump Candidacy Still Doesn't Bother Me Because Things Can Always Be Much Worse
– Domenech, who is one of the most astute observers of what is happening with the Trump phenomenon sums up in today’s The Transom: Democrats … Something new will replace the old order, and there are a host of smart, young leaders on all sides who must prove they have the capability … am by no means a Trump supporter but I may very well be alone among RedState contributors in my determination to vote for Trump should
Anti-Pelosi Democrats Search for Female to Challenge Pelosi for Speaker Position…crats-search-female-challenge-pelosi-speaker-position-n97684
Democrats are looking to fight fire with fire as they search for a viable female candidate to keep Rep. … Many Democrats in the House do not want Pelosi to return as Speaker after months of bad moves that made Democrats in the House look … According to a Gallup poll, the majority of Democrats would rather not see Pelosi return as Speaker.…
Election Reflection: Forget The Spin, Danger Lies Ahead For Republicans
– Limbaugh said: The Democrats have totally flipped Virginia. It’s gone. … The Democrats are one election away from totally flipping North Carolina. … At 9:33 on Tuesday night, Fox News called the House for the Democrats.…
SOURCE: Trump and Advisers Discuss Replacing Pence on 2020 Ticket (and They Have Someone in Mind)
– While Democrats comb through their entire fleet in an effort to find anyone who may be able to contend with a polarizing, seemingly … Among the topics discussed was whether Mike Pence should remain on the ticket, given the hurricane-force political headwinds Trump … …outside advisers have been pushing Nikki Haley to replace Pence.…
Will Republicans Choose Cronyism Over the Taxpayers... Again?
– While we should be used to the heartbreak from Republicans, it still stings when we see that we, the taxpayer, are actually not on … Democrats introduced a bill in July that would, if passed, remove the cap and replace it with a 10-year limit.…
Mitt Romney's Op-Ed Doesn't Help Him, the GOP, or the Country
– A president should unite us and inspire us to follow “our better angels.” … Dear "principled" Republican senators: It's all meaningless talk until you vote with Democrats. … It's only when he fights Democrats that he puts on his kid gloves and laces them together behind his back.…
Mitt Romney. A Brokered Convention. Please, Lord, Make the Pain Stop!
– But near the end, McConnell and Priebus acknowledged to the group that a deadlocked convention is something the party should prepare … Steve Chabot (Ohio) said the thousands upon thousands of fervent Trump supporters should be “respected” and heard in the nominating … “If the leaders of the Republican Party want to destroy the party, they should continue to hold meetings like the one described in…
The Myth That Ted Cruz Believes A Myth
– He accepted the false premises of his leaked statement that Republicans have 47% of the vote, Democrats have 47%, and we campaign over … It’s an effort that should have been underway since 2008. It should be underway now, in all 50 states. … Republicans can’t afford to rely on Democrats repeatedly nominating the worst possible candidate to replace the worst president in…
Barack Obama, The Tea Party And The Train-Wreck Of Modern Leftism.
– (CLusterBeep Nation) There is no Progressive Tea Party, because the Democrats are doing what Democrats want and it leads to untenable … He had to hand out lots of candy to his supporters and he had to take it from people who traditionally oppose partisan Democrats. … This is because the Democrats aren’t a collection of allies; who like one another.…
Is the Constitution Party the Third Party You've Been Looking For?
– predicated on the idea that by splitting the GOP into two parties we can better advance conservative principles against the unified DemocratsShould such a party split the GOP vote and throw the election to Hillary, this beats a Trump presidency, which would inevitably remake … So a new Republican Party very quickly arose to replace it.…
A Vote For Trump is a Vote For Hillary Clinton: Why Trump Is A Sure Loser
– Nobody should go to the polls Tuesday under the delusional impression that a vote for Trump is anything other than a choice to ensure … Second, I’ll offer some analysis of why we should not discount what the polling is telling us. … with Democrats, compared to -27 for Rubio.…
We Must Move Past The Empty Calories Of Trumpism, And Return To Conservatism
– Bernard Sanders (I-VT)’ chamber=’senate’ mcid=’S000033′ ] says college tuition should be “free.” … Instead, we should reform our tax code to attract those companies—and many others—to our shores. … Trump is quite suited to follow the Democrats’ example.…
Early Look at the 2020 Senate Races, Part 2: The Midwest
– Although drawing no primary opposition, three Democrats are vying to take her on.   … But what should excite the GOP is that he lost by only 6 points in a midterm year that saw GOP losses elsewhere. … Three unknown Democrats have declared their candidacy.  Trump enjoys a 50% approval rating in this state.  …
Early Look at 2020 Senate Races, Part 1: The Northeast
– There are seven Senate races in this area with five of those seats held by Democrats.   … What should concern Booker is that 33% disapproval rating among New Jersey residents.   … That should count as a GOP victory in Rhode Island in 2020.  Prediction:  Democrat hold.…
Trans Alaska Pipeline System: Happy 35th Birthday!
– ’s oil — like its massive natural gas reserves today — would be stranded with no way to market, leaving the state scrambling to replace … We should all wish TAPS a Happy Birthday and thank a (mostly) bygone generation of decision makers who had the foresight and conviction … the TAPS enabling legislation through Congress there is an object lesson: Energy policy is way too serious to be entrusted to Democrats
Declaration of Independence, not Dependence
– The Supreme Court should have protected our constitutional freedoms, but remember, it was the President who forced this law on us. … We should celebrate people getting off food stamps, off Medicaid, and off government health care. … Democrats are already attacking Republicans for turning down free health care. Here is a news flash.…
Walorski Likeliest GOP House Pick-Up
Democrats have a “Drive to 25” program just in case they are able capitalize off possible GOP missteps that could surrender momentum … Democrats have stumbled in candidate recruitment as incumbent Joe Donnelly is now running for U.S. Senate to replace Sen. … Proof, he says, that Mullen is simply somebody Democrats “are stuck with.”…
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