Results for: critical race theory

Double Standards and Cancel Culture at the US Naval Academy: Football Team Edition
– And most particularly, NOT to force social engineering claptrap like Marxist critical race theory on midshipmen. … Take critical race theory training. … race theory claptrap By the way, Roger Staubach lived the life of a midshipman without perks.…
The Only Reason Gal Gadot Can't Play Cleopatra Is Because We've Let the Racists and Bigots Win
– Thanks to the pernicious influence of critical race theory, what started out as a laudable effort to expand the opportunities for actors … has degenerated to an exercise in race-based bean-counting. … In the words of my colleague Bonchie: Do people realize that if you "slam" someone for not being the right race, you are in fact…
College Professor: Students Will Be Kicked out for the 'Slur' of Misgendering…onbinary-brooklyn-college-misgender-kicked-out-class-n262043
– wield unwanton words: “Intentional misgendering, as with any attempt to slur another student’s personal integrity on the basis of race … from The Graduate Center, CUNY, where I pursued a major concentration in American politics and a minor concentration in political theory … My areas of interest emphasize trans studies, Black feminist studies, affect theory, phenomenology, and Marxism.…
School District Seeks 'Anti-Racist' Audit, Staff Get Educated on the Racial 'Construct' of Whiteness
– describing obviously racist behavior as the tip of the iceberg — calling people racist names or threatening people on the basis of race … Since 2018, Loudoun County, Va., has spent $422,500 on equity training inspired by critical race theory, which claims racism is inherent … Back to Maryland, Montgomery County’s Clarksburg High School recently posted a race-and-equity pledge, including a vow to support “…
Washington Post Investigative Report Discovers Amy Coney Barrett Is a Christian and the Reporters Are Left Baffled
– ’s Pathetic Hysterical Progressives Beclown Themselves by Using Their Favorite TV Series To Smear Amy Coney Barrett Peddler of CriticalRace Theory Training Hints That SCOTUS Nominee Amy Coney Barrett Has a ‘Colonizer’ Mentality NEW LOW: Democrat Operative Suggests … Amy Coney Barrett Is Involved in Human Trafficking Democrats Push Disgustingly Insane Amy Coney Barrett Conspiracy Theory, Attack Her…
Washington State Library Fights 'Racism' With SEGREGATED 'Race Sensitivity' Training?…hts-racism-with-segregated-race-sensitivity-training-n268407
– Setting aside that Critical Race Theory is racist in itself, the below tweet is spot-on: “This is King County’s bio. … Critical Theory (@CCRTheory) October 22, 2020 One of those 39 cities is Seattle, the state’s largest. … Rufo ⚔️ (@realchrisrufo) July 6, 2020 President Donald Trump in September ordered the defunding of Critical Race Theory training…
UK Equalities Minister Kemi Badenoch's Comments About Black Lives Matter are Some American Politicians Needs to Hear
– “And it’s the promotion of critical race theory, an ideology that sees my blackness as victimhood and their whiteness as oppression … This government stands unequivocally against critical race theory,” said Badenoch. … The Equalities Minister continued by making it clear that critical race theory is being taught in schools in an illegal fashion by…
USNA Cancel Culture: Status Report on the Midshipman 1/C Standage Case
– Defendants’ assertion that the issuance of a preliminary injunction could interfere with processes “critical to the United States’ … The Executive Order could not make more clear that the Superintendent’s indoctrination of the Brigade of Midshipman in critical race … It is USNA leadership that has willfully ignored the President’s cease-and-desist order on critical race theory training (CRT) in the…
School District Shells Out Nearly Half a Million Dollars for an Anti-Racism Audit to Produce Academic 'Equitable Outcomes'…atlantic-equity-consortium-anti-racist-audit-equity-n278660
– Moving on, here’s the Consortium’s stated Theory of Change: MAEC believes that by increasing educator awareness, understanding, and … Our theory is based on a deep analysis of root causes of racial, cultural, linguistic, gender, and ethnic inequities in education. … race theory, which claims racism is intrinsic to nearly every aspect of American life.”…
College Boils in Hot Water for Featuring a College Republican at Election Time
– A requirement for all Bates students to take a course in critical race theory As relayed by the campus outlet, students at the protest…
Tucker Carlson Was Right, Neil Cavuto Was Very, Very Wrong
– Where racism used to focus on the black race, racism against white people is now not only pardonable, it’s encouraged. … Branches of the Marxist critical theory are now openly discussed and talked about in everything from government agencies to news outlets…
Never Trump Wanted Biden, Now They Get Him Good and Hard
– Biden is already pledging to re-enter the Paris Accords and reinstate Critical Race Theory in government as well. … — Bonchie (@bonchieredstate) November 8, 2020 BREAKING Biden will immediately revoke Trump's executive order banning criticalrace theory-based training in the executive government upon assuming the presidency.…
Andrew Sullivan Kicks Some Arse on His Way out the Door at Vox Media…kicks-some-arse-on-his-way-out-the-door-at-vox-media-n248036
– Today, Sullivan published his farewell letter to the readers of New York Magazine, acknowledging that a “critical mass” of staff and … theory in questions of race, gender, sexual orientation, and gender identity is actively, physically harming co-workers merely by … Actually attacking, and even mocking, critical theory’s ideas and methods, as I have done continually in this space, is therefore out…
Federal Employees Receive Anti-Racist Training, Including the Lesson That 'Virtually All White People' Contribute to Racism
– As reported by The Daily Wire, the DoT’s employed “anti-racism” in its “Difficult Conversations About Race” training for employees. … Critical race theory is spreading rapidly through the federal government. … What percentage of the day are you able to be with people of your own race?…
If David Duke Didn't Write This Infographic for the Smithsonian Institute How Is It Different From What He Would Have Written?…how-is-it-different-from-what-he-would-have-written-n247793
– I don’t have much patience with all the critical race theory bullsh** that is being dredged up and strewn about due to the emergence … Racism is a system of advantage based on race that involves systems and institutions, not just individual mindsets and actions. … If a conversation about race can only start when I acknowledge a) that I am racist because of my race and b) use some profoundly stupid…
USC Gives In To Progressive Pressure To Remove John Wayne Exhibit
– Initially, the school reacted to the story by keeping the exhibit but adding an additional area that focused on Indigenous filmmaking, criticalrace theory, and feminism. … But as his son pointed out, this one interview does not necessarily encapsulate the totality of his beliefs on race.…
Mainstream Culture Is Wrong on All Counts About White People
– These images are from an internal whistleblower: — Karlyn supports banning critical race theory in NH … Truth be told, I don’t think Coca-Cola should do that about any race. A race is hardly a race, as it is. … But arrogance is hardly a trait of a single race. Arrogance is held by an individual.…
Biden Administration and Facebook Work as a Ministry of Truth to Push People to Get China Virus Vaccine…y-of-truth-to-push-people-to-get-china-virus-vaccine-n330227
– the sick and elderly — should they be white — in favor of racial minorities, see CDC Is Literally Trying to Kill Granny by Using CriticalRace Theory to Decide Who Will Get Wuhan Virus Vaccine, studies indicate that over half of Black Americans will refuse to get vaccinated … example, it could formulate “safe harbor” exemptions that would allow platforms to share data about QAnon and other conspiracy theory
Women's Rights? Biden Pushes Elimination of Legal Recognition of Sexes, Designation of Pro-Life as 'Pregnancy' Discrimination…exes-designates-pro-life-as-pregnancy-discrimination-n330093
– Every person should be treated with dignity and respect [except for females in female sports], and this bill represents a critical … Act provides long overdue federal civil rights protections on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity, locking in critical … “equity” in critical race theory circles, and elsewhere.…
What Passes for Leadership in the US Navy These Days
– Indeed, the tactics used by proponents of critical race theory share many parallels with old tactics used by the Bolsheviks…. … The key concept behind critical race theory is that every human endeavor should be looked at through the perspective of racism, which … And who are the real “critical race theory agitators” alluded to in the above quote?…
Tucker Carlson Causes a Great Triggering After Lambasting Our Woke Military, but He's Dead On…g-after-lambasting-our-woke-military-but-hes-dead-on-n340675
– pack it up. — Logan Hall (@loganclarkhall) March 10, 2021 Further, the harmful rantings of criticalrace theory have garnered a newfound presence in our armed forces, especially following Joe Biden’s inauguration. … Teaching critical race theory and lowering standards to be more “inclusive” are recipes for disaster when the going truly gets tough…
CVFC PAC: The US Navy is Now a Woke Institution
– Midshipmen are indoctrinated in Critical Race Theory while at the same time the Superintendent has eliminated the Honor Code. … Critical Race Theory degrades a person’s immutable individual unique characteristics, regardless of race or gender, while it does not … Critical Race Theory is abhorrent, bigoted, racist, and is too divisive to be taught to midshipmen at USNA or in ROTC programs at US…
Wokeness and Identity Politics Have Their Roots in Protestant Christianity's Notions of Original Sin and Redemption…christianitys-notions-of-original-sin-and-redemption-n338784
– Hence the development of the concept of “white male privilege” from the birth of “critical race theory.” … critical race theory with their own definitions of who are among the “innocent” and who are among the “transgressors.”  … There is no level of venality that race and gender-hucksterism can sink to that would delegitimize the “movement.” …
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