Results for: democrats should replace

If There Has Ever Been a Time to Keep President Trump From Twitter, This Is it
– Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 21, 2018 In terms of the process to replace a retiring SCOTUS justice, President Trump’s job … The predator should be dealt with in as strong a manner as possible. This requires police involvement. … Not only does it make Democrats feel as if the accuser is being hounded by a bully president, it makes Republicans, like Senator Susan…
Too Clever By Half. Democrat Intransigence Is Bringing Vichy Republicans Back Into the Fold
– the Senate Judiciary Committee on Capitol Hill in Washington, Thursday, Sept. 6, 2018, for the third day of his confirmation to replace … Ford came forward, I said that her voice should be heard and asked the Judiciary Committee to delay its vote on Judge Kavanaugh. … The committee should hear her voice. — Jeff Flake (@JeffFlake) September 19, 2018 They may have overplayed their hand.…
Democrat Candidates Face the Reality That Trump's Wall Is More Popular Than Dreamers With Voters
Democrats like health care and taxation. … This difficulty this whole issue presents to the Democrats was highlighted over the summer as Democrats tried to weaponize the rather … But where Democrats see caution signs, Republicans see opportunities.…
The Midterms: South Carolina and South Dakota
– Smith has been through four campaign managers in a nine month period and he also had to replace his communications director.   … Perhaps, the Democrats see this as an opening.   … Coupled with the fact the Democrats think they have a compelling candidate, some have their hopes up.  …
The Left Looks to Southern Segregationists and Government Overthrow as a Model for Fighting a Conservative Supreme Court…t-overthrow-model-fighting-conservative-supreme-court-n96119
– Kavanaugh’s confirmation alone won’t bring Democrats all the way there. … Perhaps she should start with herself and her own party. … , outlaw private health insurance, and replace freedom with socialism.…
Democrats Embrace Court-Packing to Carry On The #Resistance
– If, for instance, any one of the six Justices of the Supreme Court now over the age of seventy should retire as provided under the … , the Democrats are in a tizzy over being turfed out of all three branches of government. … As the actuarial tables indicate that if Trump is re-elected he could easily replace four more justices, the loss of control of the…
The Midterms: New York
– The Democrats currently hold the partisan advantage, 18-9.  … This year he faces Antonio Delgado for the Democrats.  … Should Collins win reelection, he could resign his position as part of a plea deal and there would be a special election to replace
Trump Calls It -- a Red Wave, Thanks to 'the Caravan, Kavanaugh, Law & Order...and Common Sense'
– must be voted out of office. … The Democrats want to replace freedom with socialism. … And they want to replace the rule of law with … the rule of the mob. … Democrats produce mobs; Republicans produce jobs.” … But history tells us — given the GOP victory two years ago — that the Dems should rally in a sizeable way.…
Breaking: Sen. John Walsh (D, Montana) cuts and runs.
Should have done it a week ago, frankly. Sen. … As to the plagiarist’s replacement, well… I don’t know what’s more depressing for Democrats: that their best hope to replace Walsh…
Tech at Night: Your periodic reminder that the FCC is out of control
– Called it: Remember when I claimed Democrats wouldn’t stop Tom Wheeler’s Net Neutrality plan, despite their hysterical shrieking over … Maybe we should replace C-SPAN with something open to the public, if the cable companies that run C-SPAN are going to close it off.…
Eric Holder's resignation and the midterm elections
– This isn’t necessarily going to be a problem for Democrats.   … Much depends on who gets picked to replace Holder, assuming the choice is announced before the election.   … It might be one of the few national stories that can be made to seem exciting to Democrats.…
Democrat Comeback? Not So Fast...
– Tuesday was a good night for Democrats. Tuesday afternoon? Well, it wasn’t so good. … In fact, fewer Americans said they have a favorable view of Republicans than Democrats. … It should come as no surprise that with President Donald Trump’s historically low approval ratings Democrats are gaining seats.…
Roy Moore and the GOP: Together Forever
– needs and you should vote for him plus also that lady lied.” … There will be no expulsion should he win. There can’t be. He’s Trump’s chosen. The bigger question is … why? … Even Democrats are edgy and desperate about abortion enthusiast Doug Jones’ chances.…
Liberal Journalist: Al Franken Groped Me at Media Matters' Obama Inauguration Party…franken-groped-media-matters-obama-inauguration-party-n80851
– A liberal journalist named Tina Dupuy is calling out Democrats who continue to defend Sen. … If Democrats demonstrate our party’s solidarity with harassed and abused women something bad will happen to women’s rights? … I have a radical idea: Maybe Democrats can replace politicians who harass and abuse women with anyone other than an abuser.…
King v. Burwell and the Democratic Abyss.
– But there’s an even worse potential problem for Democrats: what’s their Plan B? … But they are, in fact, plans: and should King v. … So what’s the Democrats’ Plan B? …Besides screaming about Republicans, of course.  …
The Affordable Care Act is back on the table
– The Affordable Care Act should not be a centerpiece of one’s campaign in 2016, but if you’re  a candidate who is looking to break into … Perhaps Bobby Jindal, who has the most experience of any candidate working in health policy, should re-release his plan to replaceDemocrats will scoff at the idea, but it remains deeply unpopular throughout the nation, and to take advantage right now is a great…
Republicans Should Make An Example of IPAB
– IPAB permits the panel to waive duly enacted laws and replace them with their own rules. … Republicans should make an example of IPAB.  … Republicans should give its own special send-off into the dustbin of history. …
No, We Do Not Need to Replace Obamacare
– In 2008, Obama and the Democrats began telling us (again, as bad ideas never die in Washington D.C.) that America was suffering from … You’ll notice that Democrats rarely bring up the number of uninsured anymore. That’s because it’s gone UP since Obamacare. … We should repeal the horrendous reforms that brought us HMOs and allowed for insurance monopolies.…
Rand Paul May Have the Alternative to Obamacare
– As agreed w/ @realDonaldTrump, we must replace it w/ real market reforms. Details coming! … — Senator Rand Paul (@RandPaul) January 9, 2017 That should calm some quaking nerves. … The Kentucky senator floated in an op-ed last week that the law should be replaced with “freedom.”…
Reconfirm Jessica Rosenworcel at FCC only when Trump nominates her
– She should be reconfirmed, but only when Donald Trump renominates her in conjunction with a Republican to replace Tom Wheeler. … Republicans should slap them here, make them understand a little humility here. … The Democrats threatened to overturn traditions. Once Republicans are in power, they should restore those traditions.…
Health Insurance "For Everybody" and the "Government Will Pay" Says "Republican" Donald Trump. AGAIN.…ay-says-republican-president-elect-donald-trump-again-n66212
– This should not be big, surprising, new news. But somehow it is. … It has long been an argument on the right, to include among those who now comprise the Trump-right, that Obama and the Democrats hoped … So he wants to replace Obamacare with Trumpcare, and has a new “pen and phone”? Great. Well that’s just great.…
The Replacement For Obamacare Is Here
– This op-ed contained most of the reforms we should have sought. … Secondly, it should encourage free commerce, not force it. … We should allow people to buy health plans wherever they reside, usable at any hospital network, anywhere.…
A Nuclear Confirmation of Gorsuch is Bad for Both Parties... and America
– isn’t the battle the Democrats want to fight. … The bench shouldn’t be loaded with Democrats or Republicans, liberals or conservatives. … If the Democrats give Mitch McConnell no other choice but to use the nuclear option, so be it.…
Please oh PLEASE, Democrats: Listen to Michael Moore.
– I get it, Democrats. You don’t like the choice of Neil Gorsuch for Supreme Court. … You don’t want a conservative to replace the conservative Antonin Scalia. … Michael Moore believes you should. Lest he and others work to replace you.…
Three Reasons Democrats Won't Filibuster The Neil Gorsuch SCOTUS Nomination
– 1. 2018 looms large for Democrats – The map is bad for Democrats. … Democrats will go all in to make sure a conservative justice doesn’t replace a liberal or even a swing vote justice like Anthony Kennedy … Gorsuch was made for this and Democrats are sure to look silly in their opposition.…
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