Results for: democrats should replace

Poor Gavin: CA's Governor in an Uncomfortable Pickle Over DiFi's Senate Seat…or-in-an-uncomfortable-pickle-over-difis-senate-seat-n752778
– Senator (Alex Padilla having been tapped to replace Kamala Harris when she ascended to the vice presidency). The problem? …  vying to replace her, with Newsom stuck in the middle. … Presumably to blunt criticism aimed at his selection of Padilla, a Hispanic man, to replace Harris, a black woman.…
‘Police Have Been Defanged’: Filmmaker Unloads Over San Francisco Car Break-in (With an Assist From Elon)…san-francisco-car-break-in-with-an-assist-from-elon-n762221
– are well-known – with businesses and residents alike packing up and heading to safer pastures in droves, prominent California Democrats … Steele then noted that, incredibly, San Francisco Democrats were still pushing to further defund the police while at the same time … Then again, why should any of the leftist lawmakers care? After all, they have taxpayer-funded security on standby.…
A Dangerous Habit: Biden Is Always Late for Everything, Except Weekends Away…n-is-always-late-for-everything-except-weekends-away-n535397
– In fact, that dictator’s patience may well be rewarded, now that Biden is considering dropping sanctions because he needs to replace … One time, during a video conference, the president offered to take questions from friendly House Democrats. … been truly effective as a deterrent to Russia’s military invasion instead of the desperate PR afterthought it became, Joe Biden should
Are Democrats Finally Realizing That Critical Race Theory Isn’t Working in Their Favor?…hat-critical-race-theory-isnt-working-in-their-favor-n535222
– Is it really possible that Democrats are finally figuring out that doubling down on teaching lessons inspired by Critical Race Theory … After being asked directly by the local whether CRT should be presented in schools, the Irishman said, “No, I don’t think it should … He is also correct in saying the actual theory should not be presented to K-12 students.…
Trump Lets Loose at Georgia Rally With Some Spicy Language
– Matt Gaetz (R-FL) who said he would nominate Trump for Speaker of the House to replace House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). … — RSBN 🇺🇸 (@RSBNetwork) March 27, 2022 He spoke about the Democrats who claim to be the “party … unwilling to admit that men and women are biologically different – in defiance of all scientific and human history – is a party that should
Maher Reverts to Form, Says Clarence Thomas Doesn't 'Represent the Majority of Black Thinking'…omas-doesnt-represent-the-majority-of-black-thinking-n541263
– Bush for nominating Clarence Thomas to replace Justice Thurgood Marshall because Thomas “didn’t represent the majority of black thinking … Perhaps worse, Jackson has long advocated for lax sentences for child porn offenders, arguing that minimum sentencing requirements should … Politicizing Ukraine, but Admits ‘It’s Worth Asking’ Why Putin Didn’t Act on Trump’s Watch Think Far-Left Rhetoric Isn’t Toxic to Democrats
Establishment Republicans Decide They Want to Lose in Georgia
– Every recent poll has shown Georgia’s Herschel Walker, who is running to replace current Sen. … It is to say that money should be invested in all those places. … Will Democrats throw the kitchen sink at Walker over some of his past transgressions (or alleged transgressions, I suppose)?…
Matt Gaetz Blasts Secretary of Defense Austin Over Defense's Horrible Record on Strategy and Everything Else…nses-horrible-record-on-strategy-and-everything-else-n545955
– Gaetz: Secretary Austin, why should American taxpayers fund lectures at the National Defense University that promote socialism as a … invite people we don’t agree with to evangelize views and values that we don’t share at the National Defense University when we should … We are losing 1000+ VLS cells, with NO PLAN to replace them.…
Obama Judge Has Hissy Fit Over Florida's Election Law
– All “duplicate” ballots created to replace damaged vote-by-mail ballots must be made in an open room with witnesses. … That independent judiciary is somethng we should be thankful for.” … The Democrats and their enforcers in the judiciary don’t like it, and they aren’t going to go away without a fight.…
Trump's Plan to Destroy the Deep State Causes Panic at the New York Times
– According to a New York Times article based on extensive interviews with people who are perceived to be in Trump’s inner circle should … He should have the authority to fire a special counsel. … Inevitably, someone will argue, “how will you like it when the Democrats are in charge.”…
Michelle Obama for President? Not Only No But...
– President Michelle Obama: File this under “things that should keep you awake at night.” … How, presuming the Democrats want to run someone else, do they deal with this? … Michelle is very popular with the Democrats’ base and is far more popular than Kamala.…
Unpacking the Real Issue Behind Florida's Black History Curriculum Backlash
– Naturally, Democrats and their close friends and allies in the establishment media pounced, claiming that Gov. … Vice President Kamala Harris made a special trip to the Sunshine State to claim that Republicans “want to replace history with lies … According to Pew Research, supermajorities of both Black Republicans and Democrats believe that our ancestry is an important part of…
PolitiFact ‘Verifies' Kamala Harris on Slamming Florida’s Slavery Course and Manages to Prove It Is All a Partisan Fraud…urse-and-manages-to-prove-it-is-all-a-partisan-fraud-n781766
– — Kamala Harris (@KamalaHarris) July 24, 2023 In a recent speech, Harris claimed, “They want to replace history with lies.” … One of the criticisms of this has those decrying the standards claiming that Ron DeSantis should have turned to black people to get … has hundreds of modules, within which are listed far more entries for lessons, and all of this hectoring in the press and from Democrats
Chuck Schumer Fans the Flames When Asked About 'Confidence' in Dianne Feinstein’s Cognitive Abilities…confidence-in-dianne-feinsteins-cognitive-abilities-n556529
– a dozen Democratic senators and aides show widespread concern over whether” she was “capable of leading the aggressive effort Democrats … need against whoever President Donald Trump picks to replace the late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.” … Whatever the case may be, this is obviously a sensitive subject matter but it’s one that must be addressed by Democrats and soon if…
Biden Lied About Mass Shooting in Dallas, Falsely Attributing It to 'White Supremacy'…in-dallas-falsely-attributing-it-to-white-supremacy-n566240
– Well, perhaps I should correct that. … At an event that should be about comforting the people who have suffered a lot, losing loved ones to a murderer, the focus should be … All of that is wrong, all of that should be condemned.…
A New Progressive 'Idea': Literally Brand Conservatives as Racists
– himself — Republicans who noticed this talk as something the left embraces are racists and, according to MSNBC guest Donny Deutsch, should … A guest on MSNBC says that Democrats will win if they "brand" Republicans as racists "Take a branding iron, put it on them" … on Twitter become literally hysterical if you use the term ‘replacement,’ if you suggest for the Democratic Party is trying to replace
Joe Biden Malfunctions During Buffalo Shooting Remarks, Then Attacks Tucker Carlson…buffalo-shooting-remarks-then-attacks-tucker-carlson-n565960
– But instead of honoring the victims and blaming the evil in the heart of the shooter, Democrats and the press at large have been going … the president and others are going to label mass killings by those with bigoted views as domestic terrorism, then that standard should … “Replacement theory” is an anti-Semitic conspiracy theory, which is where the “Jews will not replace us” line white supremacists use…
Liz Cheney Jumps on the Crazy Train and Says Her Colleagues and Constituents 'Enable' White Supremacy…r-colleagues-and-constituents-enable-white-supremacy-n565765
– – Any good DC journalist should ask Republicans this question this weekend. … Stefanik has pushed the false claim that Democrats were planning to legalize undocumented immigrants in order to replace American voters … There is a reason Democrats actually allow illegals to register to vote and vote.…
Appalling California Bill Will Allow Children as Young as 12 to Consent to Vaccinations at School Without Parents' Knowledge…to-vaccinations-at-school-without-parents-knowledge-n563897
– So parents are the problem, not the people who want to replace them. … California Democrats want us to believe that they have to do this because parents work too much? … He urges all parents to immediately flood committee Democrats with their concerns.…
In Which Jim Galloway Needs To Learn The Google
– Massachusetts’s whites are failing to replace themselves, averaging only 1.6 babies per woman, and the state’s liberal Democrats are … were actually conservative Democrats who became Reagan Democrats and ultimately migrated to the GOP. … He should try it some time.…
Cuba is Cracking Down on Dissidents, and Obama's to Blame
– Back in January, I wrote about how we should not expect substantial changes to Cuba’s communist political system despite the “thaw … As the protesters themselves said, this is exactly the sort of thing the United States should be using its leverage to end. … Obama won’t do that, and neither will any of the Democrats running to replace him.…
We Need a New Republican Party
– They should be discussed in human terms. … In every Congressional district there should be a search made for young men and women who share these principles and they should be … If we truly believe in our principles, we should sit down and talk.…
Why I Will Not Vote for Donald Trump in the primary, the General Election, or in a race for dogcatcher
– Trump did stick to his position that the “abortion aspect of Planned Parenthood should not — absolutely should not — be funded.” … What should concern anyone on the Right would be Trump’s political beliefs du jour.  … We should have supported Alison Grimes in the general election, just to be rid of Mitch. …
The Democratic Desultory Debate Disaster reminds us that Elections Have Consequences.
– In fact, the Democrats may end up missing the 2018 cycle at this point*.   … now… In the wake of Hillary Clinton’s recent misfires, let’s take a look at what options the Democrats have to replace her, shall … There is no victory condition possible for the Democrats, here. Or, more accurately, they’re trying to force a draw.…
Should House Republicans Draft Paul Ryan To Be Speaker?
– Kevin McCarthy (R-CA)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’M001165′ ] stepping aside from the race to replace [mc_name name=’Rep. … Ryan has gotten along with Boehner, and with a lot of Democrats in his district and family, and voted for things like Medicare Part … His personal reasons for not wanting the job should not be underestimated.…
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