Results for: trump

Trump Surrenders Virginia
–   NBC News reports that the Donald Trump campaign is “pulling out of Virginia”: The decision came from Trump’s headquarters … Trump has trailed Hillary Clinton in every Virginia poll since August, by a margin that’s only widened over the last month. … The Real Clear Politics average for Virginia: Trump vs. Clinton vs. Johnson vs. Stein has Hillary ahead by 7.5 percent.…
Trump as Healer?
– This is the kinder, gentler Trump. … @KellyannePolls confirms on MSNBC that Trump won't investigate HRC. … "If Donald Trump can help her heal, then perhaps that's a good thing.…
How Trump Wins
– President Trump in MAGA HatMy fellow RedStater, Alex Parker penned great piece about actual border wall construction. … Admittedly, it’s not the “great big beautiful (concrete) wall,” Trump touted during his Presidential campaign, but it is a serious … They know that President Trump has a long list of accomplishments in his just-over two years in office.…
Pondering Donald Trump
– – Trump expands the national profile of the Republican Party. … The Bad:     – Trump really has no ideological core. … He is for Donald Trump.…
Trump Saves Lives!
– (AP Photo/John Minchillo, File) Trump Saves Lives! Yet, you would never know it by press reporting. … As always, the liberal LA Times pole vaults over mouse droppings to avoid crediting Trump, again, emphasis mine.…
IT'S TRUMP: Florida Primary Has Been Called For Donald Trump
– Yeah, they’re going to Trump, according to all the major outlets. … It has created a giant moment for Donald Trump. Trump now has a commanding delegate lead. He now has a huge boost to momentum. … Trump won it in a walk. He crushed his opponents. What does Rubio do from here? It’s hard to say.…
Who Said It: Donald Trump or a Donald Trump Supporter?
Trump is concerned. Donald Trump is a very contagious disease. … Donald Trump 2. Trump Supporter 3. Trump Supporter 4. Donald Trump 5. Donald Trump 6. Trump  Supporter. 7. Donald Trump 8. … Donald Trump 9. Donald Trump 10. Donald Trump
Trump Wants His Wall to be Called the Trump Wall
– Presidential candidate Donald Trump airs out his tiny thumbs after removing them from his posterior. … should be named after him: “Maybe they will name it ‘the Trump Wall.’ … He claims the Trump Wall will stem the tide of illegal immigrants and illicit drugs: “Walls work.…
Trump Going To Trial For Trump University on November 28th
– “Trump University is something that I’ve thought about for a long time. … Hilariously, Trump himself likes to tout that the school had a 98% satisfaction rate… Trump University has a 98% approval rating. … “Yet I overheard Trump University representatives telling them, ‘It’s ok; just max out your credit card.'”…
Trump Henchman Roger Stone Denies That Donald Trump Is Homosexual
– No, it turns out that Trump had not used cocaine. … “Lastly, she wanted to know what about the reports that Donald Trump is gay,” he said. … “Folks, there is no report Donald Trump is gay.…
Former Trump Adviser: Expect To See More Unscripted Trump Moments
– adviser, Roger Stone, promised that the world would see more unscripted Trump pressers, because that’s what his fan base wants to … “That’s not the case with Donald Trump. He is his own man. … This can only hurt Trump, in the long run.…
President Trump Releases Statement on Donald Trump Jr.'s Meeting
Trump, who had remained silent about Donald Trump Jr.’s meeting with a Russian lawyer during the presidential  campaign: “My son … is a high-quality person and I applaud his transparency,” Trump said in a statement read by White House principal deputy press secretary … It won’t do a thing to calm the storm, but at least President Trump let everyone know he has his son’s back.…
Notoriously Pro-Trump Rasmussen Poll Shows Clinton Up Over Trump
– It has a history of putting Donald Trump higher than most polls, it even had him virtually tied with Hillary Clinton for the last two … Regardless of how garbage the poll is, it still has Donald Trump losing. … This comes after the Fox News released a poll yesterday that had Trump down 10 points.…
Trump Apologist Makes Bizarre Comparison Between Trump and Military Families
– I’m under the belief that to join the Trump train, it is a requirement to be lobotomized as part of the admission. … She also, absurdly, said that every single other military family should be demanding that they apologize for insulting Trump by asking … You can always count on Scottie Nell Hughes to bring the IQ level down into negative territory whenever Trump blurts out something…
Trump Campaign Paying Astonishingly Inflated Rates for Trump Tower Rent
Trump nearly quintupled the monthly rent his presidential campaign pays for its headquarters at Trump Tower to $169,758 in July, when … The Trump campaign payed Trump Tower Commercial LLC $35,458 in March – the same amount it had been paying since last summer – and had … , Florida, Trump National Golf Course, in Jupiter, Florida, and Trump Restaurants, LLC totals of $29,715, $35,845, and $125,080.…
Trump Campaign Issues A Non-Denial On Trump Foundation Fraud
– Fahrenthold has broken stories on the Trump Foundation buy an oil painting of Trump for $10,000 and gifting that portrait to Trump. … But yesterday, he broke the big story; Donald Trump has used at least $250,000 dollars from the Trump Foundation to pay fines and legal … Trump personally and the Trump Foundation, however, are staying focused on their charitable giving to veterans, the police, children…
Mike Pence defends make-believe Trump instead of real Trump…e-pence-defends-make-believe-trump-instead-real-trump-n62401
– Using lies and made-up answers, Pence attempted to pretend Donald Trump didn’t exist as he weakly defended the New York liberal. … (To be fair, Trump has recently “softened” his promise to deport illegals) When Kaine called out Trump for his controversial and dangerous … I just can’t vote for the actual Donald Trump.…
Report: Trump Used Trump Foundation to Advance His Political Career
– Smith was struck by “a different Donald Trump than I expected.” … But Trump delivered. “It was a quiet donation that came with a simple cover letter,” Smith said. … Trump Foundation.…
Little and Late, Trump Trumpologizes for Getting Caught Being Trump
– Around midnight Friday night, Donald Trump issued a video apology for his 2005 remarks about women, which dominated the news on Friday … Trump is not any of the above. … Isn’t “preservation of the family” one of the chief arguments that people, including a huge percentage of Trump voters, offer as a…
Trump Ascending: New Poll Holds Some Positives for President Trump
– administration, and his recent cave on a massive budget-busting omnibus bill, things are coming up [sort of] roses for President Trump … The CNN poll,  conducted from March 22-25, showed Trump with a 42 percent approval rating, up 7 points from the network’s same poll … In other areas, a bit over 50 percent disapprove of the way Trump has handled gun policies and foreign affairs.…
'Never Trump Conservative' Admits Sanders' Win Means Trump Is Winning
– (AP Photo/Eric Gay) It’s been interesting watching some more Democrats and Never Trump Republican/former Republican folks come … But Never Trump “conservative” Tom Nichols takes it even another step. … Nichols, a professor at the Naval War College, has been virulently anti-Trump for years.…
Trump Just Won 2020 or How President Trump Wins (Redux)
– President Trump has just won the 2020 Presidential election. … That permitted President Trump to start to fulfill his promises. … As I mentioned in pervious articles here and here, President Trump has been keeping the promises he made as a candidate: U.S.…
Trump Economic Advisor: Don't Blame Trump for Tariffs; Here's Why
–     On CNN’s State of the Union Sunday, Trump economic advisor Larry Kudlow said people shouldn’t place blame on President … Trump for his imposition of tariffs (covered in these three articles) The reason Trump isn’t at fault? … I say, ‘Don’t blame President Trump.'”…
Donald Trump and Ron DeSantis Blow up ‘Trump vs. DeSantis'
– Last night, Trump gave a direct quote, and he torched the entire narrative. … BREAKING: President Trump calls reports of fighting between him and Gov. … s=20 Of note is Raju using ‘’Trump administration’’ in his boast.…
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