Results for: michelle lujan grisham
VP Watch: Gretchen Whitmer Isn't a Likely Pick, but There's a New Name Floating Around…a-likely-pick-but-theres-a-new-name-floating-around-n137633…a-likely-pick-but-theres-a-new-name-floating-around-n137633
There is another option, and it does tie in to the coronavirus outbreak: New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham.…
Protester Shot In New Mexico Leads to Charges and It Shows the Double Standard On 'Agitation'…aving-a-knife-shows-the-double-standard-on-agitation-n243740…aving-a-knife-shows-the-double-standard-on-agitation-n243740
Michelle Lujan Grisham said in a statement condemning the “heavily armed individuals who flaunted themselves at the protest, calling…
Are New Mexico Citizens In Jail Today for Acting Lawfully? Seems That Way…having-acted-lawfully-new-mexico-has-open-carry-law-n243647…having-acted-lawfully-new-mexico-has-open-carry-law-n243647
So, let’s identify the players and relevant details about them:
New Mexico Governor — Michelle Lujan Grisham, Democrat elected in … Lujan Grisham said late Monday in a statement. … Lujan Grisham and Mayor Keller that the “civil guard” were responsible for the violence? …
Howling Leftwing Mob Tries to Murder a Man in Albuquerque but They Don't Count on Him Defending Himself
Michelle Lujan Grisham and other officials condemned the violence and those who instigated it. … Grisham said late Monday in a statement. … In fact, they felt so empowered by the support Lujan Grisham has extended to these would-be Spartacist street fighters that they were…
Joe Biden Will Soon Choose His Running Mate, and He Has Three Good Options…hoose-his-running-mate-and-he-has-three-good-options-n244624…hoose-his-running-mate-and-he-has-three-good-options-n244624
I was thinking I might-see Michelle Lujan Grisham, who has been a less public name but one I’ve heard whispered in the background several … So it’s down to Tammy Duckworth, Keisha Lance Bottoms, Michelle Lujan Grisham, Kamala Harris, and Val Demings. … Michelle Lujan Grisham is probably the only other potential spoiler for Harris, as she offers him an in-road into the Hispanic community…
Opinion: Attacks on the Second Amendment Will Send Us Down a Dangerous Road…second-amendment-will-send-us-down-a-dangerous-road-n321480…second-amendment-will-send-us-down-a-dangerous-road-n321480
state law backed up by presidential executive order, supposedly authorizing such a raid—a law signed back in 2019 by then-Governor Michelle … Lujan Grisham, a Democrat, and order signed by President Joe Biden before he was unceremoniously removed by the Democrat Party, in…
New Mexico Essential Businesses Closed By Governor For Two Weeks
Now, out of New Mexico, it has been announced that Liberal Democrat Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has ordered more than a dozen essential … Michelle Lujan Grisham at a time when the state’s residents are suffering from record high unemployment and food insecurity, critics … Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham and her staff probably should see if any Community Colleges are offering any online classes for Economics…
Ignore the Authoritarians, Celebrate Thanksgiving With Your Family
Michelle Lujan Grisham.
“You can’t enforce that,” she said.…
New Mexico Democratic Governor Tries to Fine Churches 10,000 Dollars for CHRISTmas Eve Services…ne-churches-10000-dollars-for-christmas-eve-services-n303126…ne-churches-10000-dollars-for-christmas-eve-services-n303126
Lujan Grisham of New Mexico. … From The Blaze…
New Mexico’s Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham fined two churches $10,000 apiece for violating the state … Maybe they are, but you will certainly not hear that from good ole Michelle and her spokesperson Trepp.…
Hispanic Catholics Now Outnumber White Evangelicals in Southwest
Currently, Michelle Lujan Grisham of New Mexico is the only Hispanic Catholic governor in the nation, while Arizona and California…
New Mexico Abortion Center Sets 'Starting Goal' of 75 Terminations a Week
Among the most fervent pro-abortion figures is the state’s Democratic Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham, who last year funneled $10 million … Last June, Grisham also signed an executive order prohibiting state agencies from assisting in the prosecution of abortionists in other…
LIVE ELECTION RESULTS: California, Iowa, Mississippi, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, and South Dakota…sippi-montana-new-jersey-new-mexico-and-south-dakota-n575414…sippi-montana-new-jersey-new-mexico-and-south-dakota-n575414
Additionally, while incumbent Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham is running unopposed for the Democrats, on the Republican side, five…
DCCC, Congressional Hispanic Caucus Members Apparently Don't #BelieveHer…al-hispanic-caucus-members-apparently-dont-believeher-n95903…al-hispanic-caucus-members-apparently-dont-believeher-n95903
Ben Ray Lujan, one of the partiers, tweeted his opposition to Brett Kavanaugh. … Read it here:
— Ben Ray Luján (@repbenraylujan) September 7, 2018
Lujan hasn’t made a public comment … Michelle Lujan Grisham (D., N.M.), who chairs the Hispanic caucus, has reportedly privately relayed concerns to Cardenas about the…
The Midterms: New Mexico
Lujan Grisham, for the Democrats. … That is because Grisham faced a more competitive primary where she defeated Jeff Apodaca decisively. … However, he has failed to endorse Grisham and is, in fact campaigning with Pearce. …
Does Your Representative Support Ripping Babies’ Limbs Apart in Painful Abortions?
Michelle Lujan Grisham (D-NM)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’L000580′ ] (NM-1)
[mc_name name=’Rep. … Ben Lujan (D-NM)’ chamber=’house’ mcid=’L000570′ ] (NM-3)
New York
[mc_name name=’Rep.…
House Dems Plan Protest During Trump's Speech to Congress
Jim Langevin (R.I.), who was shot accidentally as a teen and became the first quadriplegic to serve in Congress; Michelle Lujan Grisham…
Euthanasia Proponents Have Found a Loophole to Legalize Assisted Suicide Nationwide
The state’s newly-elected Democratic Governor, Michelle Lujan Grisham, has stated her support for assisted suicide.…
New Mexico's Newest Attack on Guns Points Out How Lazy and Blasé Government Is Towards the Constitution…zy-and-blase-government-is-towards-the-constitution-n2169202…zy-and-blase-government-is-towards-the-constitution-n2169202
She also admits that in New Mexico, under the "leadership" of Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham (D), the state does take away people's…