Results for: gain-of-function

New 'Bombshell' Study Claims to Prove China Bioengineered COVID-19
– a probable lab leak of COVID-19. … Anthony Fauci and the NIH sending grant funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology for gain-of-function research. … that has killed millions of people.…
We Likely Paid the Ultimate Price for Fauci's Gain-of-Function Research, but Saw None of the Alleged Benefits…nction-research-but-saw-none-of-the-alleged-benefits-n379630
– Nuclear research would fall under the definition of what is known as Dual-Use-Research-of-Concern (DURC). … A type of DURC, gain-of-function research (GoF) essentially force-mutates viruses to make them more pathogenic, transmissible, and … with the hopes of developing a one-time universal vaccine for a wide variety of viruses. …
VIDEO: Fauci Told US Senate in 2012 Benefits of Risky Research Outweighed Potential 'Accidental Release'…senate-testimony-supporting-dangerous-viral-research-n388188
– Fauci vehemently denied that the NIH funded any Gain-of-Function research (GoF) at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and that if there … Fauci has been a long proponent of gain-of-function experiments, including experiments that created viral strains of influenza and … results of these studies outweighed the risk of potential misuse of the information in the manuscripts.”…
The Point Everyone Is Missing About The Wuhan Lab Leak Theory
– As I have been writing about the Wuhan lab leak theory and NIH/NIAID funding of gain-of-function research over the last few weeks, … , and responsibly managed to minimize the impact of conflicts of interest. … Instead of questioning the motives of those pointing out the irregularities between China’s reporting of the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak (and…
The Gun Smoketh After More Dr. Fauci Comments Are Unearthed Regarding the Wuhan Lab…fauci-comments-are-unearthed-regarding-the-wuhan-lab-n387944
of DURC/Gain-of-function research and balancing the risks and “concerns.” … Now, we find out that he was likely wrong about the dangers of gain-of-function research. You get the point. … And, he was even wrong about gain-of-function research.…
The Most Feared Man in the Republican Party
– is required under the gain-of-function research guidelines. … Fauci’s Testimony to Rand Paul on ‘Gain-of-Function’ Research Certainly Seems Like It Was Untrue) Paul began cornering Fauci on the … The Senate recently passed his amendment to halt China’s gain-of-function research, which passed 53 to 46 with actual cheers.…
Sen. Kennedy Perfectly Sums up the Relationship of WHO and China in One Hilarious Visual…elationship-of-who-and-china-in-one-hilarious-visual-n387060
– As we reported earlier, he got Fauci to admit there’s “no way of guaranteeing” that the funding in question didn’t go toward gain-of-function … Fauci responded, “I have no way of knowing the influence of the president of China over the WHO.” … Now, of course, Fauci knows it’s true.…
The Assertion That US Intel Doesn't Believe the Lab Leak Theory Is Credible Was Just Shot Down by Biden…leak-theory-is-credible-was-just-shot-down-by-biden-n386797
– this year….Questions were raised about the legitimacy of the findings and the project was deemed to be an ineffective use of resources … “As of today, the U.S. … John Kennedy that he couldn’t guarantee that NIH funding hadn’t ended up supporting gain-of-function research at the Wuhan Institute…
Is Fauci The Mastermind Behind the Creation of SARS-CoV-2? - Part III
– Fauci’s funding of DURC / Gain-of-function research through the NIH and NIAID.  … Ralph Baric did not conduct gain-of-function research. … Gain-of-Function Approved by NIH To question whether or not this research is “gain-of-function” is absolutely asinine. …
Senate Cheers as Rand Paul's Amendment to Halt Taxpayer Funds for China's Gain-of-Function Research Passes…er-funds-for-chinas-gain-of-function-research-passes-n386698
– , to fund “gain-of-function” research not long after denying that it could have, it seems imperative that any possibility of it happening … SENATE: The Senate chamber erupts into cheers after an amendment proposed by @RandPaul that bans US funding of gain-of-function research … Now we’ve gone from “the NIH has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute of Virology” to “there…
It Sure Seems Like Dr. Fauci Just Admitted to Committing Perjury
– Anthony Fauci’s connections to the Wuhan Institute of Virology and funding that went there for gain-of-function testing. … warned was unsafe and in which documented gain-of-function research was being conducted. … is required under the gain-of-function research guidelines.…
Despite Moratorium, Fauci Approved US/China Research Leading to New Coronavirus Targeting Human Airway Cells…mastermind-behind-the-creation-of-sars-cov-2-part-ii-n386361
– Fauci’s funding of Dual-Use Research of Concern (DURC) and Gain-of-function research through the NIH and NIAID. … If this could be considered the birth of gain-of-function studies of the SARS virus, Dr. … and the release of gain-of-function guidelines by the HHS.…
NIH/Fauci-Funded Research Led to a 'More Contagious' Bird Flu Deemed 'Weapons Technology' by Dutch Government
– never heard: “Gain-of-Function.”  … to DURC and gain-of-function research. … of DURC/Gain-of-function research and balancing the risks and “concerns.”…
Conspiracy Theorists Aren't Created In a Vacuum, Our Institutions Are to Blame for Their Rise…vacuum-our-institutions-are-to-blame-for-their-rise-n385725
– broke some sort of dam and hit the populace with so force that people make a lot of money and notoriety out of spreading them around … The idea of “Q” isn’t so much a person as many believe, but an entire community of people telling each other stories, some of them … Fauci About Gain-of-Function Research) I won’t go into these conspiracy theories as there are too many to count, but talking about…
Tom Cotton's Going After Fauci - and Public Health Bureaucrats - for Ignoring Research Ban…at-going-after-public-health-bureaucrats-in-general-n385517
– Anthony Fauci, on his department granting the CCP funds to perform gain-of-function research on coronaviruses (or, in other words, … why they were funding gain of function research in these Wuhan labs,” Cotton said. … gain-of-function research, research into making some of the world’s deadliest pathogens even more dangerous.”…
Polling Shows Americans Are So Over Dr. Anthony Fauci
– While some on the left have made him into some sort of a pandemic hero, a new survey is showing that Americans’ opinion of Fauci has … There was a party-line split in some of the opinion, with 66.1% of Republicans being less confident and 32.4% of Democrats being more … Will they acknowledge any of the other questions being raised about gain-of-function research raised by Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY)?…
Fauci Admits He's 'Not Convinced' COVID-19 Developed Naturally, Could Have Leaked From Lab
– It’s time to stop pussy-footing around all of the questions surrounding the origin of COVID-19 and deferring to the Oracle of Public … that’s killed 3,000,000 people, wrecked the mental health and financial stability of millions, and changed the trajectory of all of … Paul grilled Fauci about NIH/NIAID funding of gain-of-function research (a/k/a “Dual-Use Research of Concern) in coronaviruses at Wuhan…
Biden OMB Director's Troubling Responses on Funding the Wuhan Lab and 'Birthing People'…sponses-on-funding-the-wuhan-lab-and-birthing-people-n394183
– RedState writers have reported extensively on the Wuhan coronavirus origin issue, the lab leak theory, and gain-of-function (or virus … Of course, that would be a logical thought. So, therefore, it wouldn’t be one that’s occurred to the Biden people. … Jason Smith (R-MO), asked Joe Biden’s Director of the Office of Management and Budget Shalanda Young during a Congressional hearing…
Fauci Loses It Big Time, Rants Attacking Him Is 'Attacking Science'
– If you say the “science is settled” or that you should not be questioned, you’re really not much of a scientist. … For example, in March of last year, he told people it wasn’t necessary for them to wear masks. … There are a ton of questions that deserve answers here, particularly on gain-of-function research and funding to the Wuhan lab.…
Expert Virologist Claims 'Scientific Evidence Points to the Conclusion That the Virus Was Developed in a Lab'…the-conclusion-that-the-virus-was-developed-in-a-lab-n394006
– Why did it replicate the choice the lab’s gain-of-function researchers would have made? … Was it omitted in the hope that nobody would notice this evidence of the gain-of-function origin?” … in the public outbreak suggests gain-of-function acceleration.…
VIDEO: Wuhan Lab Funder Daszak Used as Chinese Propaganda Puppet
– the actual evidence of the types of research they were conducting at the Wuhan Institute of Virology nor the viruses on which they … PD: Well, from from day one of leaving Wuhan we’ve had these media reports about lack of access, lack of transparency, lack of openness … host, nor how long it will take you to determine all those things, yet it definitely wasn’t from a lab, that was conducting viral-gain-of-function
BREAKING: Video Shows Fauci Lied to Congress About Funding Virus Weaponization at Wuhan…congress-about-funding-virus-weaponization-at-wuhan-n392473
– defined gain-of-function for the attendees. … by Fauci as gain-of-function. … why this research isn’t gain-of-function.…
Meghan McCain Flogs Fauci: The Scientist 'Wanted to Be a Kardashian'
– On Thursday’s installment of The View, the daughter of late Sen. … Recently, Fauci has admitted that he lied to Rand Paul about (the need for) masks and gain-of-function funding to the Wuhan Institute … of Virology.…
WaPo's COVID-19 Origins Piece Is Just Another Laughable, Unscientific Cover for Peter Daszak and EcoHealth Alliance…nother-cover-for-peter-daszak-and-ecohealth-alliance-n392238
– Virology through gain-of-function studies.  … In fact, a letter co-authored by the father of gain-of-function research, Dr. … mutated to SARS-CoV-2, they completely discount the fact that that mutation could have taken place at the lab which was conducting gain-of-function
Why Was the US Department of Defense Funding Bioweapons Research at Wuhan?…ment-of-defense-funding-bioweapons-research-at-wuhan-n391796
– to “EcoHealth Alliance” as part of the aggregated grant funding received by EcoHealth Alliance to conduct various types ofgain of … think it is important to note that RedState, led by my colleague Scott Hounsell, was asking questions about US government funding gain-of-function … lab that had been used to conduct “gain of function” research involving viral mutations such as that which is thought to possibly…
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