Results for: democrats should replace

Saving California: Interview with Greg Raths (R-CAND CA-45)
– Mimi Walters and Pat Maciariello to replace U.S. Rep. John Campbell, who is retiring.  Not only does Col. … His job is not just to be leader of the Democrats, he’s supposed to be the leader of the whole country.  … With two-thirds Democrats in each house they can pass anything they want. …
The GOP punditocracy's fear of winning
– Policy Repeal and replace is a slogan. It is not a policy. … Back to the Rubio-Ryan “repeal and replace” bill that is allegedly in the works. … The last thing we should be doing is trying to find ways of propping it up.  …
House Conservatives Have the Power and Should Depose Speaker John Boehner
– There are 30 House conservatives whose vote against Boehner, along with the united front of Democrats voting for Pelosi, could deny … This is also why the 30 would not need to be unified on who they wanted to replace Boehner—another common problem in removing Boehner … The conspirators can never agree on who the replacement should be.…
Ditch Scalise For Not being Conservative Enough, Not For A BS Racism Charge
– If we want to replace Scalise, I wish we’d do it for him not being conservative enough rather than a trumped up charge of racist associations … , some friends even, that there is no strategic gain for conservatives in defending Scalise, but I don’t buy that or think that should … dubious claims of racism, but because it truly is the best form of government to lift our nation out of the doldrums caused by Democrats
Politifact: Saying the Green New Deal Costs $93T is "False"
– Keep in mind that AOC’s ridiculous plan wants to refurbish or replace every single building in the United States while also providing … They will rate the most insanely false statements by Democrats as “half-true” or “mostly true” but when a Republican says something … Instead of going after Jonie Ernst for a truthful statement based in objective evidence, Politifact should be “fact-checking” whether…
Bring It: Freshman NY Dem Slams AOC's Green New Deal Lies, Dares Justice Dems to Primary Him…aocs-green-new-deal-lies-dares-justice-dems-primary-n104360
– “We don’t need the Democratic version of ‘repeal and replace.’” Rose defeated Republican Rep. … He also was one one of the first Democrats in the House to criticize Rep. … This should not be difficult.…
SCOOP: Not Only Is President Trump Measuring the Drapes In RBG's Office, He's Identified the New Occupant…uring-drapes-rbgs-office-hes-identified-new-occupant-n104130
– You were ever sucked into the RBG-lifts-weights story, you probably should just stop reading now. … Axios’s Jonathan Swan has a scoop that says that President Trump intends to replace RBG with Amy Coney Barrett, an appeals court judge … (See Democrats Hammer Circuit Court Nominee Over Being Catholic and The New York Times Is Still Trying To Impose A Religious Test On…
Four 'Improper Actions' Made By Mueller During Collusion Investigation
– Del Beccaro lays out four areas that he says represent reasons why the investigation never should have happened. … “In America, you should not – or rather, cannot – be both a witness and a fact-finder,” Del Beccaro writes. … Del Beccaro says Mueller should have sought prosecutorial help outside DC’s swamp.…
LISTEN: Dan Crenshaw Is On A Social Media Tear Against Dem Health Care Bill; This Podcast Explains What He's Talking About…ar-dem-health-care-bill-podcast-explains-hes-talking-n106758
– (AP Photo/Andrew Harnik) Marie Fishpaw, director of Domestic Policy Studies at The Heritage Foundation, explains the Democrats’ just-voted-on … She also discusses the show-vote on the bill, which happened Thursday, saying the Democrats know the bill will never be passed in the … She also discusses legislation she believes Republicans should consider developing as a replacement for Obamacare, the Health Care…
Revealed: Barack Obama Slammed Hillary Clinton, Savaged Her Campaign After 2016
Democrats are still trying to re-litigate with their various Trump investigations and not a month goes by without Hillary Clinton herself … The book details that Obama could not believe Americans had “decided to replace him with a buffoonish showman whose calling cards had … Again, perhaps Obama should reflect on why he was replaced with Trump?…
CA RECALL: No, There Is No Rigging of Larry Elder on the Ballot; There Is Too Much Misinformation…elder-on-the-ballot-there-is-too-much-misinformation-n430017
– One way Newsom and the Democrats can win is by having us chase our tail with sabotage theories that have no basis in fact; the other … Then we go to question 2 – who should replace Gavin. He is not listed there and cannot be by law. … There are no major Democrats on the ballot – and don't believe that Survey USA poll naming Kevin Paffrath as a frontrunner.…
California Recall Election Ballots Begin to Arrive
– Question one is a YES or NO that simply asks if Governor Gavin Newsom should be removed from office. … If you vote YES, you must choose only one from a list of forty-six candidates to replace him. … affixed at the Assembly and State Senate levels of government, the easiest way for Californians to disrupt the status quo is to replace
TOTAL RECALL, WEEK 2: The Countdown to the Special Gavin Newsom Recall Election…ountdown-to-the-special-gavin-newsom-recall-election-n438807
– taking advantage of candidate Larry Elder’s detraction from California issues by saying he would appoint a Republican Senator to replace … “How dare people say we should recall someone who was brave enough to make the hard decisions in spite of the fact that it would hurt … Not quite the Napa wine cave that Pelosi and the Democrats like to frequent, but it was the perfect place for a campaign event and…
Trafalgar Group's CA Recall Poll Intentionally Excluded a Leading GOP Candidate…call-poll-intentionally-excluded-a-leading-candidate-n437261
– When respondents today are shown the full list of candidates, which includes 9 Democrats, Paffrath’s support reverts to what may be … Judging by the report, the only candidates presented to survey respondents when asked the question, “Should Newsom be recalled, who … , of the following candidates, would you most likely support to replace him?”…
Biden Polls Crater: Most Want Him to Resign, Shocking Number Is on Impeachment…want-him-to-resign-shocking-number-is-on-impeachment-n436574
– If you factor in that the polls tend to weight to Democrats, you know the numbers are likely even worse. … Lindsey Graham (R-SC) that Biden deserved to be impeached. 60% agreed with Graham’s statement that Biden should be impeached, with … “A desire to get Biden out of the White House does not translate to confidence in his vice president’s qualification to replace him…
TOTAL RECALL: The Countdown to the Special Gavin Newsom Recall Election…ountdown-to-the-special-gavin-newsom-recall-election-n435307
– Rallying the faithful Democrats appears to be the new goal, so The Atlantic and The Economist writers, along with The New York Times … We should have had one to replace @KamalaHarris. #RecallGavinNewsom isn't about national politics! … Those facts should have been a clear giveaway that there was an agenda afoot, but The Los Angeles Times said, “Hold my beer”.…
The Mama Bear Recall, Part 3: The Fight Is Not Going to Stop After the September 14 Newsom Recall Election…o-stop-after-the-september-14-newsom-recall-election-n434982
– this California citizen-led recall comes to a head, Abercrombie’s message to the organizations and candidates, Republicans or Democrats … “I know that everybody has different people that they probably want to replace Newsom, if we prevail. … “We need those moderate Democrats, we need those independent votes. We have to have those votes or this isn’t going to happen.”…
Portrait of Gavin Newsom on the Struggle Bus
– To override such tactics, in California and beyond, Democrats should not rely on their ability to unearth a more visionary leader. … They should try to fix the quirk. … the people who hope to replace him as pro-Trump extremists.…
Republicans Can Accept Reality in Places Like California or Keep Losing
– Further, as it became clear that Elder would win the second question and become governor if the recall succeeded, Democrats became … Because Elder was not perceived as a safe enough choice to replace Newsom. The rest is history. And look, I get it. … Elder should have recognized his own liabilities and instead thrown his weight behind someone who wouldn’t have undermined the recall…
Feinstein's Senate Seat Belongs to the People, Not the Governor
– Larry Elder recently told radio host Mark Levin that he would "most certainly would" replace Sen. … The true conservative response should have been a direct rebuke to the progressive swamp culture that saturates Sacramento. … Regardless of party, we don’t need to replace one overreaching bureaucrat with another.…
NY Gov. Moves to Fire Unvaccinated Healthcare Workers, Announces Even More Autocratic Actions…hcare-workers-announces-even-more-autocratic-actions-n448785
– Hochul said that she would invoke a state of emergency to be able to call in the National Guard to replace the fired workers which … She’s firing potentially thousands of people who just last year Democrats all lauded as “healthcare heroes.” … She never should have done this. She can’t allow you to have your own mind and defy the state.…
Fake 'Infrastructure' Week: We Really Need to Beat China to 5G Wireless
– Welcome to the DC — and Democrats’ fake “Infrastructure” Week.  … This being fake “Infrastructure” Week, we thought we’d highlight some real infrastructure in which government absolutely should engage … We Should Sell to – But Not Buy From – Communist China We should be incorporating a “Much Less China in America” policy. …
Trump Trade Principles to Mitigate the Climate Alarmists and Their Many Taxes…mitigate-the-climate-alarmists-and-their-many-taxes-n446558
– How should we rectify this idiocy?  How do we get to global climate change even-ness? … And replace it with the exceedingly better United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA). … We should at least not be the only people on the planet paying to destroy our economy.…
Los Angeles Times Writer Complains That Activist Media Isn’t Biased Enough
– , gerrymander legislative districts and replace nonpartisan election overseers with partisan ones. … In fact, the Democrats know the media is on their side. … Should we be surprised?…
An Important Election Battle in Cleveland Heats up, as Mayor Calls 'Defund Police' Supporters 'Tragedy Pimps'…s-mayor-calls-defund-police-supporters-tragedy-pimps-n464432
– The mayoral race to replace him has become a battle between a “defund police” candidate and a pro-law-and-order candidate. … You should vote “no.” host: I’ve referred to exactly what you’re talking about as people manipulating Black trauma. … If their electorate expresses distaste at the plans Democrats have for cities and law enforcement, it will have huge ripple effects…
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