Results for: critical race theory

Ivy League University President Insists Critical Race Theory's 'Scholarship' Is 'Urgent and Necessary'…cal-race-theorys-scholarship-is-urgent-and-necessary-n409141
– We’re at war over Critical Race Theory. … The Columbian News headline promises a definition, too: “What Is Critical Race Theory, and Why Is Everyone Talking About It? … “Critical Race Theory says every white person is a racist.”…
Christopher Rufo Issues a Devastating Rebuke of David French's CRT Fluff Piece…ror-christopher-rufo-responds-in-devastating-fashion-n408941
Race Theory in schools via legislation. … Their three core arguments — that critical race theory restrictions violate “free speech,” that state legislatures should stay out … In reality, they would usher in the concrete tyrannies of critical race theory, which explicitly seeks to subvert the principles of…
Are Conservatives Finally Learning How to Fight?
– The battle over Critical Race Theory (CRT) is still raging after having been in full swing for several months. … Moreover, it’s difficult to claim that no teachers are teaching Critical Race Theory when thousands of them signed a pledge declaring … The lesson that conservatives should take from the battle over Critical Race Theory is that remaining on the defense has never been…
Science Journal Decries Racism in Geology, Claims Black People Are Too Scared to Hold Hammers…y-claims-black-people-are-too-afraid-to-hold-hammers-n408878
– Washington Free Beacon, National Association of Scholars’ Sciences Project lead researcher Christopher Sanfilippo doesn’t think a race-oriented … But the rationale that underlies a meritocratic system is being chipped away at by critical theory.” … -ALEX   See more pieces from me: USA Today Runs Pro-Critical Race Theory Piece, Professor Says CRT’s Not ‘Divisive’ Puerto Rican…
Petition to Major University Claims Birth Names on Diplomas Make Trans Students Unsafe…s-birth-names-on-diplomas-make-trans-students-unsafe-n418746
– White Supremacy, Condemns Calling Fish Negative Names America’s Most Innovative University Hires Music Teacher Who Mixes in CriticalRace Theory Find all my RedState work here.…
The Progressive Left Might Not Hold as Much Sway Over the Culture as We Think…t-not-hold-as-much-sway-over-the-culture-as-we-think-n418556
– I’ve looked at Critical Race Theory, Defund the Police, cancel culture, and other staples of the hard leftist movement. … The left’s response to the furor over Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the classroom has been uncharacteristically inept.…
The Civil Response: Education Group Launches School 'Civics Challenge' To Foster Patriotic Education…chool-civics-challenge-to-foster-patriotic-education-n418362
– There has been a lot of controversy surrounding the incursion of Critical Race Theory into public school curriculums. … It is important for Americans to stand up against the toxic philosophy of Critical Race Theory, but critics are right – we can’t just … Wouldn’t it be wonderful if patriotic “theory” were to begin sweeping the nation as forcefully and quickly as CRT has?…
Surprise: Twitter Bans the Nation of Islam, but Not for Anti-Semitism
– Case in point: Rizza Islam promoted the false conspiracy theory that COVID vaccines make women infertile in a tweet last June. … White Supremacy, Condemns Calling Fish Negative Names America’s Most Innovative University Hires Music Teacher Who Mixes in CriticalRace Theory University Aims for Utopia, Launches Doctoral Program in ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ Find all my RedState work…
Woke to the Gills: Report Fillets Fish Management's White Supremacy, Condemns Calling Fish Negative Names…white-supremacy-condemns-calling-fish-negative-names-n418117
– And that’s fishy: The native species “deliver critical ecosystem services,” and “many” are “long-lived and vulnerable to over-fishing … June 9, 2020 -ALEX   See more pieces from me: America’s Most Innovative University Hires Music Teacher Who Mixes in CriticalRace Theory University Aims for Utopia, Launches Doctoral Program in ‘Diversity, Equity and Inclusion’ ACLU Discovers Another…
Biracial Physician Claims She Was Demoted for Not Being ‘Woke’ Enough
race theory and is taking legal action against it. … The issue began shortly after the murder of George Floyd and Gustilo began expressing opinions regarding race-neutral care and spoke … Racism (FAIR) (@fairforall_org) July 27, 2021 Her coworkers tried to convince her that she should agree with their views on race
America's Most Innovative University Hires Music Teacher Who Mixes in Critical Race Theory…ires-music-teacher-who-mixes-in-critical-race-theory-n418035
– Perhaps it’s Critical Race Theory. If that sounds right, this’ll be music to your ears. … “Critical Race Theory Scholar,” the outlet announces, “Joins ASU School of Music, Dance and Theatre.” … What amount of Critical Race Theory will be enough, as we analyze every element of society?…
Department of Justice Fires Warning Shot at Ballot Audits as the First Step in Its Campaign to Keep Democrats in Control of Congress…ts-campaign-to-keep-democrats-in-control-of-congress-n417852
– this mix we have a crisis on the border, the health care bureaucracy pleasuring itself by reading Mao’s Little Red Book at night, criticalrace theory is being foisted upon school kids and unwilling employees at the behest of this bunch of cretins, inflation is preparing…
Republicans Will Make Racism Central to the Upcoming Elections, and They Are Right to Do So…o-the-upcoming-elections-and-they-are-right-to-do-so-n417758
– Yes, Democrats already tend to inject race into every election season by labeling their Republican opposition as drooling bigots who … For the first time, Republicans will also be making race a central issue, and it just might work as long as they play their cards right … race theory is being shoved down everybody’s throat.”…
Homeschooling Is Surging, and Especially in Homes the Left May Find Troubling…and-especially-in-homes-the-left-may-find-troubling-n417015
– are at war with many educational bureaucracies attempting to push left-leaning ideological extremism on their children through CriticalRace Theory.…
Fourth-Graders Told Not to Tell Parents About Questions on 'Equity' Survey They Were Forced to Fill Out…stions-on-equity-survey-they-were-forced-to-fill-out-n416626
– This student just called out her teachers for giving out a Critical Race Theory survey to students and not letting them tell their … questions but was “part of a reckoning of how school systems nationwide should teach issues related not only to sexuality but as well as race
CNN Trots out Carl Bernstein to Take 'Trump Derangement Syndrome' to a Whole New Level…take-trump-derangement-syndrome-to-a-whole-new-level-n416624
Race Theory during a hearing with House lawmakers, last month. … white rage and I’m white, and I want to understand it.”: Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley shared his views on criticalrace theory in the military during a hearing Wednesday with House lawmakers. — CBS News (@CBSNews) June…
Military Leadership Has Broken Its Pact With the American People and Now a Price Will Be Paid…ith-the-american-people-and-now-a-price-will-be-paid-n416577
– From his pushing for Critical Race Theory in the military to it coming to light that he was preparing for a Trump coup, it’s obvious…
Are Democrats Finally Realizing That Wokeism Is a Fool’s Errand?
– The authors point to Eric Adams’ victory in New York City’s mayoral race as proof that voters are rejecting the incessant focus on … However, it is critical to point out that what the authors are missing is that the Democrats took tremendous losses in the House and … It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that initiatives like “Defund the Police” and Critical Race Theory (CRT) in the classroom…
Trump Eviscerates the Democrats in Rip-Roaring Rally in Arizona
– He called out Critical Race Theory, calling it blatant racism and a radical Marxist ideology. He chastised Gen.…
Shelby Steele Calls BS on the Left: 'This Is Not a Systematically Racist Society'…the-left-this-is-not-a-systematically-racist-society-n415839
– also talked about responsibility, the “word that shall not be spoken” — because it runs counter to the entire Black Lives Matter, CriticalRace Theory, systemic racism, white supremacy narrative. … up to support their various narratives; they will never understand that they do far more harm than good by constantly playing the race
The Chinese Claim They Chased a US Navy Destroyer out of the South China Sea and We Can No Longer Assume They Are Lying to Us…sea-and-we-can-no-longer-assume-they-are-lying-to-us-n415808
– The Paracel Islands are a flashpoint for any potential war between the US and China as China is claiming critical international routes … Military Shows That the Institution Is Rotten and the Long March Through It Is Nearly Complete US Naval Academy: Full Speed Ahead on CriticalRace Theory New Revelations Show How Absolutely Dangerous Our Military Leadership Has Become Report: Navy Says Sailors Can Use Whichever…
From JFK to AOC: How the Democrat Party Turned Into a 'Neo-Maoist Movement' — Victor Davis Hanson…urned-into-a-neo-maoist-movement-victor-davis-hanson-n415718
– I have said before that I believe the fight against the insidious cancer of Critical Race Theory — from parents wrecking school board…
Report: Professor Tells White Student if He's Breathing, He 'May Have Oppressed Somebody' Today…f-hes-breathing-he-may-have-oppressed-somebody-today-n415686
– As seen in a 2019 video, Sam called a couple students to the front of his 700-person SOC119: Race and Ethnic Relations class. … Critical Race Theory pedagogy teaches the same lessons to k-12 students. … Critical Race Theory pedagogy divides people and assigns worth based solely on race.…
A.U.D.I.T. of Elections: Grassroots Pressure Begins to Pay Off
– interest among Americans about what really transpired last year – and the Democrat narratives are being roundly laughed off by most critical … *AG Ellison tweeted late in afternoon of 11/3 they didn’t have the votes to win the state, just before they won the Obama-Romney race … [The RINO theory of “sweeping conspiracy theories” is a false as the Democrats’ “baseless claims” of election fraud, isn’t it?…
Some Schools Pay to Push CRT Curriculum at the Literal Expense of Everything Else…curriculum-at-the-literal-expense-of-everything-else-n414667
– One of the battles percolating around the issue of Critical Race Theory (CRT) centers on whether or not the neo-Marxist curriculum … Critical race theory is an explicitly left-wing movement inspired by the thinking of an Italian neo-Marxist, Antonio Gramsci.  … Critical race theory rejects the principle of equality of opportunity.…
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