Results for: the big guy

Are “Electable” Candidates Actually Electable? Part II: Swing State Electability…s-actually-electable-part-ii-swing-state-electability-n56333
– Neither was an excite-the-base guy, which is one reason the huge margin of Kasich’s 2014 win was mostly the product of depressed Democratic … Frankly the big down-ballot wipeouts of 2008 were due in good part to supercharged turnout for Obama (especially black voters), as … into the “war on women” narrative, and suffered a big gender gap.…
Watch Bloated Gasbag Karl Rove Carry Water for Donald Trump
– If this message caused precinct captains in the precincts to say, well, your guy is getting out… if that cost Carson four votes per … assume it on the part of the Carson campaign? … Here, in fact, is the polling over the last two weeks of Iowa – Rubio is the pink line, Carson is the red: As you can see, although…
Hear Rush Limbaugh Call Marco Rubio A "Legitimate, Full-Throated Conservative" [AUDIO]…all-marco-rubio-legitimate-full-throated-conservative-n56505
– He may see in Trump something of himself, a guy who blazed his own trail where one did not exist before (in the age of the Fairness … the McCains, and the Bob Doles, and the Romneys, and the others that have come along and been nominated by the establishment. … Rush has reminded his listeners that a race where Rubio is the guy the establishment has to settle for is a race conservatives have…
Eight Takeaways From Iowa As New Hampshire Looms
– Conventional wisdom said that big turnout would be great news for Trump, and that the possible failure of Trump’s amateur turnout machine … I suspect he also needs to win South Carolina, at which point two big primary wins in the bag would make it possible for him to lose … The guy who seems like he ought to re-evaluate before New Hampshire is Christie.…
Donald Trump Credits His Own Craptacular Judgment For His Iowa Third Place Finish
– So what kind of businessman looks at all the market research that shows he is winning in a big way and then cut his investment? … This is the guy who was leading in the RCP average: Let’s review the bidding on spending: Trump did spend a “fraction” of … The difference being that all the money Trump spent was his own. Not so with the other candidates.…
Water Cooler 1/31/16 Open Thread - Huck's memory, Slowing the Twitter, Ribble to retire
– Is the RNC the biggest loser?    … AdAge says $377 million is being spent by companies to get airtime in and around the big game. … The guy cannot stop messing it up.  Please help find this missing B-52 bomber.…
The Real Story Behind Rubio's No Show at Conservative Review Convention
– Rubio had a number of strong supporters at the rally that were clearly came to cheer for their guy. … Responding to rumors that the crowd was decidedly anti-Rubio which would’ve been a sandbag for the candidate, the organizer said that … But unfortunately, as the precedent had already been set with Bush, CR organizers knew they’d be stepping in a big mess if they permitted…
Kasich's Nice Guy Routine Is Destroyed When You Learn What He Did in 2014
– “nice guy” who stands in contrast to the big meanies who were all being mean to each other on Saturday night during the GOP debate … Republican conservative candidate, the 63-year old disciple of Ronald Reagan, John Kasich, won a big victory back home when Federal … Don’t believe the hype about Nice Guy John. He doesn’t exist.…
Washington Post: Did You Know That Jeb Bush's Pistol Is, Like, All Nazi, And Stuff?
– Predictably the gun-grabbing left made a big deal of that. Who cares. … The most bizarre angle was taken by the Washington Post’s “EDUCATION REPORTER,” some guy named, improbably, T. Rees Shapiro. … You know, the SS guy.…
Watercooler 2/17 Open Thread: Scalia Dissed, Random Weirdness, Food for Thought
– Today, we’ve got…   From the “You Stay Classy, Barry” File… Scalia Dissed When a Supreme Court Justice gets the Big Summons From … Big enough that Presidents traditionally make sure to attend the funeral and lead the nation in mourning. Not Bad Check Barry.  … Anyway, the big moment came with all of the candidates lined up in front of the podium waiting for me to pass judgment… “Donald Trump…
Can Any Republican Senators Afford To Go Wobbly On A Scalia Replacement? Guess Which Ones.…tor-can-afford-go-wobbly-scalia-replacement-guess-one-n56794
The battle to replace Antonin Scalia on the Supreme Court is gut-check time in the Senate, just as it is in the presidential race … the appointment of such inferior officers, as they think proper, in the President alone, in the courts of law, or in the heads of … of the elected branches, and that a single Justice can sway the balance of the Court for decades.…
Of The 22 Veterans Groups Trump Raised Money For, Only 3 Have Received Checks
– But those big checks can’t be cashed, and two weeks later some of the groups are just now beginning to get paid. … from The Wall Street Journal about the pending payments. … “Out of the goodness of my heart, I raised millions of dollars for the vets,” he said. Can you believe this guy?…
Donald Trump praises Saddam Hussein as... a terrorist fighter? Wait, WHAT?
The war in Iraq has been a disaster. … It started, the chain of events that leads now to the migration, maybe the destruction of Europe – he started the war in Iraq! … We would have been so much better off if Bush and the rest of ’em went to the beach and didn’t do anything.…
Trump Was the Biggest Loser during the South Carolina Debate
– I’ve got a question for Senator… BUSH: … This is coming from a guy who gets his foreign policy from the shows. … Obviously, the war in Iraq was a big, fat mistake. All right? … This is the same thing he did to Ben Carson. This guy will say anything, nasty guy.…
(VIDEO) New Ted Cruz Ad Hits Donald Trump For His Sleaze... And Doesn't Even Mention His Personal Life…donald-trump-sleaze-doesnt-even-mention-personal-life-n56747
– (AP Photo/John Bazemore) Donald Trump’s campaign manager made a big deal yesterday about the Trump campaign pulling an negative ad … The Cruz campaign, however, is hitting Trump for being sleazy. This, as you may imagine, is a big, fat, slow moving target. … VO: Trump bankrolled politicians to steamroll the little guy. A pattern of sleaze stretching back decades.…
New Hampshire Primary By The Numbers
– Republican Turnout Remains High: More voters cast ballots in the Republican than the Democratic primary in New Hampshire for the first … House from the Democrats and the last time a Republican won New Hampshire. … the top 3 candidates in Iowa he did not set a record, that still being held by John McCain in 2000 (who beat the guy who went on to…
Goodbye Chris Christie And Good Riddance
– Your record on the second amendment is a disgrace. You’re a big government conservative. … The very same guy you mocked because he “beat Ben Carson.” That was hilarious considering you finished tenth. Who did you beat? … You had a chance to take on Donald Trump to the betterment of the party and the country and you didn’t.…
Vote for the Non-Crooks. It's Important.
– We must show them that the strong horse is actually headed for the glue factory by the fall. … But if not, vote for the other guy. This is infinitely more important than your own precious ego or preferences. … the show even now.…
Donald Trump is a Glass-Jawed Coward Afraid to Debate Rubio or Cruz Again
The billionaire businessman said debates are repetitive and predictable. … “How many times can you say the same thing over and over? I can give you the answers of the governor, the two senators,” he said. … Trump may have a few right-wing instincts to go with his lifelong social liberalism and love of big government, but he has the backbone…
Donald Trump is an easily-duped dumba... dummy. #nevertrump
– genitals into the sausage machine, and hit the big red button. … No, it doesn’t have the slightest thing to do with the rest of this.  That’s the point.   … That’s what the ilduce2016 guy points to when people ask him if he’s a Fascist. Nope! This was a scam.  …
Donald Trump Quotes Mussolini And Says "What Difference Does It Make"
– Stay safe on the trail. We’ll see you Super Tuesday. It could be a big night for you. … But just like the Sean Connery character Danny Dravot in the film, The Man Who Would Be King, his followers believe he is divine so … Once he starts bleeding he’s just another pompous, privileged, rich guy — like the other pompous, privileged, rich guys his most devoted…
Marco Rubio Gives Democratic Strategists The Vapors
The one big knock on Marco Rubio, despite his obvious strengths as a campaigner, has been about his toughness: that he was more Barry … concern-trolling, shedding crocodile tears at the sight of a conservative going after a guy Hillary would walk all over: Theres … he belongs on the same stage with a guy whose rich father no doubt had nothing to do with him transferring from Fordham into an Ivy…
Rubio Rally In Kennesaw, GA; Has Fun At Trump's Expense (VIDEO)
– So here’s the one tweet he put out. He put a picture of makeup being put on me at the debate. … Which is amazing to me….that the guy with the worst spray tan in America is attacking me, for putting on makeup! … Tuesday is the big day. Going to be interesting to see what happens.…
This Parody Song MUST Be Recorded RIGHT NOW: 'I'd Do Anything For Trump (But I Won't Do Facts)'
– I need someone to sing it, and someone to play the music, and I need a video of Trump scenes in the background, and I need it now. … The guy has rewritten (obviously) “I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)” by Meatloaf, and turned it into a Trump and … This is only part of it, NewJerseyJoe has actually rewritten the entire song and you can read the full version at FreeRepublic.…
BREAKING. Former Jeb Bush Staffers Not Bitter At All Over Christie Endorsing Trump
– He’s the biggest phony of them all. … just hand his lunch money over to the bully! … But when you spend money the way these guys did, and drive your candidate from the catbird’s seat in June to out of the race in February…
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