Today Rick Tyler national spokesperson for the Ted Cruz Campaign, during an appearance on “America’s Newsroom,” talked about how Donald Trump’s cut and run stunt may damage his Iowa Caucuses effort. Tyler said that he thinks Trump has done great damage to his campaign by refusing to participate in the Iowa Debate tonight:
Iowa has wanted a debate for a long time. They deserve to see all the candidates on the stage so they can make a side by side comparison. For some reason Donald Trump doesn’t want that side by side comparison. We would like him to come to the debate. He should participate.
Asked about his sense how Iowa is reacting to Trump’s absence, Tyler said Iowans want candidates face to face:
Iowans want to meet their candidates face to face. Big rallies are fine, but actually meeting people, getting a feel for the candidate, that’s what Ted Cruz has done for over a year now. Donald Trump flies in, does a big event, he might shake a few hands and then he is off doing something else. Debates are where you can really compare…. if he’s not there we can’t compare. Our guy will stand up great to Donald Trump and he’s not there, people won’t see that. I want them to see that. I want them to see the contrast. But, He is making a contrast by not showing up.
When asked about Cruz saying if Trump wins in Iowa he may be unstoppable, he admitted it is possible, “It could be. So that’s why we want to win Iowa. We want to stop him right here in Iowa and reverse his momentum.”
Tyler also talked about the Cruz Campaign’s grassroots organization in Iowa. But earlier this week the Cruz campaign announced that it has an impressive grassroots Iowa campaign organization ready for the Caucuses. More than 12,000 volunteers, 1,573 caucus captains across and a county chair for each of Iowa’s 99 counties are working to identify and turn out caucus goers for Cruz. Volunteers, on average, are making up to 20,000 phone calls and knocking on 2,000 doors every day. This week, Cruz is barnstorming the state holding 30 public events in 22 counties leading up to the caucuses. By Monday, Caucus day, Cruz will have completed the “Full Grassley,” visiting and holding events in all 99 counties in the state.
You can watch the Interview in the following video:
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