Results for: the big guy

WATCH: Old Interview with Heavy-Drinking 'Thug' Obama Puts Wild-Man Brett Kavanaugh to Shame
The guy who was a boozer loser in his teens and, therefore in part, has no business being on the Supreme Court in his 50’s? … The hits: –Trigger Warning– “I think I was a thug for a big part of my growing up.” A THUG! … the hearings.…
Louis Farrakhan Leads a Chant in Iran: 'Death to Israel,' 'Death to America'
–     As millions of Americans concern themselves with the fate of the country and hope to affect it at the polls, Louis Farrakhan … Oh, that’s right — the nation…of Islam. Nevertheless, Don Jr. isn’t impressed: When will the democrats disavow this guy? … Answer: NEVER When will the democrats disavow this guy? Answer: NEVER — Donald Trump Jr.…
Missing: Barack Obama's Self-Awareness
– “That’s not how the Constitution of the United States works,” added Obama, who once taught constitutional law at the University of … Isn’t this the same guy who used an executive order to grant legal status to millions of illegal immigrants? … %2F This is the hypocrisy of the left and it’s hilariously brazen.…
Actor James 'Capitalism is a Cancer' Cromwell Threatens 'Blood in the Streets' if the Dems Don't Win
– At the fourth annual Carney Awards, the Babe and Big Hero 6 actor spoke to Variety and warned of blood in the streets if the Democrats … Then there will be blood in the streets.” … If you have an iPhone and want to comment, select the box with the upward arrow at the bottom of your screen; swipe left and choose…
Steve Scalise Burns Don Lemon to the Ground Without Using a Single Word
the prelude from The Big Lebowski, puts him in the running for the dumbest man on the planet, was hosting an hour-plus of Two Minute … The right-wing group killed a woman in Charlottesville. This guy is a right-winger who killed the people in the synagogue. … Where these attacks differ from the guy who mailed inoperative bombs to some prominent leftists and the guy who murdered eleven people…
The Best Defense: Pistol-Packing Birmingham Dad Kills Masked Gunman & Prevents a McDonald's Massacre…m-dad-kills-masked-gunman-prevents-mcdonalds-massacre-n96925
– savory Big Mac, perfectly crisp fries, very reasonably-priced coffee, and scot-free Wi-Fi (And yet, all the outcome of a sad and sinister … story — I recommend the movie The Founder). … In the process, he was struck by returning fire. So was his teenage son. Neither critically. But the bad guy was killed dead.…
Seattle's $15/Hour Minimum Wage Just Keeps Delivering Benefits to Workers
– Last week we spent a lot of being blamed by Democrats, the media, and Vichy Republicans for a homeless guy in Florida mailing inoperable … the 2014 law. … The ability of a business to pass along wage increases by raising prices has virtually disappeared in the era of big box stores and…
NPR Warns Against Racist Halloween Decorations
The article’s now-enlightened author says she never realized how racist the Halloween decorations were back when she was a youngster … Please sound off in the Comments section below. For iPhone instructions, see the bottom of this page. … If you have an iPhone and want to comment, select the box with the upward arrow at the bottom of your screen; swipe left and choose…
Ann Coulter Channels Margaret Sanger
– as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and on the streets, to be honored by others. … One of Margaret Sanger’s big arguments in favor of Planned Parenthood involved the Malthusian conceit that resource constraints gave … Brantly had treated the Burt Reynolds character from the movie “Boogie Nights” -the guy who gave the world Dirk Diggler and Chest Rockwell…
People are policy: GOP Whip lets lobbyist choose his staff
– whip– the guy responsible for moving the GOP’s legislative agenda forward. … That earned Feehery a pat on the back from Matthews: “Here’s a guy, Feehery, who’s a smart guy, admitting that this red meat is just … Feehrey on why big business is better that conservatives: Defeating crony capitalism has become the battle cry of libertarian conservatives…
Back To School Without Enough Choice
– If all three of these people can conquer a nice, healthy chunk of their corner of the world, how do the Honor Roll kids they teach … end up 1 month behind the better public schools in Atlanta and wearing the Honorable Sheila Jackson-Lee Dunce Cap in comparison to … This is why, on the 4th day of August, the 1st day of a new school year in Madison County, AL I strongly advise and admonish you to…
Why We Fight
– Senate badge is turned in and I no longer in any way speak for the senator for whom I interned — the Honorable Mike Lee of Utah — the … Ethnic minority separatists in the Ukraine shoot civilian airliners out of the sky.   … We fight because the Left, which likes to pretend like it represents the little guy, is perpetually in bed with Big Business: just…
Ferguson, Missouri and the Fog of Partisanship and Ideology
– On the other hand, the fact that a teenager posed in pictures and self-penned rap lyrics as a tough guy and smoked pot probably tells … Much the same, as Erick has noted, is true of the response of the police and the community after the shooting. … My concern here, as it was at the start of the Trayvon Martin case, is that the Left (the Democrats, the progressive activists, the
How Can We Believe Anything @Samrhall Says?
– He leaves out the bottom of the email so he can claim “Donors have no idea if they are giving to The Madison Project, RedState, Chris … McDaniel or a guy sending out spam emails on behalf of the prince of Madeupastan.” … Hall, I’ll provide you the entirety of the body of the email. I have some BIG news to share with you!…
I Hope The Libertarian Moment Happens In Ferguson, MO
The news coming out of Ferguson, MO caused me to experience the equivalent of a bad acid flashback without the initial fun of tripping … This guy was somewhat of a Che Guevara wannabee who was never going to hit it big in Hollywood. … agencies to keep the peace and respect the rights of residents and the press during this difficult time.…
Liberals Urge Southern Secession on Gamechanger Salon
– “In the alternative, could we just let the South secede?” the part owner of the Oakland Athletics baseball team queried. … Saperstein is not a fringe activist hiding out on the far reaches of the left. … from the Elephant to the Mastodon to reflect this developing reality).”…
Mitch McConnell Doesn't Help Republicans Look Anti-Cronyism
– Mitch McConnell took the CEO of Delta Air Lines to breakfast in the exclusive Senate Dining Room last month, the airline executive … The proximity between the meal on Capitol Hill and the date of the donations provides a window into how modern Washington works.” … The issue that we have is that the guy who Democrats constantly like to invoke as the face of the party and who isn’t exactly looking…
No. This is not a libertarian moment
– A couple of weeks ago the New York Times Magazine ran a lengthy piece by a guy named Robert Draper titled, Has the ‘Libertarian Moment … clear about where the government gets its money indicates that they will vote for big government. … When the big government leanings of Millennials are wedded to their “values” it will not be fun for those who do not fall in line.…
Tech at Night: Don't Break the Net
– More regulations hurt the little guy more than the big guy. Regulations hinder competition. Fast lanes become more likely. … for the FCC to do, basically overturning a key concept of the bipartisan Telecommunications Act, and re-regulating the Internet as … The Google-Obama ties continue to exist.…
On Ben Carson, 2016, and Moving On
– Not bad, guy. Immediately, the conservative movement jumped on Carson as someone to watch out for. … He had a great story – made his way from Detroit to Yale and, in the 80s, was a rock star with some big surgical procedures (included … I don’t dislike the guy, mind you, but in terms of realistic chances of pulling the country (and the world) from the cesspool it’s…
Lobbyist advises GOP to spend big and think small
– Ronald Reagan had only two big items: winning the Cold War and creating jobs. … of the president and keeps it in the hands of the legislative branch. … For the first time the GOP is the party trusted on immigration and that is because conservatives in the GOP have held the line on the
They Told Me If I Voted for the Establishment, This Would Not Happen
– Orrin Hatch of Utah, are leaning on big-ticket donors to fill the long-time Kansas senator’s campaign coffers. Sens. … But the sad thing about this is, even if both Roberts and Perdue lose, expect the establishment to learn nothing from the experience … safest path to more Republican seats is to continue electing the seasoned guy and the incumbent.…
Where I Was On September 11
– When I got above ground, there was a crowd gathering to see the horror above: a big hole somewhere in the top 15-20 stories of the … I thought of the guy who cleans the coffee machines, someone I barely speak to but see every day, who has to be in at that hour. … Aragorn responds that, to the contrary, it is the simpleness and even the pettiness of the hobbits that makes the task worthwhile,…
Fools, Dupes, and Knaves: a quick primer on the modern antiwar movement.
The Dupe shares a characteristic with the Fool – they were sincerely against the war – but while the Fool is typically derived from … , or strategies, or tactics, or even the personalities of the people running the GWOT.   … You can really, really easily identify a Knave these days: that guy over there?  The one who screamed about Bush’s War?  …
Scotland and the end of centralization
– “Too Big to Fail” is the kind of problem that only money-is-no-object central government could cook up. … The further into the stratosphere power goes, the less impact a voter, his family, or his community have on the outcome.   … The elites of Big Government are just too damn good at buying off constituents and assembling impervious electoral fortresses.…
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