Results for: democrats should replace

Morning Briefing for July 7, 2010
– good about their historic contribution to science … and math and engineering.”Now, reasonable people can disagree about what NASA should … be doing and how much we should spend on a national space program. … one of the most outrageous displays of arrogance by Washington in recent memory – which is saying a lot, of course – the House Democrats
Arrogant Washington Threatens Rick Perry and Texans' Right To Govern Themselves…tens-rick-perry-and-texans-right-to-govern-themselves-n35385
– one of the most outrageous displays of arrogance by Washington in recent memory – which is saying a lot, of course – the House Democrats … allow the federal government to give money directly to school districts, provided Perry certifies that the federal support will not replace … in the judicial nominations process and ridiculous criticisms of Senator Cornyn), complains that Perry misspent $3 Billion that should
Eric Cantor and John Boehner Don't Really Want to Repeal Obamacare
– and replace with lame legislation” effort. … It muddies the water and gives Democrats an escape from being forced to take action. … And should the GOP take back Congress in November, we should remember this betrayal and the lies that go with it.…
This Week in Washington - July 12, 2010
– This should be an interesting month of political posturing before Congress disappears for a month of recess in anticipation of elections … Financial Services Reform is the first priority for Democrats in the Senate.  … other steps are taken: a special session of the state legislature clarifies the law determining when an election for the seat to replace
Bob Bennett: Sore Loser
– I guess that is understandable.Well, today we’re getting word that Bob Bennet’s son is now working for the Democrats in Utah.How fitting … campaign for a fourth term this year, has begun working as a volunteer on the Senate campaign of Democrat Sam Granato, who hopes to replace … discussing ways to change Utah’s candidate-selection process.Jim Bennett says his defection to a Democratic candidate for the Senate should
Morning Briefing for August 6, 2010
– This should be just the beginning. … have town halls scheduled.Of the 75 most endangered Democrats, only 6 are having town hall meetings. … Nancy Pelosi claimed the Democrats were very proud of their agenda these past two years.If so, why are seventy Democrats hiding from…
Democrats Told To Stop Campaigning On Obamacare
– Note just how bad it must be for the Democrats and their messaging if “many are unaware that [Obamacare] has passed.” … This is consistent willful naivety by the Democrats. … should avoid making the claim that Obamacare will reduce costs and cut the deficit.…
Morning Briefing for August 20, 2010
Democrats Told To Stop Campaigning On Obamacare 2. Obama, Islam, And Subservient Media 3. … , we promise we will improve it.”And the kicker — the revised talking points counsel that Democrats should avoid making the claim that … It should be fun.…
Morning Briefing for October 3, 2011
– But he’s failing to point out that the Senate Democrats don’t have the votes. That’s right. … It shows the extent to which the Democrats will go to attack Republicans. … As conservatives, with a belief in experience as mankind’s best and only teacher, we should know better.…
We Sent 'Tea Party' Republicans to Washington for This?
– for proposing a tax increase.To be fair, if there are serious structural reforms to the tax code and serious concessions by the Democrats … But, based on what we know so far, the Democrats have offered nothing publicly substantive and the GOP is offering up a bunch of smoke … And fear should never be the starting point for negotiations.…
Morning Briefing for November 16, 2011
– To be fair, if there are serious structural reforms to the tax code and serious concessions by the Democrats on entitlement reform, … But, based on what we know so far, the Democrats have offered nothing publicly substantive and the GOP is offering up a bunch of smoke … Accordingly, Coburn concludes that many of these tax deductions should be eliminated, while benefits for the rich should be means-tested…
Debunking the Election Myths of the Republican Establishment
– As a result, the party continues to lose more than it should and is failing to focus on the “real problems” facing the country. … He should have looked at the percentage of the electorate that is conservative. … This was true of Reagan Democrats and Perot voters. They are often confused as “moderates” like Olympia Snowe and Mike Castle.…
Morning Briefing for December 2, 2011
– Instead of demanding that Democrats pass a proper budget and allow both chambers to vote on one bill at a time, they are willing to … genuflect before Harry Reid and Senate Democrats. … Brought on in an unusually debate heavy campaign season, the money has started pouring in and Newt has risen to replace Romney.…
The New Deal: 1932-2011.
– There still should be less of a shrug about it all, though. But here’s the thing. … What were the Democrats planning to replace it with? … be able to duplicate the conditions that got Barack Obama re-elected… and it’s certainly not going to do anything to allow the Democrats
Jerry Nadler picks Occupy Wall Street over NY-08's constituents.
– the Occupiers’ propensity for incessant drum circles, rampant drug use, rape coverups, and of course defecating on police cars should … all fall under the category of “First Amendment rights” – and that the cops should take seriously the complaints of a bunch of illegal … And while normally I’d just settle for suggesting that NY-08 Democrats toss out Nadler in their primary and replace him with someone…
Ohio redistricting referendum fails to make the ballot. [UPDATED]
– Two Republicans and two Democrats (one of whom is Dennis Kuchinich) will compete against each other in primaries; a D versus R race … I called this result ‘subtle’ at the time; I see no reason why I should change that adjective, unless it’s to replace it with ‘successful … And that’s why Pelosi should have resigned after the 2010 midterms.…
Morning Briefing for May 19, 2011
– Mitch Daniels in 2009: Stop Disagreeing with Democrats   4. … Where are the adult Wisconsin Democrats?   ———————————————————————- 1. … Where are the adult Wisconsin Democrats?…
The Fight of the Century
– This, friends, is exactly what the Democrats said about the GOP on healthcare in 2010. … The GOP should not reduce itself to repeating the Democrats mistakes or defensive rhetoric. … They and their forebears did not fight to keep this country free only to see Democrats willfully collapse the system to replace it…
Ryan's Budget: A Conservative View- The Excellent, the Good, and the Need for Improvement…w-the-excellent-the-good-and-the-need-for-improvement-n38565
– Spending levels for most agencies should be reduced to 2006 levels.  … Republicans should stick to their guns and build upon Ryan’s innovations.  … Quite the contrary, it is the Democrats who should fear electoral reprisal. …
Morning Briefing for April 18, 2011
– TX Senate Dem recruit once object of scorn for military interrogations Did national Democrats’ recruitment of former Iraq commander … I Stand With Michele Bachmann Just the other day I said the answer is “no” to the question “should the House GOP replace John Boehner…
Should House Republicans Start Thinking About Replacing Speaker Boehner?
– The short answer is no, but I have been getting a lot of emails and phone calls into my radio show asking if the GOP should boot Boehner … I think John Boehner is more conservative than Eric Cantor, who’d most likely replace him, but Boehner’s leadership has been crap lately … That’s a fancy way of saying it will wind up costing us money to get these cuts and put the Democrats in a better position to begin…
Worst Stories from Hollywood 2017
– In November his lone professional output was on “Justice League”, where he was called in to replace departed director Zach Snyder. … GOP politicians for supposedly threatening the CHiP health program, except the fact was GOP was not touching it and, in fact, Democrats … Recently he tried to elude responsibility by laughable saying we should talk more about men who don’t rape women.  …
GOP Tax Plan Has High Tax States Considering Goofball Schemes Instead of Reform Policies…considering-goofball-schemes-instead-reform-policies-n82155
– But we’re talking about Democrats here, and so everything merits a hair-on-fire response that lacks critical thinking. … One proposal would replace state income taxes, which are no longer fully deductible under the new law, with payroll taxes on employers … Another idea would be to allow residents to replace their state income tax payments with tax-deductible charitable contributions to…
What's At Stake In Delaware
– a couple of important questions at stake that are worth considering, which really go to the heart of what kind of party the GOP shouldShould it matter whether the GOP wins this race? There are three critical numbers in the Senate: 41, 51 and 60. … The goal of anyone who cares about conservative ideas becoming public policy should be to build a working majority.…
Winning in '10 Means Utilizing the Power of 10
– In 2006, a similar 10 million vote swing allowed Democrats to recapture the House and Senate. … To do that, the key message should be that we need to elect these job creators and defeat the job killers in November.  … Democrats big-spending, job-killing agenda with principled, pro-job candidates. …
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