Results for: MAGA Republicans

MSNBC Declares All Republicans a 'Threat to Democracy' - 'We Are at War'
– Joe Biden’s despicable speech against MAGA Republicans was the “permission” for those on the left to ratchet up the hate and the attacks … They mean all Republicans are a “threat to democracy.” … They’ve moved on from the politicians to the voters themselves, from extreme MAGA, to all MAGA, to everyone on the right now.…
Cover-Up: Biden Treasury Makes Move to Stop GOP From Getting Hunter Biden Records…s-move-to-stop-gop-from-getting-hunter-biden-records-n622285
– The American people deserve answers, and Republicans will use the power of the gavel next Congress to get them.” … One has to think that Joe Biden is desperate to prevent Republicans from getting back power not just because he and the Democrats don … That’s likely why he’s also demonizing the MAGA people/more pro-Trump Republicans because it’s mostly those people in Congress who…
Leftists Celebrating Darth Brandon’s Speech Still Don’t Understand How They Got Trump…dons-speech-still-dont-understand-how-they-got-trump-n622249
– Before a backdrop that resembled Lucifer’s residence, he portrayed “MAGA Republicans” as being some political force of nature bent … The more they defend and jump on Biden and make this conversation about democracy and MAGA world the better for Dems. … These people are blinded to the reality that it also energized the right – including MAGA Republicans, who I’m sure polling will show…
WATCH: DeSantis Slams Biden, 'One of the Most Disgusting Speeches' Given by a POTUS…one-of-the-most-disgusting-speeches-given-by-a-potus-n622051
– As former Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany pointed out on Thursday, Biden ridicules “MAGA Republicans” and then claims he is an American … Biden LITERALLY says "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans" are a "threat to the country" RIGHT BEFORE he says "I'm an American…
Joe Biden Is a Cynical Coward, Not an Evil Mastermind
– That speech wasn’t meant to lay the groundwork for shipping Republicans off to camps. … Biden wants to have the national conversation to be centered on “MAGA Republicans” and a supposed fight over “the soul of the nation … The worst thing Republicans could do is overcorrect in response to his ridiculous speech, giving him exactly what he wants.…
RedState Weekly Briefing: Sparse Crowds, Crossed Lines, Legal Wins
– Joe Biden gives speech attacking “MAGA Republicans.” … It’s wrong when Republicans do it.” I don’t recall Republicans ever doing it.…
WH Explanation for Putting Marines at Biden's Political Speech Is Shameful…tting-marines-at-bidens-political-speech-is-shameful-n621970
– Karine Jean-Pierre was part of this whole tactic, justifying Biden’s attack on MAGA Republicans by saying if they don’t agree with … They owe their allegiance to the Constitution, not his hatred of MAGA Republicans. … Indeed, many of the military are likely the MAGA people who he was attacking.…
WH Definition of 'Extremist' Is Unhinged as Are Their Imaginary Job Numbers…emist-is-unhinged-as-are-their-imaginary-job-numbers-n621898
– We saw Joe Biden’s extreme and despicable speech about MAGA people on Thursday. … Jean-Pierre was asked on Thursday before the speech what was their justification for calling MAGA Republicans extremist or “semi-fascist … He called out the MAGA Republicans in the Senate for that and that was also going to cut taxes on the middle class.”…
Darth Brandon Went Full Sith Lord, and Conservatives Better Take Notice
– Darth Brandon’s diatribe came only days after he referred to “MAGA Republicans” as semi-fascists. … Later, he went all in: Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our republic … But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans
Gavin Newsom's in-Laws' Support of Ron DeSantis Wasn't on My Bingo Card
– His most recent donations include contributions to the campaigns of Republicans Sens. Ron Johnson, Tom Cotton and Josh Hawley. … Siebel is contributing to the worst MAGA Republicans. He might want to hire a food taster when his son-in-law comes to visit.…
You Know It Backfired Badly: Biden Now Desperately Trying to Backpedal His Despicable Speech…esperately-trying-to-backpedal-his-despicable-speech-n621701
– Biden last night: "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundations of our Republic…
Imagine if a Conservative Had Given a Divisive Speech Like Joe Biden
– Possibly due to his failed policies, he thinks the best strategy right before the midterms is to go after “MAGA Republicans.” … It’s wrong when Republicans do it.” But of course, following their tweets, the left tried to cancel them.…
HOT TAKES: Trump and Others Rip Apart Biden's Backfire of a Speech
– He explained what MAGA meant and said if Biden doesn’t want to “Make America Great Again” then he shouldn’t be in the position he’s … Seriously who gives a speech warning people about how dangerous Republicans are to Democracy while having a background that looks like … Seriously who gives a speech warning people about how dangerous Republicans are to Democracy while having a background that looks like…
Get the Popcorn: Don Lemon's Defense of Biden's Despicable Attacks May Just Get Him Booted…of-bidens-despicable-attacks-may-just-get-him-booted-n621554
– The problem for Biden and the Democrats is that the MAGA “crime” is just that they are likely to beat the Democrats in the midterms … Lemon was talking with Republican Scott Jennings who chastised what Biden had done calling millions of Republicans “fascists” and claiming … Don Lemon on Biden calling Republicans "fascist": "Where's the lie?" "No lies detected." "He's telling the truth!"…
White House Officials Cry Uncontrollably After Mild Criticism of Biden's Norm-Breaking Speech…after-mild-criticism-of-bidens-norm-breaking-speech-n621545
– PRESIDENT BIDEN: "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundation of our Republic … Yes, Joy Reid has been calling for Biden to basically round up Republicans and throw them in camps.…
Biden Delivers One of the Most Divisive, Hate-Filled Speeches in the History of Our Presidency…ate-filled-speeches-in-the-history-of-our-presidency-n621499
MAGA Republicans of course. To Biden, they’re not just political opponents, they’re mortal enemies who must be extinguished. … But there is no question that the Republican Party today is dominated, driven, and intimidated by Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans … But Unity Joe isn’t done: And here, in my view, is what is true: MAGA Republicans do not respect the Constitution. …
Kari Lake Reacts to Biden's Speech: 'Most Absurd and Frankly, Obscene Address'…idens-speech-most-absurd-and-frankly-obscene-address-n621301
– — Cameron Arcand (@cameron_arcand) September 2, 2022 Biden’s speech was heavily critical of populist Republicans … “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards. Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose. … @POTUS: "MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards. Backwards to an America where there is no right to choose.…
Joe Biden Crosses Lines in Grotesque National Address, Heckler Spoils His Party…grotesque-national-address-heckler-spoils-his-party-n621397
– PRESIDENT BIDEN: "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans represent an extremism that threatens the very foundation of our Republic … …" — (@townhallcom) September 2, 2022 Biden: “MAGA Republicans…embrace anger. … Biden LITERALLY says "Donald Trump and the MAGA Republicans" are a "threat to the country" RIGHT BEFORE he says "I'm an American…
Excerpts From Joe Biden's 'MAGA' Speech Reveal a Gross Abuse of the Office
– NEW: Excerpts from tonight’s speech by President Biden: “MAGA forces are determined to take this country backwards.” … It’s absolutely insane, and Republicans must stand up, put their differences aside, and ensure they come out victorious in November…
White House: 'When You Are Not With What Majority of Americans...' Think on Abortion, That's 'Extreme'…ajority-of-americans-think-on-abortion-thats-extreme-n621268
– Jean-Pierre said, “He was very clear that MAGA Republicans in Congress have an agenda that is extreme, and that is what you hear from … KJP: "He was very clear that MAGA Republicans in Congress have an agenda that is extreme." — Breaking911 … We have national Republicans who are leaders in their political party who sit in office who say they want to take away the rights,…
Tucker Carlson Previews the 'Great Unifier' Joe Biden's Prime-Time Speech
– His “semi-fascist” speech about “MAGA Republicans” was shot down even by Maryland Governor Larry Hogan, who publicly stated the party … And so, attacking the right wing of the Republican Party… the MAGA base… it’s probably good politics, but I don’t think it’s the right … ‘What we’re seeing now is either the beginning or the death knell of extreme MAGA philosophy,’ he announced in a speech last week.…
David Axelrod Goes All-in on How GOP Voters Just Questioning Elections Is 'Threat to Democracy'…rs-just-questioning-elections-is-threat-to-democracy-n621137
– Democrats should be condemning Joe Biden’s demonizing of millions of Americans by calling MAGA Republicans a “threat to democracy. … “As the @POTUS prepares to address the nation to discuss threats to our democracy, upwards of 70 percent of Republicans say they don…
The Anatomy of Anti-MAGA
– The memo says, Congressional Republicans sided with the special interests — pushing an extreme MAGA agenda that costs families. … have seen MAGA Republicans attack our democracy.  … Look, a lot of this is — you know, when we talk about that MAGA agenda, the MAGA extreme Republicans, this is it.…
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