Results for: margaret brennan

Nancy Pelosi Likes Impeachment So Much That She Has No Plans to End It
– Nancy Pelosi was on Face the Nation and Margaret Brennan asked her if the impeachment will wind up in December. … MARGARET BRENNAN: Do you expect that to be wrapped up before the end of the year? SPEAKER PELOSI: I have no idea. … Again, I– MARGARET BRENNAN: No timetable for that?…
Lindsey Graham in Epic Understatement Says Carter Page FISA Warrant Is Based on "Garbage"…statement-says-carter-page-fisa-warrant-based-garbage-n92509
MARGARET BRENNAN: This morning the president is again accusing the Justice Department and the FBI of misleading courts and illegally … MARGARET BRENNAN: But you do say mostly. Not entirely. Therefore was the surveillance justified? SEN. … MARGARET BRENNAN: So the president is correct? SEN.…
Nikki Haley: We're Not Done With Russia Over the Gas Attack in Syria
Margaret Brennan: We’re joined now by the US ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley, she is in New York this morning. … Nikki Haley: Good morning, Margaret. Well I think that obviously this was cumulative. … Margaret Brennan: Are there any consequences for Assad’s patrons Russia and Iran who continue to protect him?…
CBS News Gives Iranian Foreign Minister a Tongue Bath to Try to Save Obama's Legacy…n-foreign-minister-tongue-bath-try-save-obamas-legacy-n88461
– points via The Hill: “Since President Trump has been in office, he has not actually lived up to the deal,” Zarif told CBS’s MargaretBrennan in an interview airing Sunday on “Face the Nation.” … host Margaret Brennan asked. “What do you want to see?” “Respect,” he responded.…
Progress in Chinese Talks Puts Trade War on Hold
– During an interview with Margaret Brennan on today’s edition of CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” Kudlow said terrific progress was made … BRENNAN: But did he take that threat of 150 billion dollars in tariffs off the table? … You can read the transcript of the Kudlow’s entire interview with Brennan here.…
North Korea Summit Back on and North Korea May Have Agreed to Give up Some Nukes
– Secretary of State Mike Pompeo told CBS News’ Margaret Brennan on “Face the Nation” last weekthat North Korea would receive sanctions…
FDA Begins Roll-out of COVID Vaccine for Kids 6 Months to 5 Years Old
– CBS News’ “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan, who seemed a bit overexcited about getting her kids vaccinated against the Chinese … specially trained vaccinators to administer them to those under age 3 says @ScottGottliebMD #COVID19 — MargaretBrennan (@margbrennan) June 19, 2022 He said, in part: (emphasis mine) There are going to be pharmacies that are vaccinating…
Ibram Kendi Makes Ridiculous 'Slavery' Comparison With 'Right to Have Guns,' Pushes CRT Nonsense…mparison-with-right-to-have-guns-pushes-crt-nonsense-n582993
– On Sunday, Kendi told “Face the Nation” host Margaret Brennan there is a link between the “freedom to enslave” and the “freedom to…
WATCH: Dem Mayor Muriel Bowser Whines About Illegal Aliens Sent by TX and AZ Overwhelming D.C.…ut-illegal-aliens-sent-by-tx-and-az-overwhelming-d-c-n596814
Brennan on Sunday, talking about the homelessness problem in D.C. during the crushing Bidenflation. … Brennan asked Bowser about a Washington Post report that the homeless shelters and services in D.C. were now being overwhelmed by the … BRENNAN: “The Washington Post” reported last week that homeless shelters in D.C. were filling up and groups are getting overwhelmed…
Even Adam Schiff Is Flummoxed When Asked Why They Waited 18 Months if FBI Raid Was so Necessary…y-they-waited-18-months-if-fbi-raid-was-so-necessary-n612277
– is, unfortunately for the country, the head of the House Intelligence Committee — appeared on “Face the Nation” on Sunday with MargaretBrennan. … Brennan asked. Why did the DOJ wait 18 months to retrieve the sensitive documents Trump kept?…
9.11 In Memoriam
– Bennett Oliver Duncan Bennett Margaret L. Benson Dominick J. Berardi James Patrick Berger Steven Howard Berger John P. … Brennan III Francis Henry Brennan Michael E. Brennan Peter Brennan Thomas M. Brennan Daniel J. … Conlon Margaret Mary Conner Cynthia Marie Lise Connolly John E. Connolly, Jr. James Lee Connor Jonathan M.…
Bernie Sanders Splits With Squad Over Calls for Permanent Cease-Fire, Says Hamas Wants 'Permanent War'…permanent-cease-fire-says-hamas-wants-permanent-war-n2167418
MARGARET BRENNAN: So, progressives like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib have been clear in calling for a cease-fire. … BRENNAN: OK. … MARGARET BRENNAN: Right. SENATOR BERNIE SANDERS: (AUDIO GAP) see a different bill.…
WATCH: Brandon Johnson Calls Greg Abbott a Threat to 'National Security' for Shipping Illegals to Chicago…national-security-for-shipping-illegals-to-chicago-n2168137
– Johnson told host Margaret Brennan that Abbott was “determined to continue to sow seeds of chaos” by shipping illegals to his city.…
Eleven Years Later
– Bennett Oliver Duncan Bennett Margaret L. Benson Dominick J. Berardi James Patrick Berger Steven Howard Berger John P. … Brennan III Francis Henry Brennan Michael E. Brennan Peter Brennan Thomas M. Brennan Daniel J. … Conlon Margaret Mary Conner Cynthia Marie Lise Connolly John E. Connolly, Jr. James Lee Connor Jonathan M.…
Obama's Libya Myth Continues To Decay
Margaret Brennan: “Witnesses tell CBS News that there was never an anti-American protest outside of the consulate.…
Twelve Years Later
– Bennett Oliver Duncan Bennett Margaret L. Benson Dominick J. Berardi James Patrick Berger Steven Howard Berger John P. … Brennan III Francis Henry Brennan Michael E. Brennan Peter Brennan Thomas M. Brennan Daniel J. … Conlon Margaret Mary Conner Cynthia Marie Lise Connolly John E. Connolly, Jr. James Lee Connor Jonathan M.…
Lindsey Graham Launches the Napalm Strike Of Truth on Face the Nation's Obstruction Propaganda…alm-strike-truth-face-nations-obstruction-propaganda-n105856
MARGARET BRENNAN: –to fire Don McGahn, the White House counsel. … MARGARET BRENNAN: –he was so pressured to fire the special counsel. … MARGARET BRENNAN: But– SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM: And I don’t care– MARGARET BRENNAN: But– SENATOR LINDSEY GRAHAM: I don’t care…
Fauci Makes Outrageous Statement About Individual Rights, Accidentally Reveals Two Big Problems With Biden Claims…identally-reveals-two-big-problems-with-biden-claims-n451469
– We reported on his statement on “Face the Nation” with Margaret Brennan, where he said that he didn’t know yet if we would be able … But in their discussion, Brennan brought up an even greater issue. … Brennan is saying that hasn’t even started, that no paperwork to do this has been generated.…
CBS Host Asks Condoleezza Rice If 'Racial Divide' Presents a National Security Threat, Response Is Pure GOLD…resents-a-national-security-threat-gets-swatted-down-n139412
– Former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice spoke to CBS’ Margaret Brennan on Sunday to discuss the riots. … Brennan asked. … Finally, Brennan asked Rice which candidate she would be supporting in November.…
Media Buries Falling COVID-19 Death Rate to Create Another Panic…buried-by-media-as-they-try-to-create-another-panic-n245512
– Anyone who tuned into “Face the Nation” Sunday morning witnessed a particularly despicable example as host Margaret Brennan did her … According to Brennan, Sunday may have been “the most sobering morning after the fourth of July in America’s history” because for “the … Brennan somehow neglected to mention that, despite the upsurge in reported infections, not only has the number of daily fatalities…
Gov. Whitmer Doubles Down Blaming Trump for Kidnapping Plot…blaming-trump-for-kidnapping-plot-domestic-terrorism-n262126
– When host Margaret Brennan asked if Whitmer felt safe, she indicated that she has “always felt safe” because she is protected by the…
Democrat Gov. Confounds 'Face the Nation', Prog School Board With Push for In-Person Learning…n-prog-school-board-with-push-for-in-person-learning-n250607
– Host Margaret Brennan pressed him on how the state would handle a possible return to remote learning, pointing to the fact that when…
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