Results for: chuck schumer

In A Week Of Left Turns, The Trump Administration Quietly Attempts To Strong-Arm Israel
Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi wanted to hold victims of Harvey hostage by holding up funds, unless those funds were attached to a … at the idea, but after Princess Ivanka popped in to say “Hi,” that was the signal and Trump turned, immediately jumping in with Schumer
Trump Was Wrong On Debt Ceiling Agreement and He Got Owned
– Donald Trump got played like a grand piano by the political duo of Salieri Schumer and Pelosi The Great. … These words may sound familiar, but Trump gave Pelosi and Schumer exactly what they wanted. … Schumer and Nancy Pelosi.…
Donald Trump Goes Full Beta
– On the policy front, President Trump is now taking twitter orders from Nancy Pelosi and letting Chuck Schumer dictate his agenda.…
The Real Bromance Isn't the One Between Trump and Schumer
Chuck Schumer. That’s according to Rep. … “He and Chuck — both of them would interrupt each other at times — and they’d go back and forth and Chuck would say something and smile … All you have do to get the press to be incredible is to agree with Chuck and Nancy every time.…
BREAKING. House Passes Trump Negotiated Hurricane Relief and Debt Ceiling Bill
– President Donald Trump meets with, from left, shameless eunuch Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y … (AP Photo/Evan Vucci) Like it or not, the House has passed the deal cut by Trump, Pelosi, and Schumer: The House on Friday cleared…
This Texas Lawmaker Says Pelosi-Schumer-Trump Deal a "Crap Sandwich" for Hurricane Victims…si-schumer-trump-deal-crap-sandwich-hurricane-victims-n76486
– . […] Barton, like other Texas Republicans, said the deal struck by Trump with Senate Democratic Leader Chuck Schumer and House…
Look: Trump Blames Filibuster for his Alliance with Pelosi and Schumer
– that he caved to Democrats two days ago when he agreed to a three-month extension of the debt ceiling and gave Nancy Pelosi and ChuckSchumer exactly what they wanted.…
Since When Did Opposing a Blank Check to Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Make Someone a RINO??…nk-check-nancy-pelosi-chuck-schumer-make-someone-rino-n76483
– When the President announced his debt ceiling deal with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, he bought time for Democrats to destroy any … By caving to Pelosi and Schumer, Trump has undermined his own agenda this fall. … Since when did opposing a blank check in the hands of Pelosi and Schumer make someone a liberal?…
Trump and Schumer cut deal to put America on fast track to bankruptcy
– — Matt Walsh (@MattWalshBlog) September 7, 2017 Not content to simply delegate his agenda to Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi … national debt in eight years—has decided instead to eliminate restrictions on creating more debt, thanks to a new agreement made with ChuckSchumer that permanently eliminates the debt ceiling.…
Dinner for Schmucks
– It’s the first thing I thought of when I heard that President Trump, after becoming besties with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, had … Chuck Schumer, upsetting both Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell.…
Trump's Upbeat Phone Calls To Schumer And Pelosi Signal Further Betrayals To Come
Schumer and Nancy Pelosi – Trump is reportedly reveling and upbeat over the positive news coverage he’s receiving. … In calls to his new best pals, Schumer and Pelosi, Trump raved over the positive news coverage that their coup has received. … McConnell and Schumer as well as Speaker Ryan and Minority Leader Pelosi this morning.…
NEW REPORT: Trump Not Done Working With Schumer, Pelosi And Democrats
– And it should also be of no surprise that a new report today suggested that Trump will be working with Chuck Schumer to stop votes … Schumer, Trump and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) agreed to work together over in the coming months on a plan to do…
BREAKING: Schumer, Pelosi and Trump Make A Deal; Ben Sasse Says, "Not So Fast"
– Ben Sasse will file an amendment to reject the "Pelosi-Schumer-Trump" deal and instead pass a clean version for Harvey relief. … — Mariam Khan (@MKhan47) September 7, 2017 Yesterday, Sasse’s immediate response was short and to the point, “The Pelosi-Schumer-Trump … Today’s released statement said, “Yesterday we saw Wahington’s swamp continue to rise: Chuck Schumer wrote the art of the steal by…
Ted Cruz Predicted in 2016 That Trump Would Cut a Deal with Pelosi and Schumer (VIDEO)…trump-would-cut-a-deal-with-pelosi-and-schumer-video-n76438
– Cruz said he wouldn’t “cut deals” with the likes of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, but Donald Trump would. … Donald Trump has indeed cut a deal with Pelosi and Schumer on raising the debt ceiling, and has now put the duo in the driver’s seat … Schumer, then I guess Donald Trump’s your guy.”…
When Trump Makes Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi Happy, That Is a Bad Thing
– Doing what Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi want again! And again! Give them single-payer! Expand entitlements! … Dobbs says Trump “took RINO Ryan to the woodshed” by . . . giving Schumer and Pelosi exactly what they asked for. … — Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) July 29, 2017 Schumer, August 26: “As millions of people in TX and LA are prepping for the…
In One Tweet, Trump Signals To The World That His Shift Is Here
– On Wednesday, he further rolled by jumping into bed with liberal Democrats, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi (he embraced Schumer, afterwards…
Steve Bannon Uses CBS Interview To Openly Name One Of His "Globalist" Targets (VIDEO)
– Now that Trump’s agenda aligns with that of Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer, how does that affect Bannon’s strategy?…
The Democrats Got What They Wanted, But It's Cool Because Trump Really Stuck It To Paul Ryan
– Here we are, Trump choosing to deal with Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer over the leaders of his own party in Congress, Paul Ryan and … Nancy Pelosi is an embattled Minority Leader who was at the very least complicit in the destruction of her party, and Chuck Schumer … He has now directly inserted Schumer and Pelosi into all future negotiations.…
Lou Dobbs Stars in the Most Unintentionally Hilarious Video Clip of All Time
– Trump cut a deal with Democrats (his pals “Chuck and Nancy”, to hear him tell it), their very first offer (ie. no negotiations), bypassing … the GOP’s position on the matter, and shared a loving embrace with Chuck after the fact. … Anyway, as Ben Sasse noted … The Pelosi-Schumer-Trump deal is bad.…
Nancy Pelosi and Chuck Schumer Reveal Their Hypocrisy On The Debt Ceiling
– House and Senate Minority Leaders, Nancy Pelosi (D – CA) and Chuck Schumer (D – NY), played politics with the relief bill for areas … Schumer made sure to raise the specter of the last time a clean CR played out as one bad news cycle after another in 2014. … — Chuck Schumer (@SenSchumer) January 26, 2014 Of course, intelligent people aren’t surprised when either side backtracks on…
GOP Lawmakers' Reactions To Trump Siding With Democrats Range From Disappointed To Enraged…ons-trump-siding-democrats-range-disappointed-enraged-n76402
– Earlier Wednesday, President Trump sided with Democrat lawmakers, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi, and agreed on a deal to raise the … The Pelosi-Schumer-Trump deal is bad.…
Ivanka Trump Bypasses John Kelly Rules, In Order To Pop In On Crucial Debt Ceiling Meeting…es-in-order-to-pop-in-on-crucial-debt-ceiling-meeting-n76399
– During today’s heated Oval Office meeting – you know, the one where President Trump rolled over on Republicans and sided with ChuckSchumer and Nancy Pelosi – Ivanka broke protocol and crashed the party.…
New Poll: Did Trump's Turn Left on DACA Help or Hurt Him?
– It seems Trump is seeing the fruit of his efforts by rolling over on his base and working with Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi. … The poll shows that 7-in-10 polled approve of Trump’s rollover to Chuck and Nancy.…
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