Catch Up On the Week at RedState with the 'WTH Happened This Week' Podcast

RedState senior contributors, Kimberly Ross and Andrea Ruth, bring to you a summary of news from the week and how RedState covered each issue. This week, professor of strategic communication, Dave Quast, joined the show.


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Story links below.

The DNC in Federal Court Admits It Rigged Its Primary for Hillary by Brad Slager

CNN Accused of Staging On-Air Rescue By…Guess Who by Andrea Ruth

Cops Rough Up Utah Nurse in Hospital For Having Nerve to Do Her Job by Streiff

Tomi Lahren Is Awful For Conservatism, So Of Course Fox News Hired Her by Kimberly Ross

GOP Will Settle For The Usual Litany Of Tax Cuts And Ditch Reform by Jay Caruso

This Eye-Popping Bill For Keeping Up Former President Obama Will Leave You FURIOUS by Susan Wright

Rand Paul Is Opposing Trump’s Reversal On Surplus Military Equipment by Bethany Bowra

Clemson Professor Must Apologize Or Resign After Defaming All Republicans As Racists by Josh Kimbrell

Rex Tillerson Draws Distinction Between Americans And Trump Since Charlottesville by Andrea Ruth


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