We have our first comments on the Milo controversy from the Breitbart organization. In anticipation of Milo Yiannapoulos’s news conference today, Breitbart editor Alex Marlow was interviewed by Matt Boyle. Marlow said that Milo’s comments were “absolutely indefensible” — but that the controversy looks like a “coordinated hit”:
[Milo] was in the news for unfortunate reasons yesterday. It was something that was a total surprise to people in the Breitbart organization that there’s video that surfaced that appeared to show him justifying sex between an adult and a minor, at least in certain circumstances, which was very troubling and upsetting. . . . The bottom line is the comments on the video are not defensible.
Marlow notes that Milo will have a press conference later today in which he will talk about his “future with Breitbart” and other matters. Marlow then offered some context:
The comments are absolutely indefensible, they’re appalling, and very disappointing that those came out. However, Milo — there is context. Some of the context that, Milo is a gay man who was abused as a child. These are not irrelevant. Other things: that he has said he’s never molested anyone or touched anyone like that himself and it is merely words.
Marlow goes on to cite actual examples of predatory behavior by Lena Dunham and Roman Polanski, and says there is no evidence Milo has been a sexual predator himself. He also says it looks like a coordinated hit by the left and the NeverTrump movement, which “sat on the story” until the CPAC invite. Audio is below.
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