Pure Gold: Scott Jennings Scorches Kamala's Twisted Response on Border in Fox Interview

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

There were a ton of bad moments for Kamala Harris in the Wednesday evening Fox interview with Bret Baier. 

The right saw the train wreck in a minute. The left tried to paint Baier as "rude." 


It seemed clear that instead of coming in with real policy answers, they decided to send her in for the "viral moment' of trying to come back at Baier to look tough. But the problem with this approach is the same problem that she had in the debate. That might appeal to her base, but it doesn't pull in anyone who wants answers about her policies. When she's doing all she can to avoid giving answers, she's leaving those people with no reason to vote for her. She took an opportunity and squandered it. 

READ MORE: HOT TAKES: Kamala's Awkward Fox News Interview Blasted by Megyn Kelly, JD Vance, and More

 The Most Devastating Moments of Kamala Harris' Train Wreck Fox Interview

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One great example of that was her confused response on illegal immigration. Anyone who's been alive and an adult over the past ten years is familiar with the issues with the border. Stemming the flow of illegal immigrants was one of former President Donald Trump's main goals. He achieved a lot, through dint of hard work, lowering the number of illegal entries through the Remain in Mexico deal and other policies, all while Democrats were fighting him every step of the way. Their basic position was to attack everything he tried to do and shout "racism." Then, when Joe Biden and Kamala Harris came in, they immediately trashed what Trump had in place and the illegal entries skyrocketed. Meanwhile, up until January of this year, the Biden team -- including Kamala insisted the "border was secure." January was when they had the "bipartisan" border bill fail. That's when suddenly the talking point became "Well, it's Trump's fault," a manifestly untrue argument. Republicans didn't want the bill because it allowed in millions of illegal aliens and didn't really address the problem. 


Listen to her lie and try to word-salad her way out of this question from NBC's Chuck Todd in 2022. But she says, as she did multiple times, we have a "secure border." 

But Harris must think that everyone was asleep over the past ten years and didn't see how this all went down. Her answer was bizarre. 

She says we had a broken immigration system before Trump, "Let's all be honest about that." And yet, she hasn't been. She lied and said the border was secure even as it was being inundated. More importantly, she did nothing to fix it. Trump did a lot within his executive power; she insists they can't do things without Congress. So in effect she's saying Trump was better. 

She also inadvertently gave away her focus, saying they need to "process the cases faster" -- meaning get illegal aliens into the country more quickly. Not do more to secure the border to keep people out.  

Baier calls her out on Biden-Harris rescinding the border policies that were in place, then ultimately nails her with how the Border Patrol Union wants Trump, not her. They think she would be a disaster. 


CNN commentator Scott Jennings just scorched her over it. 

She has no answer for why Biden and Harris threw out Trumps executive orders, changed everything, and then a flood of people came in. An ounce of humility here would go a long way and she doesn’t have it in her to do it, and she has no real answer.

He also noted the Democrats controlled Congress when Biden-Harris, so is she saying it's the Democrats' fault if they didn't pass anything? 

The problem for her is that people aren't asleep -- they've seen all this and what a failure she's been.


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