
The Biden-Harris Weakness Leads to Tragedy and Puts Us All in Danger

AP Photo/Manuel Balce Ceneta

As we reported, Joe Biden released a statement on the Hamas murder of American hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin. This statement is something else on so many levels. 

I've worked tirelessly to bring Hersh home, and Jill and I could not be more heartbroken by the news of his death.It is tragic and reprehensible.Hamas leaders will pay for these crimes. And we'll continue working towards a deal to secure the release of the remaining hostages.

Harris released a similar statement. 

READ MORE: HEARTBREAK: American Hostage Hersh Goldberg-Polin, 5 Others Murdered by Hamas

Biden, Harris, and Blinken Issue Statements on Murder of Hersh Goldberg-Polin

It's now September, almost a whole year since Hamas terrorists killed Americans on Oct. 7, 2023, and kidnapped others, including Goldberg-Polin. 

What have Biden and Harris done in response to this for all this time? 

It seems to be a whole lot of nothing. 

What we have heard periodically from him are words to the effect that a "deal is close." Over and over, with no result. 

But what we haven't seen is any real response to put the fear of God into terrorists who dare to attack us. We've seen no effort -- apart from the Israeli efforts -- to rescue them. What we have seen is negotiating with terrorists, something that we used to say as a country we don't do. Why? Because it results in more hostages. Remember when we used to take out the terrorists who attacked us? Remember when former President Donald Trump took out Qasem Soleimani? Those days stand in stark contrast to what we're seeing now. 

Not only has Biden not had any real response, but he's stood in the way of Israel's ability to take Hamas out. He's tried to handcuff those efforts and tie their hands. Why? Because he and Kamala Harris are trying to assuage their radical left so they don't lose votes in the election. They've even said the radical protesters "have a point." It's incredible and vile that this is factoring into our foreign policy. 

Biden claims he's worked tirelessly. Is he joking? Now, I'm pretty sure he didn't really write that whole statement. But he's spent a ton of his time on vacation. Even now, he spent most of August on break. He's been on a straight vacation since August 19, when he gave his speech the first night of the DNC, first at the home of a Californian donor, and now in Rehoboth Beach. 

Doesn't he look like he's working tirelessly? 

Clay Travis referred back to the 1980 hostage situation and how that tanked Jimmy Carter. It should tank Kamala if there were any justice, but the media doesn't seem to care enough to even bring up the point. How could you vote for anyone who just exhibits such weakness? 

Journalist John Podhoretz posted a comment from a friend. 

He said his friend told him, “His [Hersh Goldberg-Polin's] parents spoke at the DNC and Hamxs (sic) is so unafraid of the US they killed him anyway.”

That's striking. But unfortunately, it's true, and that's a big problem. Terrorists no longer fear us. They no longer fear any reaction from Biden and Harris, given that they've had no real reaction on the part of the country. So they fear no consequences. Biden has emboldened the terrorists. He's not only done effectively nothing good, but he's sent in aid to Gaza, costing us millions, that is likely to ultimately end up in the hands of Hamas. Even now, after the killing, he's still talking about giving the terrorists a "deal" (that they keep rejecting). 

Biden promises something will happen now in response to the killing. It hasn't happened before, so why should anyone believe that? Hamas knows if anything, this will likely just be more empty words from Biden and Harris. 


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