Don Lemon Drops Big Truthbomb on Jen Psaki About Voters' Opinions of Harris and Trump

Photo by Scott Roth/Invision/AP

Kamala Harris has a problem, and of all people, it was Don Lemon who pointed it out on Jen Psaki's MSNBC show. 

Lemon explained to Pskai what he had discovered while he was interviewing people about Harris and former President Donald Trump in a variety of states, including Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, and Indiana, as they made their way to Chicago. 


Psaki asked, "What did they think of Harris?" Lemon explained, but I don't think she expected the answer she got in response. It sort of depended on where you were, Lemon said, talking about the battleground states his team visited.

For the most part: in Pittsburgh, or in the Jersey Shore, in Atlantic City, in Ohio especially, many people did not know who she was. They weren't familiar with her. So I think she has to reintroduce herself to the public. But for him [Trump] I think they thought that he's better for the economy. That he brought money into the community, or that he was on black people's side.

Don't know her versus believing he's better for the economy and he's on your side. That's true about Trump, and that's not good for Kamala. It's just a little shocking to hear Lemon admit Americans are telling him that. 


READ MORE: Don Lemon Interviews Voters on the Street, Doesn't Get the Answers He Was Expecting

Jen Psaki was not a happy camper with that, if you check out the look on her face, as our friends at Twitchy noted.

This is not what she wanted to hear and it sort of upsets the media hype being pitched about Kamala as a big change agent full of "joy." Psaki had tried to pitch that last week, claiming Harris had a "magical charismatic quality in person" in the same way that "people say that about Hillary Clinton. Also true." 

What an apt comparison. Just not in the way that she would think. The cackling truly unlikeable twins. And does Psaki recall how that turned out for Hillary Clinton, one of the most unlikable candidates ever? Please keep making that comparison and people will really get how bad Harris is. 


It doesn't sound like the media narrative is going over well so far with the American people. But the Republicans need to continue to provide clarity on who Harris really is and call out the effort to recreate her into something she has never been. 


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