CNN's Harry Enten Drops the Reality Hammer on Kamala Harris' Dreams

AP Photo/Ron Harris

The Democratic power brokers are trying to pump up the excitement for Kamala Harris because she has a limited amount of time to lock up the nomination before the convention and avoid any effort to have a floor fight that might dethrone her. She's gotten some consequential endorsements from the elite. Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) appears to have come around now and George Clooney is on board as well. 


Of course, that doesn't say anything about the rest of the country, who don't care much what the elite think and that's really the problem for Harris. She's not popular, in fact she's even less popular than Joe Biden according to some polls. As I previously wrote, former President Donald Trump is still running ahead of her, as even MSNBC's Steve Kornacki had to admit. 

But now there's more bad news for Harris from CNN data analyst Harry Enten. He put a damper on the propaganda parade. "For all of the excitement that Democrats have over Kamala Harris, it's going to be difficult to beat Donald Trump," he said. 

Enten said that Trump is more popular now according to the polls than he has ever been before, with ABC/Ipsos having him at 40 and Quinnipiac at 46 percent, the highest ever in those surveys. "They're still going to have to beat Donald Trump, a Donald Trump who is stronger than he has ever been before," Enten declared.

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Then Enten goes into the problem they face -- that Trump is up by a point in the national vote. He said that in 2020 Biden was up four points and barely made it in the Electoral College. Those numbers are big trouble, with Trump running five points better than in 2020. He said a tie in the national vote would not be enough in the Electoral College for Kamala Harris to win. 

When Trump is up in the national vote, you know the Democrats are in trouble. 

That's a lot to make up, particularly for an unpopular candidate like Harris. Then add into it that you have a lot of Democratic voters, not to mention all the other voters who are not happy with how this all went down, with the shoving of Biden to the side. Plus, they already were losing voters because of the bad policies. 

We'll have to see how the polls continue to break down as we go forward. 

But bottom line, whatever the polls are saying, Republicans have to get out and just crush the polling places with voters so there can't be any question. Make it too big to lose. 


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