Here's the Latest Laughable Biden Failure As Officials Announce News About Gaza Pier Operations

U.S. Army via AP

Joe Biden's foreign policy decisions are just laughable.

Perhaps one of the most questionable moves he's made recently was to put a pier off the Gaza shore to supposedly help facilitate aid to the people in the war-torn region. 


But the problem is that it still has to ultimately go through Hamas -- that's the issue that needs to be rectified if you want to continue with this aid process, and the pier doesn't solve that. On top of everything else, it also puts U.S. boots on the ground (despite the denial of the Biden administration) and puts them in harm's way. 

The pier has faced mortar barrage. Three service members involved in operations were injured in a non-combat related accident, one critically injured. Then the Pentagon spokesperson informed us last week that no aid from the pier had actually reached the people it was supposed to in Gaza. Then, on top of all that, the weather was causing trouble, the pier was damaged, and ships were running aground, so they were having to put "boots on the ground" in the most humiliating way possible, as my colleague Streiff explained. Oh, and let's not forget about the aid being swiped by Hamas. 


US Army Finally Has 'Boots on the Ground' in Gaza in the Most Humiliating Way Possible

Three US Servicemembers Have Non-Combat Injuries in Gaza; on the Other Hand, No Aid Is Getting Through


Now comes the latest story in the drama. Townhall's John Hasson sums up the saga as pier operations are being suspended after a "piece breaks off." 

They're also going to remove the pier to repair it.

Over the next two days, the pier will be pulled out and sent to the southern Israeli city of Ashdod, where U.S. Central Command will repair it, Pentagon spokeswoman Sabrina Singh told reporters. She said the fixes will take “at least over a week” and then the pier will need to be anchored back into the beach in Gaza.


Once again, we have another expensive, embarrassing Biden failure. It's the perfect metaphor for his whole approach -- sinking and underwater. How is "Build Back Better" going? 

So I have a question. What will prevent the same thing from happening again when they put it back? If they had taken any time to consider the matter, this would have been completely predictable. 

And how is any of this a good plan to further involve the U.S. here because Joe Biden wants to appeal to Michigan for their votes? The problem is the whole idea -- a waste of our money in an effort to help Joe Biden's political fortunes. 

But the Biden team is going to continue learning nothing. 


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