Biden Implodes at Reporter During Embarrassing Presser, Reveals 'Deal' Around Questions

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

Joe Biden and Kenyan President William Ruto made some remarks and held a press conference on Thursday afternoon. As often happens with Biden, the event was an hour late. 


Their remarks were each about five minutes.

The topics on the table? Kenya providing people to help bring some order to Haiti and dealing with African nations saddled with debt. 

Now, I'm fine with "private sector financing," but we know that's never all it is with Democrats, as he talked about providing more government money for such countries. It's funny talking about "countries saddled with debt" when he doesn't seem to care about our own debt. 

Then, Biden seemed confused about what Kamala Harris' title was, again calling her "President." 

He also was confused about how many people were in Africa, saying it would soon hit a billion people so he doesn't know why anyone would ignore it. (Who's ignoring it?) 


That's wrong; the continent already has more than a billion people. So once again, Biden says something embarrassing that shows he doesn't know what he's talking about. 

Then they took questions for about 15 minutes and, of course, Biden had his prepared list of people on whom to call. 

But apparently the reporter crossed him up by saying he wanted to ask two questions. Biden snapped at him and said, "One." He probably only has one answer in his notes to read from and doesn't want to have to deal with anything else.   

But the reporter asked a second one on the ICC move against Israel anyway. You can hear Ruto answering the first question here and then Biden referencing that second question at about 2;35, "You guys never keep the deal" and then he doesn't really answer it. 


He's basically acknowledging there that they have a deal and this guy violated the deal by trying to slip in another question. He accidentally gave it all up because he couldn't control his own anger. 

It did not go unnoticed as a White House producer with NHK observed. 

Biden also was just confused about if he was supposed to be responding to questions. 

He also got confused about what his question was when April Ryan asked one of him and one of Ruto. 

Then in answering questions about Haiti, he says it was unnecessary to go into Afghanistan to control ISIS. Um, does he known what he's talking about? The answer is no. That wasn't about ISIS. Then at about 1:37 he confuses Haiti and Kenya when he says that one country "stepped up" to help Haiti and that was "Haiti" when he meant Kenya. 


Finally Biden wrapped it up, with a weird "WHOA" remark and White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre tried to rush the reporters out. 

It's just getting crazier. 


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