Biden Hit With Community Note for Putting His Name on Program Trump Signed Into Law

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

I reported earlier about Joe Biden getting hit with a brutal fact-check/Twitter Community Note over his false claim about real wages going up.

As I’ve said before, Biden has no shame and is constantly saying things that just aren’t true to make himself sound better than his abysmal administration warrants. In addition to making up things about the economy that aren’t the case, he also claims achievements that aren’t his as well. For example, he’s said multiple times that he was responsible for “The Quad” — an alliance/working group that former President Donald Trump was the one to create.


He said in May:

I doubt many people in this audience or any other audience would have said that two years after being elected I’d be able to convince India, Australia, Japan, and the United States to form an organization called the Quad to maintain stability in the Indian Ocean and the South China Sea.

Then he repeated the falsehood in June at the Air Force Commencement where he tripped and took a massive fall.

But that’s not the only credit he’s seemed to be trying to swipe from President Trump. On Monday, Biden got busted by Twitter Community Notes, which added more context to his tweet lauding the success of “our administration’s” suicide hotline program over the weekend.

He also claimed it was the “Biden-Harris Mental Health Crisis Hotline” in this tweet.


What was left out of the claim was that this was a bipartisan effort that was worked out and signed into law under Trump, as the Community Note explains. It wasn’t something that the Biden-Harris team came up with, although it did go into operation under them, and they are slapping their name on it. Imagine doing something like that, putting your name on a government program envisioned by others to promote yourself.

“President Trump has signed into law a bipartisan bill to create a three-digit number for mental health emergencies. The Federal Communications Commission had already picked 988 as the number for this hotline and aims to have it up and running by July 2022. The new law paves the way to make that a reality,” NPR reported at the time the legislation was signed by Trump in 2019. “The existing lifeline is a national network of about 170 local crisis centers. When someone calls the national number, they’re routed to the local crisis center that’s closest to them.”

But there’s another problem with what Biden is bragging about. It’s good that people are helped. But who brags about those vast numbers of people having to call a mental health line on Biden’s watch? How bad must things be if there are that many people calling, and what does that say, as opposed to the rosy picture that Biden would like to paint? That tells you how bad things have been under Joe Biden.


Indeed, 74 percent of Americans think that the country is on the wrong track under Joe Biden. So he can try to sell himself, but people can see the reality versus the spin, and they’re not buying it. They know how bad things are.


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