What Team Biden Is Doing Instead of Investigating Potential Lab Leak Is a Big Problem

AP Photo/Andrew Harnik

As we have previously reported, when asked if the Biden regime is pursuing an investigation into the Wuhan lab leak theory, Jen Psaki responded that they were relying on the World Health Organization to do a full investigation into the matter. That, of course, was astounding to hear and concerning that she appeared to be implying that the Biden team wasn’t looking into the question itself.


That even made the rest of the White House media apart from Fox’s Peter Doocy sit up and take notice. They asked again yesterday, isn’t this something that Biden thinks should be pursued by the United States?

But here’s Psaki saying that we need to rely upon “international bodies” including the WHO.

Now, there is a legitimate question about getting information from China that might be facilitated through international bodies. But that doesn’t mean that you only go that route and don’t do an independent American investigation as far as you can.

That shouldn’t mean that you shut down investigations into the lab leak question, as the Biden officials reportedly did, of a probe that the Trump State Department had started. Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) raised questions about why that investigation was shut down by Biden.


The decision to terminate the inquiry, which was run primarily out of the State Department’s arms control and verification bureau, was made after Biden officials were briefed on the team’s draft findings in February and March of this year, a State Department spokesperson said. Questions were raised about the legitimacy of the findings and the project was deemed to be an ineffective use of resources, explained a source familiar with the decision.

Sources involved in the Trump-era inquiry rejected criticisms over the quality of their work and told CNN their objective had been to examine scientific research and information from the US intelligence community which backed the lab leak theory and shone more light on how it could have emerged in the lab.

One would think this investigation should be the first priority of the Biden team, given the harm done to America. Why would Biden be shutting down any investigation? The excuse that it was “politicized” doesn’t even make sense, as Cotton observed.

But here’s another problem with that reliance on the WHO that Biden is pushing.

As we’ve noted, the WHO is not a reliable source of information, given their prior behavior.


So I have a question for the Biden folks and members of Congress to answer, if they think that WHO can be relied upon.

Here’s a tweet from the WHO’s Director of Communications in May of last year.

“By Jan 11, China had published the genetic sequence, ‘at which point @WHO immediately began developing a diagnostic test.’ By the second half of Jan, our scientists & others were raising the highest alarm. Good piece by @mtosterholm & M Olshaker.”

So here’s the question I have for the WHO and for members of Congress to answer: How is that possible, given that on Jan. 14, 2020, the WHO Twitter account put out this tweet, claiming that, according to what they understood from China, the virus wasn’t transmissible from human to human?


How could they have been working on a diagnostic test for a thing they were claiming wasn’t transmissible from human to human?

Not to mention, that that tweet shows the cover-up by China, because they most assuredly knew by Jan. 14 that it was transmissible.

Plus, no, the WHO wasn’t raising the “highest alarm.” When President Donald Trump cut travel with China at the end of January, WHO was not in favor of it. They were actually trying to tamp down any alarm.

Now there are a lot of other problems with this story, but let’s start with the answer to that simple question.


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