As we previously reported, BLM protesters and Antifa attacked police in a full-on assault on Friday, surrounding them and pelting them with bricks, rocks, full metal cans and frozen water bottles, even explosive fireworks, among other items as police stood in a circle around a statue of Christopher Columbus to prevent it from being torn down.
On Monday, Chicago’s Police Superintendent David Brown released a video of the attack, explaining how they had been “ambushed” by “organized actions to provoke violent response from our officers,” according to Fox News.
The video shows protesters hiding behind umbrellas and banners to quickly change into Antifa black bloc attire prior to moving in on the cops and attacking them. It also show them distributing items for protesters to throw at the police.
The protester/rioters also used umbrellas to shield themselves and as weapons against the police, as they pelted the police with projectiles. Others used sharpened PVC pipe to try to stab the police officers.
Forty nine police officers were injured, including one with a broken eye socket and another who had a broken kneecap.
The police were overwhelmed and the radicals damaged the statue and began putting ropes on it to pull it down.
Reinforcements came on the run and beat the violent rioters back. Twelve people were arrested for mob action, damage to property and attacking police officers.
“We cannot be a city that thinks mob action of a crowd is acceptable behavior,” Brown said, noting that when chaotic protests occur, the department is forced to divert manpower from policing high-crime areas.
The city reported 63 people shot and 12 killed over another violent weekend.
In response to Friday’s events, Brown said he’s ordered all officers to wear “any and all protective gear” when policing demonstrations.
“We cannot assume that protests are going to be peaceful, based on these actions and others,” he said.
Mayor Lori Lightfoot said “vigilantes” attended Friday’s protest with intentions of violently engaging with authorities.
“That’s not peaceful protest. That’s anarchy,” she said during a Monday groundbreaking of a restaurant. “We can’t have a circumstance where a small subset of that try to take over and hijack the peaceful protest and then turn it into a fight with the police.”
It’s not “hijacking” when the protesters are clearly involved and in fact are the rioters. And it happens at virtually every “protest.” It’s the “protests” that are the cover for the riots.
Everyone involved in the organizing of the event needs to be under investigation.
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