Gotta love when the weasels over at the Lincoln Project get busted in a media organ of the left to whom they are trying to appeal.
The Atlantic did a brutal takedown story by Andrew Ferguson which had some golden moments.
It notes, rather sagely, that the Lincoln Project ads are scurrilous and really feel more aimed like a rally of the faithful, rather than things that would convince people who were on the fence about who to vote for between President Donald Trump and the presumptive Democratic nominee, Joe Biden.
They straddle their fences, scroll through their timelines, leaning first this way then that … Biden, Trump … Trump, Biden … until at last they come upon a Project Lincoln ad and they discover—can it be?—that the president’s genitalia aren’t functioning nearly as well as the world thought!
“By God,” they might cry. “This is the last straw! We need Joe Biden to restore the soul of America!”
But probably not.
So the PAC. which has gotten a ton of money may not be achieving what some Democrats or people who have donated to it thought it would, that is pull in more unconvinced votes.
But it does show just how vile the ridiculous folks at the Lincoln Project are.
As Ferguson notes, the PAC isn’t “quite what it told us it wanted to be.”
Ferguson notes how the Never Trumpers have essentially become Never Republicans.
Coming from Republicans, their attacks may appear fresh, principled, and transpartisan, while remaining stale, unprincipled, and partisan. Like many unhappy former Republicans, the leaders of the project have crossed over from being “never Trump” to being “never Republican,” taking aim even at such GOP moderates as Cory Gardner and Susan Collins.
But they are bagging a bunch of money. Guess where that’s going, according to Ferguson?
“The Republican super PAC has amassed a substantial war chest,” the report said, “but it has come under scrutiny for funneling money to its advisory board members and spending relatively little airing political ads to influence voters. The group also hides some of its vendors by stealthily paying subcontractors, making it difficult to follow the money. The Lincoln Project reported spending nearly $1.4 million through March. Almost all of that money went to the group’s board members and firms run by them.” This is, indeed, similar to what all PACs have done from the day of their invention.
Gee, whoever would have thought that this would happen, except everyone?
But as long as they keep appealing to the left, there’s always some folks who will be dumb enough to send them money. But maybe a few who read The Atlantic piece will wise up.
HT: Twitchy
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