As I predicted on Thursday night, Joe Biden would deny the sexual assault allegations by his former staffer Tara Reade. Then Democrats and media would argue that he was being transparent, he’d answered questions and it was now time to move on.
Here’s what I said last night would happen after his interview with Mika Brzezinski:
But here’s what I very definitely predict. That pretty much whatever he says, barring a truly disastrous interview, Democrats will say that he had now denied it, that they believe him, “Joe is Joe” in the words of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) and he has now been “transparent” (even if he doesn’t release his papers). That the case is now “settled.” That’s the purpose of this interview. To see if they can put it to bed with him simply denying it. “It’s now time to move on and deal with the real issues.”
Check this post from from the former governor of Michigan, Jennifer Granholm. Sounds like I called it, right down to the “move on.”
I believe @JoeBiden. Anyone who knows him knows this allegation is antithetical to his character, to the culture in his office, to his soul. He has never been that kind of guy. Ever.
The story has been heard and vetted. No staffer remembers it. No complaint found. Move on.— Jennifer Granholm (@JenGranholm) May 1, 2020
Democrats: From #MeToo to #MoveOn! The hypocrisy is just shameful.https://t.co/m5pyGOF2Lp
— Ronna McDaniel (@GOPChairwoman) May 1, 2020
Democratic ‘activist’ and ‘women’s rights person with about 180,000 followers:
Joe Biden said it never happened. Time to move on. https://t.co/gt42osV0dD
— Barbara Malmet (@B52Malmet) May 1, 2020
That’s just a small but fairly representative sampling.
They even have a hashtag going, #IBelieveBiden. So much for believe all women.
So unlike Brett Kavanaugh where we had to have an FBI investigation, pore through his high school records, get all his records from when he worked in the White House for George H.W. Bush (that had nothing to do with the allegation by Christine Blasey Ford), all that’s necessary to completely dismiss Reade’s claims is Biden saying he didn’t do it. And that’s for claims that have far more credibility than Ford’s claims.
Ford didn’t have five people saying yes, she told us contemporaneously, in whole or in part about the incident/s.
Here there are eight other women who also claim Biden acted inappropriately toward them, 7 alleging inappropriate touching and the latest revealed today, a woman who said that when she was 14 years old, Biden complimented her on her breasts. She has multiple people who corroborate that she told them about it at the time.
So what’s it going to be Democrats? You can try to buffalo past this now. But this may not be all and others may come out, just as the woman today is coming out. When you’ve fully committed to trying to push old Joe across the finish line and more comes, what will you do then?
Time to move on. But maybe not if you really care about justice or the country.
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