We already know that not every Democrat was on board with the Pelosi/Schiff impeachment show trial.
Two Democrats, Rep. Jeff Van Drew of New Jersey and Rep. Collin Peterson of Minnesota, voted against the impeachment rules resolution on October 31. All the Republicans also voted against it.
But it turns out there may be more.
Van Drew appeared on Maria Bartiromo’s program Sunday Morning Futures, and said based on what he’s seen so far, he doesn’t see himself voting for it.
From Mediaite:
“I would imagine I’ll be voting no,” he said. “If there’s something new or something we have not heard or something that really rises to the level of treason or high crime, that would be different. But we do not see that.”
“You don’t disenfranchise voters–millions upon millions of voters. Voters choose their leaders in America,” he said.
And he believes other Democrats will be joining him.
“There is some discussion among some of them quietly, privately of concern, certainly,” he said. “What I’m hearing out in the street is with most people, they are kind of tired, kind of worn out, bored and they really want to move on. Unless there’s something new and amazing, we know the end game.”
He said he came to Congress to get things done and Democrats were spending more and more time on this impeachment effort.
From Washington Examiner:
He went on to point out that people should “understand the importance” of impeachment and added that no president has been impeached and convicted in the Senate.
“We’re going to have an election next year, let’s have the election, let’s fight through the election, let’s do what Republicans and Democrats and whomever else does, but this is going to get us nowhere. We’ve spent millions of dollars, in my opinion, tons of money, tons of time, tons of hurt, fracturing the nation apart. I haven’t seen this to be a good thing,” Van Drew concluded.
Good for him. One who gets it.
Not only is it just fundamentally wrong to try to take someone out for political reasons, it is, as he notes, a monumental waste of time and they’re getting nothing they claim to want done in the meantime, while dividing the nation.
While they know that they’re not going to succeed in getting Trump removed, they’re hoping they create just enough movement in votes to help them win in 2020, never mind how much division they’ve promoted in the meantime.
When even their own people get this is crazy, it’s likely to backfire on them, big time, come the election.
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