That’s the cruel, yet essentially accurate, assessment by the Marilinda Garcia campaign:
Details here:
U.S. Rep. Annie Kuster, D-N.H., currently owes nearly $11,000 in late property tax bills for her Hopkinton home and another home nestled in the White Mountains, WMUR Political Scoop has found.
In fact, property tax records show Kuster has been delinquent on more than $40,000 in property taxes over the last three years. For her primary residence, she’s been delinquent on six different, consecutive assessments.
As both the Garcia campaign and the Washington Examiner note, it’s not like Ann Kuster didn’t have the money; she was raking in the cash as a corporate lobbyist and shill before she ran for Congress. What appears to have happened here is that… Rep. Kuster just doesn’t care about paying her bills on time. Let the debts rack up! …She’ll pay ’em eventually. When it suits her. Or when Kuster’s deadbeat status actually makes the news*. And so what if there’s a late fee? Small price to pay for not having to be a responsible adult.
What makes this more than merely just an obnoxious personal attitude is the fact that this deadbeat theoretically could have access to my tax money. I expect better from our elected officials. …No. I EXPECT BETTER FROM OUR ELECTED OFFICIALS. And so should you.
Via Instapundit.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
PS: Marilinda Garcia for NH-02.
*”Character is how you act when people aren’t watching.”
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