Via Breitbart TV comes this highly entertaining/infuriating exhibit of Senator Dianne Feinstein (D, CA) taking full advantage of being a D from CA:
For those without video access: local California media – including that notoriously right-wing rag known as the LA Times – has noticed that Senator Feinstein refuses to debate Republican challenger Elizabeth Emken. When ABC reporter Mark Matthews called out the Senator on this, Feinstein tried to get up and walk out on the reporter* rather than answer the question. Which, of course, does not have an answer that would be favorable to Senator Feinstein: judging from the Senator’s performance in the interview, participating in a debate would quite possibly wreck her chances for re-election.
I know, I know: California is an uphill battle, and it would be absolutely unsurprising if California Democrats get away with running a Senate candidate who doesn’t have the guts to face her opponent in a debate. But I can at the very least point out that Feinstein’s strategy here is doing nothing to help the Democrats’ existing reputation for being, ah, cautious overmuch when adverse real-world developments strike? – Which is something that will at least hurt them in other races, even if it won’t in this one.
Moe Lane (crosspost)
PS: Elizabeth Emken for Senate.
*To be fair: Matthews admitted that this was the last question he was planning to ask anyway; and Feinstein is old (almost 80), and frankly does not look well. She might have been simply slightly confused.
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