
Report: LGBTQs Buying Guns in Fear of 'Being Put in Concentration Camps' in Trump's America

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

Where do I even start?

While the left's hysteria over President-elect Donald Trump soundly defeating Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election appears to be easing a bit from the initial histrionic meltdown phase, make no mistake: Trump Derangement Syndrome still exists on the left, and it likely always will.

In the latest example, gay and transgender liberals around the country are allegedly arming themselves in increasing numbers, flocking to gun ranges, and preparing themselves over absurd concerns that they're going to be rounded up and tossed into "concentration camps" during a second Trump administration, according to a Sunday report by the left-wing rag Philadelphia Inquirer. 

Far as I can tell, the baseless hyperbolic article, under the fearmongering headline "The Queer People Who Are Buying Guns to Prepare for Trump's America," claims that "in the waning weeks of the year, residents peppered local queer Facebook groups with questions about guns and training." 

Be that as it may, why? 

Has Trump even come close to suggesting he'll put members of the LGBTQ community in concentration camps after he takes office? Moreover, was there as much as an inkling during Trump's first four years in office that he was inclined to do such? No, and no.

Yet, the Inquirer quoted Matthew Thompson, a New Jersey resident who is gay:

The people I’ve been seeing on the left and the gay people who are out purchasing guns for the first time, it’s all about self-defense and fear ... We’re not looking to arm up and storm the Capitol. We just don’t want to be put in concentration camps.

Here's more from the Inquirer:

Since Donald Trump’s reelection in November, nontraditional gun groups across the city and country have seen a flood of interest. The national Liberal Gun Club said it has received thousands of training requests since the election, more than in all of 2023. A spokesperson for the group estimated that roughly a quarter were from LGBTQ people.

The local chapter of the Socialist Rifle Association, a leftist analogue to the National Rifle Association, said it saw a surge in paid memberships; its regular classes about gun safety filled up immediately, so they added more. 

The head of the Delaware Valley chapter of the Pink Pistols, a longtime gay gun group with the slogan “Armed Gays Don’t Get Bashed,” said he received a sudden flurry of emails inquiring about gun training.

And Madeline Shearman, a trans woman who runs a casual and growing “2A social group” in Pennsylvania, told the outlet:

There’s definitely a feeling among a lot of LGBT individuals: ‘If I can’t protect myself, who will? I feel that way myself.

Look, as a Second Amendment advocate, I believe that all stable, clear-minded people should not only ask themselves the same question — "If I can't protect myself, who will?" — but should also exercise their Second Amendment rights to self-arm and and carry. 

Sadly, many parts of America have become dangerous in ways we couldn't have predicted, not all that many years ago, and as a result, a healthy fear is prudent. However, being tossed into a concentration camp by a president of the United States is not on the bingo card of rationally-thinking Americans. 

Yet the Inquirer suggests that other "political moments" have fueled gun interest in the LGBTQ community, as well.

Pink Pistols, which has more than two dozen chapters across the country, was originally founded in 2000 after the writer Jonathan Rauch proposed in a Salon article that “homosexuals should embark on organized efforts to become comfortable with guns, learn to use them safely and carry them. They should set up Pink Pistols task forces, sponsor shooting courses and help homosexuals get licensed to carry.”

Although precise figures regarding LGBTQ gun ownership are hard to determine, the Liberal Gun Club told the outlet that it’s received “thousands” of firearms training requests since the election — more than in all of 2023 combined — and that about a quarter of them were from those in the LGBTQ community.

If it's occurred to you while reading this article that the Inquirer and the people it quoted in the article advised virtually the same actions advised by the National Rifle Association for all Americans, raise your hand. Yep, every one of you just raised your hand.


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Yet, the Inquirer and the LGBTQ crowd seem to believe that only they are entitled to such self-protection. How very liberal of them, eh? What's good for the gander, not so much for the goose. Yet we see the same phenomenon across the left-wing spectrum, from First Amendment Rights to equal justice under the law to the left's non-inclusive definition of "inclusion."

Incidentally, the Inquirer cited the deadly 2016 shooting at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida, whereby a homegrown Islamic terrorist sympathizer named Omar Mateen killed 49 people before being killed by police. However, evidence unearthed in the years that followed the mass shooting indicated that Mateen had no idea Pulse was a gay nightclub when he started opening fire.

The Bottom Line

Month after month of pre-election fearmongering by the left, from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris to left-wing media outlets to various activist groups, about Trump and his followers and what they might do if (when) he won, only served to deliver a historic victory to the Republican Party and freedom-loving Americans across this great land. 

While some on the left continue the scare tactic, their hollow warnings are tantamount to spitting into a fan.


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