
Oh, Please: Desperate Kamala Harris Is Now Ridiculously Trying to Channel Ronald Reagan

AP Photo/Jacquelyn Martin

You know Kamala Harris is desperate when she starts busting out quotes from the Gipper himself. 

On January 11, 1989, President Ronald Reagan, in his farewell address to the nation, referenced a 1630 sermon by John Winthrop, governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, which is now somewhat famous for its proclamation that “we shall be as a city upon a hill.” Beginning in the 1970s, Reagan often referred to America as a "shining city on a hill." 

On Friday morning, without attribution to Reagan (or even a nod to Winthrop), Democrat presidential Kamala wrote in a post to X:

As imperfect as we may be, America is still that shining city upon a hill that inspires people around the world.

We know the deep privilege and pride that comes with being an American and what it means to love our country. And we will continue to fight for the ideals of our country.

Oh, really? Meaning, does the radical San Francisco truly believe that America is "still that shining city upon a hill"? I can provide oodles of the receipts to the contrary. I'll get to a couple of them in a bit.

Look, who among us (informed and rational people) doesn't know that Harris has spent every day since Joe Biden was all but ousted in a palace coup running from her radical self? Who among us believes that Kamala Harris, of all people, views America as did Ronald Reagan, of all people? Honey, no.

From pretend flip-flops to hilarious obfuscatory word salads to bald-faced lies, the above Harris tweet is far more about desperately trying to restart her dead-in-the-water presidential campaign and her seeming inability to win the election than about her love for our shining city on a hill.

So, How Desperate Is Harris?

As I wrote in early September, Harris laughably tried to hijack two central themes of the Republican Party.

Let's first be clear: Once a San Francisco radical leftist, always a San Francisco radical leftist. Kamala Harris can talk about a shining city on the hill until the proverbial cows come home, but if she wins the election, she'll race back to the far left quicker than you can say, "We told you so!" 

If you watched Kamala's acceptance speech at the Democrat National Convention in Chicago, she was all about changing her messaging — even to the point of glomming onto freedom and patriotism, both of which are anathema to the so-called “progressive” direction that Harris and today’s radicalized Democrat Party want to push — or drag — America. 


Harris Seizes Two Key Republican Themes in Effort to Change the Messaging of the Democrat Party

Consider: Harris has helped Joe Biden orchestrate a nearly-four-year war on the Second Amendment.

As President Joe Biden’s right-hand woman on gun control, she’s helped orchestrate a four-year war on the Second Amendment, including through unprecedented efforts to weaponize the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives against the peaceable gun owners whose trust she’s trying so desperately to garner.

In fairness, her actions as Biden’s gun-control czar appear downright moderate when contrasted with her lengthy history of extreme anti-Second Amendment advocacy and discourse. For example, in 2008 Harris joined an amicus brief defending bans on the possession of handguns and advocating for a 20th century revisionist view of the Second Amendment that renders it little more than a superfluous authorization of state National Guard units.

Harris has also previously voiced her support for “mandatory buybacks” (i.e., reimbursed confiscations) of guns owned by millions of peaceable Americans—a call she’s cynically walked back.

And the First Amendment? A Wall Street Journal op-ed in early August 2024 focused on a Supreme Court rebuke of Harris' use of lawfare against political opponents while she was attorney general of California.

Ms. Harris made headlines a decade ago by threatening to punish nonprofit groups that refused to turn over unredacted donor information. She demanded they hand to the state their federal IRS Form 990 Schedule B in the name of discovering “self dealing” or “improper loans.” The real purpose was to learn the names of conservative donors and chill future political giving—that is, political speech.

Her bullying came amid the Internal Revenue Service’s notorious targeting of conservative nonprofits; Wisconsin’s probe of GOP donors; Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin’s intimidation of donors to the American Legislative Exchange Council; and a campaign of harassment against donors who supported California’s Prop 8 (which banned same-sex marriage).

Free-market nonprofits challenged the Harris dragnet, suing the AG’s office in a case that went to the U.S. Supreme Court. In Americans for Prosperity Foundation v. Bonta in 2021, the High Court ruled 6-3 that the AG’s disclosure demand broke the law. The Court pointed out that a lower court had found not “a single, concrete instance in which pre-investigation collection of a Schedule B did anything to advance the Attorney General’s investigative, regulatory or enforcement efforts.”

Is there any reason to believe that the San Francisco radical won't return to her radical self if she wins the presidency? No, there is not. 

Remember, while Harris has said several times that she's changed several of her positions — which I don't believe in the slightest — she's also said every time that he hasn't changed her values.

After four years of arguably the most disastrous administration in history, the last thing America needs is the "values" of Kamala Harris.


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