
Could Kamala's 'Secret Power' Be Her Ticket to the White House?

AP Photo/Stephen B. Morton

Trying to pin down Kamala Harris on the specifics of her policies — including her dizzying number of flip-flops — is tantamount to trying to nail jello to the wall. First, flip-flopping Kamala supported banning fracking, now she's against it. First, she was against building a border wall, but now (I think) she supports it. The list goes on.

Why it's "almost" like the hollow vessel that is Kamala Harris has zero convictions of her own. 


Kamala's Biggest Flip-Flop Yet That Has Everyone Talking and Proves Trump Right

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As Politico put it on Sunday, Kamala Harris' "secret power" is "she is whatever you want her to be." The question is, could Kamala's "secret power" be her key to victory in this whacked-out election season? 

I've said it before and I'll undoubtedly say multiple times before November 5: Nothing — and I mean nothing — could surprise me throughout the rest of this crazy campaign.

Through four days of the most organized gaslighting event in the history of American politics, Democrats at the Democrat National Convention in Chicago acted like they were at least high. "Joy" filled the United Center, and Princess Kamala was lauded as if she represented a "new beginning" — with zero acknowledgment that she has been side-by-side with cognitively vacant Joe Biden for three-and-a-half disastrous years of the worst administration in at least modern history, if not the entire history of America.

As I wrote on August 18, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich admonished voters to "ask yourself two questions whenever you hear one of Kamala Harris' empty questions." 

As you hear each new false promise and nice sounding agenda item, you should ask yourself two simple questions: 

1. Why haven’t they implemented them over the last four years?

2. And why should we believe they would now?

Those two questions will reveal how phony and staged the entire Democratic National Convention will be.

The answers, of course, are, first, because Biden-Harris had no desire to implement "nice sounding agenda items" as incumbents, and second, we shouldn't believe a word that comes out of Kamala Harris' mouth about her policies. 

Newt also noted that Harris' "issueless theme has been captured in recent articles about the so-called 'politics of joy.' The great challenge for Vice President Harris and her team is that the 'politics of joy' will be completely tone-deaf for many Americans."

We should also note that joy doesn't win elections. 

Read More: 

Gingrich: Ask Yourself Two Questions Every Time You Hear One of Kamala Harris' Empty Promises

Make no mistake: Harris will revert to form in a heartbeat the nanosecond she's declared the winner — if America is unfortunate enough for that to happen.

Harris' irrational rationale for her continually changing positions boils down to this: I have changed my views, but not my principles. During her disastrous taped interview with CNN's Dana Bash that was aired on Thursday night, this ridiculous exchange happened:

CNN REPORTER: You said you supported banning fracking. Did it change?

Kamala: In 2020, I made clear where I stand. We are in 2024. I kept my word.

REPORTER: Why did you change your position?

Kamala: Let's be clear. My values have not changed.

What the hell is that? A word salad, or a tacit admission that she'll revert to form if she wins in November? 

The truth is Kamala Harris will be whatever group or demographic she's pandering to at the moment wants her to be. The problem for Princess Kamala is that if she wins the election, her "secret power" will be no longer, and all of her disparate chits will be called in.

Then what? See: "Word salads, galore."


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