Don’t you just love presidential election cycles? I’m not talking about the dog days of slugging it out in small towns across the fruited plain; I mean that less-than-30-days-to-go days-to-go time when both sides pull out all the nasty stops — for better or for worse.
Case in point, as reported by the Daily Beast:
Fox News on Thursday said it would not be “inviting” Trump campaign advisor Harlan Hill onto the network (banning him) after he fired off an insulting tweet against Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) during the vice presidential debate Wednesday.
“We have no intention of booking him as a guest on any of our platforms,” said a Fox News Media spokesperson in a statement to the Daily Beast.
The offending tweet — **warning, strong language** — read:
Kamala Harris comes off as such an insufferable lying bitch. Sorry, it’s just true.
— HARLAN Z. HILL 🇺🇸 (@Harlan) October 8, 2020
Ouch. That “ouch” is not to be construed as agreement or disagreement with Hill’s assessment of Harris, but simply a statement of fact.
To his credit — again, not a value judgment — Hill stood his ground; topped off by the all-too-familiar LMFAO.
You can say the most vile things about Trump AND his family, but don’t you dare speak ill of Queen Kamala
— HARLAN Z. HILL 🇺🇸 (@Harlan) October 8, 2020
Call it what you want, but Hill was right.
Donald Trump has been called everything from Hitler to Mussolini to the antichrist, devil incarnate, and descriptors too vile to put into print, and nary a word in protest has been muttered by the liberal media sock puppets for more than four years. To the contrary, they’ve instigated it.
Oh look, the left is teaming up with the Kremlin’s propaganda outfit to attack Trump supporters! https://t.co/OCZ8aszYat
— HARLAN Z. HILL 🇺🇸 (@Harlan) October 8, 2020
Hill defiantly told the Daily Beast he didn’t regret a word he said.
“Kamala Harris was extraordinarily disrespectful to the vice president last night, lied to the American people repeatedly on The Biden/Harris platform, and was just generally unlikable and smug. I tweeted what I tweeted and I’d tweet it again.”
As The Blaze reported, Hill’s controversial tweet had received more than 2K retweets and 7.7K likes on Twitter as of this article. Just sayin’.
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