As Democrats — and worse — rush to microphones and TV cameras to attack Donald Trump’s expected SCOTUS nominee, Amy Coney Barrett, in advance of Trump’s Saturday afternoon Rose Garden announcement, HBO’s Bill Maher has been among the most vociferous in his condemnation of the Christian mother of seven children.
On Friday night’s episode of HBO’s “Real Time with Bill Maher,” the ever-acerbic host went after Barrett — bigly.
“[A]pparently the pick is going to be this oh my… a-oh my… Amy Comey [sic]. Well, we’ll be saying this name a lot I’m sure because she’s a f***ing nut. Religion, I was right about that one, too.
“Amy, I’m sorry but, Amy Comey [sic] Barrett — Catholic, really Catholic, I mean really, really Catholic, like speaking in tongues.
“Like she doesn’t believe in condoms, which [is] what she has in common with Trump because he doesn’t either—I remember that from Stormy Daniels.”
Maher repeatedly mispronounced Barrett’s middle name as “Comey” instead of “Coney” throughout the segment.
Let the hate begin. @BillMaher on Amy Coney Barrett: “A fucking nut.” #RealTime #AmyConeyBarrett pic.twitter.com/Qm7BPAtkt9
— Brent Baker (@BrentHBaker) September 26, 2020
The South Bend Tribune lists five things you need to know about Amy Coney Barrett — AKA: the “f**ing nut.”
A Dedicated Mother Seven
Barrett, 48, was born and raised in New Orleans. She was the oldest of seven children. Her mother was a high school French teacher and her father was a lawyer.
After graduating from the University of Notre Dame’s law school at the top of her class, she worked as a law clerk for Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia and other federal court judges before returning to her alma mater as a law professor in 2002.
Barrett has been described by colleagues and friends as a dedicated mother of seven children, two of whom were adopted from Haiti. The youngest child has Down Syndrome.
“What greater thing can you do than raise children?” she said. “That’s where you have your greatest impact on the world.”
A Lightning Rod of Faith
Barrett’s strong Catholic faith has placed her firmly in the eye of the national debate over who will replace Ginsburg, and what ideology the new judge will bring.
Her confirmation hearing in 2017 became a lightning rod for conservative outcry after California Sen. Dianne Feinstein questioned whether or not Barrett could separate her religious faith from her duty as a judge.
“The dogma lives loudly within you,” Feinstein said during the hearing. Barrett insisted that her professional beliefs and her religious beliefs would be kept separate.
Three years later, Barrett’s rulings have invited similar questions. But those who know her say it’s unfair to narrowly define her. “It’s been disorienting to see the smartest person I know reduced to how she might vote on [abortion], when she is so much more than that,” Alex Blair, an attorney and one of Barrett’s former University of Notre Dame students, told the South Bend Tribune.
(Read the rest of the list here.)
Do you suppose Maher knows that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is a woman of “deep Catholic faith,” which she trots out for political expediency at every opportunity?
For example, Pelosi cites her “deep faith” as some sort of Twilight Zone justification for her staunch support of abortion — including late-term abortion, which she has referred to as “sacred ground.”
Either way, Maher is an interesting fellow. He occasionally takes a sane position, such as the example I covered in my June piece titled Bill Maher Suffers Brief Moment of Clarity: ‘Reckless’ Lockdowns, ‘Closing Down Entire Country’ Partly to Blame for Riots.
Of the lockdowns, Maher said:
“This lockdown that we’ve been living with — do you agree with me? — that this has a lot to do with the unrest in the streets?
“That when you coop people up and when they have no hope and no job, that they — why not go out in the streets?
“I wonder what America will look like, what police departments look like if they have to fight this all the time.”
But after such moments of clarity, Maher quickly reverts to form. Why it’s “almost” as if he feels an obligation to scurry back to the Left as fast as he can as if to say “I’m back! Nothing to worry about!”
Then again, every once in a while, a blind squirrel finds an acorn.
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