Well, that was ugly. Or really fun, depending on one’s political persuasion. Either way, this one was pretty much over before it started.
Not only did Candace Owens thoroughly whup Cardi B’s butt in an awesome back-and-forth Twitter battle; the hapless, overmatched rapper showed up with a teeny little pocket knife to do battle with one of the young, articulate big guns of the conservative movement.
Wait — knife and gun reference. Too soon?
The festivities began when Owens tweeted a video clip from a recent interview she did Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro, in which she chastised Joe Biden for finally coming out of his basement, only to do an interview with Cardi B, of all people.
“Like Kanye West; he’s never really written about grab a gat, and just go out and kill people. But unfortunately, today, that’s the majority of what rap has become, right? So I completely agree with your assessment about Cardi B. It is one of the biggest insults.
“If Black Americans are not insulted by the fact that Joe Biden, who has been hiding in his basement for an entire year, made an appearance and came out because he was going to do an interview with Cardi B; do we have nothing better to offer?
“I mean this would be akin to Donald Trump saying ‘I’m going to do no interviews,’ but he came out and did an interview with Justin Bieber.”
OUCH. Candace Owens drops mic, walks off stage. She didn’t, of course — but she could have. Not bad, when you can light up both Biden and Cardi B in three devastating sentences.
Since most black people didn’t have the spine to admit that @benshapiro was 100% correct about @iamcardib and how her music and platform contributes to the disintegration of black culture and values…here you go. #WAP #SundaySpecial pic.twitter.com/q5QxxX9G4e
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 6, 2020
Game on.
Cardi B thought the fact that she has “the #1 song” was credibility enough to warrant a sit-down with Biden — which to Democrats, is oddly true, but that’s another discussion for another time. Anyway, calling Cardi B an empty vessel would be a slight to empty vessels.
You wanna know why joe gotta talk to me Candice cause I have the #1 song & yet my sister can’t go to the beach in the Hampton’s wit out trump supporters harassing cause they were by themselves & Santa Claus was harassing my sis GF all because they are a Afro/Hispanic gay couple https://t.co/OLQX2mrzbp pic.twitter.com/ISfJStODme
— iamcardib (@iamcardib) September 6, 2020
Given that Owens speaks English, she wanted to clarify with Cardi B what the rapper just said — or tried to.
To clarify—Joe Biden “gotta talk” to you because you have the number 1 song and Santa Claus was harassing your sister?
Thanks for clearing that one up. https://t.co/MCaYpPNRXy
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 6, 2020
Apparently stunned by Owens’s connecting jab, Cardi B decided to lean into a left hook, again referring to her dopey song — and tossing in a dose of incoherent babble, for good measure.
Yes you are right I have the number 1 song & I have a huge platform and I can make millions go vote to get the MAN THAT USED YOU .I don’t want to argue with you Candace I really don’t have the time .I honestly just feel sorry for you. https://t.co/haACwKRN13
— iamcardib (@iamcardib) September 6, 2020
Um, wrong move, B. Owens deftly moved to taxes.
Lastly, asking racist Joe Biden to lower your taxes in the same breath that you asked for free universal healthcare is about as thick as it gets.
When you stick to music, you can get left alone. When you dabble in politics, you will get called out for platforming ignorance. https://t.co/31CHwxnHRo
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 6, 2020
As to be expected, B bit — hook, line, and sinker.
Well paying taxes is something that as much as I hate it’s a reality I will always have to pay …but I rather my tax money go to free education then police funding ….Use my money on something USEFUL.Your president use our tax money to fu d his empty campaign runs 😩😂😂 https://t.co/tesk1pwdwb
— iamcardib (@iamcardib) September 7, 2020
And on it went.
You are encouraging MILLIONS to go vote for the man that locked up entire generations of black men.
Maybe go google: JOE BIDEN AND 1994 CRIME BILL.Joe Biden used you.
Bernie Sanders used you.
Neither one of them like or know your music. They think you’re dumb. #Trump2020 https://t.co/31CHwxnHRo— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 6, 2020
& you are encouraging millions to vote for a man who laugh Everytime a black men gets killed by a cop and tell millions of Americans to drink bleach🤷🏽♀️ Trump didn’t even have you talking at the Republican convention 😩He thinks you’re dumb.MASA did you dirty but you mad at me ? https://t.co/0gWcIpInS7
— iamcardib (@iamcardib) September 7, 2020
At that point, Owens asked Cardi B to produce a few facts to back up her claims. Facts to the Left are like crucifixes and holy water to vampires, you know.
1) Produce the clip of Trump laughing at black men getting killed, you lying fraud.
2) I turned down filming a spot for the RNC convention.
3) You encourage millions of young girls to spread their legs, & you admitted to date-raping men—so don’t even start on the bleach lie. https://t.co/ZMW2CdPM3k— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 7, 2020
She then introduced to Cardi B a few relevant facts.
1) Your tax dollars already go to free education, genius.
2) No campaign uses tax dollars for funding. That is illegal.
3) Defunding police initiatives have led to 200% increases in black men getting shot in inner cities. STOP SUPPORTING BLACK PEOPLE DYING. https://t.co/M68GND0eRB— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 7, 2020
I’m almost 6 months pregnant and had to rip @iamcardib a new WAP.
Watch here: https://t.co/mLbMeDgm9s
Goodnight fam. #TRUMP2020 all day, every day.
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 7, 2020
Ah, but B, ever the glutton for punishment, came back for more.
Your baby singing wap wap wap this some dry ass pussyyyy 😩😂😂😂😂😂😩😂😂😂😂😂😂 https://t.co/ooJccpsXXn
— iamcardib (@iamcardib) September 7, 2020
Finally, Owens took the kill shot, reminding B of how very Democrat she was behaving.
Attacking an unborn child.
How very DEMOCRAT of you.While I have you—did you know your party has supported the slaughter of over 18 million black babies since 1973? Did you know the most unsafe place for a black child is in its mother’s womb because of YOUR party? https://t.co/hEJ8HR0ZRg
— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 7, 2020
Never listen to a person that has private security but wants the public police defunded.
Never listen to a millionaire that made it here in America, but trashes our country.
These Hollywood idols are frauds, leading sheep down paths they never took when they discovered success.— Candace Owens (@RealCandaceO) September 7, 2020
Final score. Game, set, match. Thanks for playing, B. Moral of the story: Never fight a battle of wits, with no ammunition.
The bottom line:
While you likely couldn’t care less about Cardi B — or maybe even Candace Owens — this back-and-forth catfight was a quintessential example of Left vs. Right. To the Right, facts matter. History matters. Logic matters. Common sense matters. Reality matters.
To the Left, it’s all about emotion. Good emotion, bad emotion, and every emotion in between. Moreover, trying to get liberals to see reality is tantamount to trying to get Michael Moore to switch out his Double Quarter Pounders with Cheese for low-fat, sugar-free smoothies.
Ain’t gonna happen. Hence, the need for popcorn. Lots of popcorn.
H/T ~ Twitchy
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