Exclusive: Brick Suit Gives Front Row Account of Trump Shooting

AP Photo/Evan Vucci

[Butler, PA] The California-based social media and political personality known as "Brick Suit” told RedState he was in the front row when the shots rang out at President Donald J. Trump’s rally here today on Butler Farm Show grounds—ending the rally, with Trump being led off stage by Secret Service agents and pumping his fist as blood poured from the side of his face.


“I'm in the front row watching President Trump give his remarks, and I started to hear what was snaps, and I was hoping that it was going to be a prank, that it was firecrackers or something,” said Brick Suit, who has attended roughly 40 Trump rallies across the country—and has been acknowledged by the president and called on stage by him.

“The whole wide range of emotions,” he said. “Personally, I was hopeful because when President Trump left, he seemed unbowed. He raised his fist, almost a very defiant gesture, and that gave me hope.”

Trump is days away from becoming the Republican presidential nominee, with the party’s convention opening Monday in Milwaukee:

Brick Suit, who wears a suit with a brick wall pattern, said there were two rounds of shots fired.

“It happened again,” he said. 

"When I looked back at the president--because when I heard the shots, they seemed to be coming from my left or I heard the noises that had to be coming from my left," he said.

Brick Suit said he did not see the Secret Service or any other law enforcement fire their weapons.


“I did not witness any Secret Service, or any of the rapid response teams that came into the podium area, fire their weapons at all,” he said. 

“Their guns were drawn, and they were highly alert, but I did not see any weapons being fired by them,” he said.

“I looked to my left, and then when I looked back up to the podium, the president was being attended to,” he said.

“The Secret Service had rushed onto the podium,” he said. “They threw their bodies on top of him,” he said. “I could hear them talking there while they were trying to stabilize [the situation], and I was just trying to listen to what they were saying. I didn't hear anything in particular.”

Brick Suit said he stood up to see better because he figured the shooting was over, but then went back down into his seat while Trump was on the stage floor.

“I don't really have full recollection of what it did. I don't think I dove on the ground, but I probably crouched, and then I got back up to see what was happening,” he said.

“I just figured they're not, if it's shots, they're not shooting at the crowd. It seemed to be over. I wasn't so concerned with my safety as I was with the president’s at that time,” he said.


“They kept him down on the ground, prepared to move him,” he said. “I could hear that they were coordinating. I did not hear them calling for any medical or anything like that.”

Instead of lifting the president, the Secret Service agents seemed to allow him to stand, because Trump seemed to be insisting that the people see that he was OK, he said.

“When President Trump stood up, I did see blood above his right ear, but there's no way for me to know if that was his blood or somebody might've been cut while they pushed him down,” he said.

“The president looked shaken, but he stood, and in fact, I would say he was defiant, and he raised his fist and shook his fist,” he said.

“I could not tell what he was saying," he said. "Certainly, at that point in time, I was optimistic that it wasn't going to be a worst-case scenario."

Brick Suit said that when the crowd left, individuals were just allowed to leave without engaging with law enforcement and security, which led him to believe that the shooter was taken down or in custody.

When the shots rang out, Trump was talking about immigration, and there was a large chart on the big screen showing the flood of illegal immigrants, which began when President Joseph R. Biden Jr. took office in January 2021. 

Brick Suit said the mood at the rally was extremely positive. 


There was speculation that Trump might announce his choice for the Republican vice-presidential nomination, but nothing like that had happened yet. 

Brick Suit: Crossfire suggests second shooter

“I did not see anyone else injured, but I saw people in the stands, in the grandstand, flanking the main stage, attending to people or appear to be attending to people that looked like they were injured,” Brick Suit said.

“It's possible that people were hit by bullets on the left stands and on the right, which might indicate that there are two shooters,” he said.

“It's possible that the second round of gunshots I heard could be somebody, the Secret Service firing back.”

Related: Brick Suit Tells RedState Noem's Trump Endorsement Puts 'Everybody on Notice


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