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I looked up from my computer and realized the TV was still on after that epic Trump speech, thought to myself, who the heck is that?
Oh yeah - the Dem response. That has got to be the sorriest job in history, especially tonight 🤣
Guess so.
What a depressing and pessimistic view of our nation. Good luck selling that in two years, Dems.
Apparently, she lived in a country that didn't teach her America is a constitutional republic.
Trump doesn't believe we are an exceptional country? What did you just watch lady??
Seriously. Zzzzzzzzz.......
The Democrats showed in the last election and over the last four years that they have no actual plan on the border/immigration.
As a reminder, Sen. Slotkin voted just yesterday to let men participate in women's sports. She is not a moderate.
Trump just seamlessly spoke for over 2 hours. It took Slotkin about 3 minutes to put America to sleep.