In Cringeworthy MTP Appearance, Mitch McConnell Refuses to Say Whether Trump's Remarks about Gonzalo Curiel are Racist or Not (VIDEO)

This is typical cowardly politician right here. One of the people Donald Trump was right about – all talk, no action. On Meet the Press this morning, Mitch McConnell was asked three times if Trump’s racist remarks about Gonzalo Curiel were racist (spoiler: they are). He refused to say that they either are or are not.


When confronted with Erick’s excellent post pointing out that yes, it was racism, he fell back to the last coward’s refuge: we have to support Trump because he won the primary. Unbelievable. Watch this and try not to cringe five or six times:

Rough transcript follows:

Todd: You know what he’s said about this Federal Judge that is overseeing this Trump University lawsuit. Um, he has called… he essentially said that he cannot be impartial because he’s Hispanic. That’s a… is that not a racist statement?

McConnell: I couldn’t disagree more with a statement like that.

Todd: Is it a racist statement?

McConnell: I couldn’t disagree more with what he had to say.

Todd: Okay, but, why… do you… do you think it’s a racist statement to say.

McConnell: I don’t agree with what he had to say. This is a man who was born in Indiana, all of us came here from somewhere else. Almost all Americans are near term immigrants like my wife who came here at age 8, not speaking a word of English, or the rest of us whose ancestors were risk takers, who got up from wherever they were and came here and made this country great. That’s an important part of what makes America work.

Todd: I want to read you something that Erick Erickson, a conservative commentator wrote for the Resurgent, he wrote it yesterday. “The attacks are racist. To claim that someone is unable to professionally perform his job because of his race is racism. And damn the GOP for its unwillingness to speak up on this. The party of Lincoln intends to circle its wagons around a racist. Damn them for that.” What do you say to Mr. Erickson?

McConnell: I think the party of Lincoln wants to win the White House. And the right-of-center world needs to respect the fact that the primary voters have spoken. Donald Trump has won the nomination the old fashioned way – he got more votes than anybody else. Is he the perfect candidate for a lot of us? Not.. he isn’t. But we have a two party system here, and Hillary Clinton is certainly not something that I think would be good for the country for another… to continue, basically, the Obama administration for another four years.


So, you have nothing to say to the charge that Trump is a racist. You cannot disagree with that premise. But you have to support the racist because it’s important that your party win. Gotcha.

I’ll pass on this “logic,” thanks.


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