California Paid for Sex Change Surgery of Multi-Murderer - Kamala Harris Calls It 'an Issue of Humanity'

AP Photo/Matt Marton

Some crime stories stick with you. Stories about children being hurt or killed or abused — particularly children abused by parents — are hard to read about. And harder to forget. There are murder stories that are sensational but somewhat forgettable. Unfortunately, people are murdered every day. Gang-related murders account for a large share of them. There are murders from passion. And then, there are murders for money – committed without the least bit of caring. Without remorse. The murder of Thomas and Jackie Hawks was just such a case. 


In 2004, Thomas, 57, and his wife Jackie, 47, owned a lovely 55-foot yacht they had named the “Well Deserved.” However, the couple was ready to spend more time with their about-to-be-born grandchild. They decided to sell their boat. The Hawks placed an ad for sale — $440,000. 24-year-old John Jacobson, a convicted felon, answered the ad. The Hawks were dubious at first, but Jacobson brought his pregnant wife and small child to the next meeting. It was part of the ruse. Jacobson and two of his criminal friends showed up at the dock for a “test drive.” What happened next is bone-chilling.  

While out at sea, Jacobson and his friends overpowered Thomas and Jackie. The criminals tortured the Hawks until they signed over the title to the “Well Deserved” and forced them to give up their bank account information. Once the thugs had that information and signature, they calmly tied the couple to the boat’s anchor and pushed them overboard.  

Then, the three psychopaths opened beers and spent the rest of the day fishing. They were quickly caught after trying to access the Hawks’ bank accounts. Jacobson was tried for the Hawks’ murders at the same time as another murder — a man who had his throat slit by Jacobson. Jacobson didn’t dispute that he murdered the couple. Five years after the Hawks sunk into the inky depths fighting for breath, Jacobson was sentenced to death. 


In 2009, the Orange County DA issued a press release:  

On Nov. 9, 2004, Skylar Deleon plotted with his then-pregnant wife, Jennifer Deleon, to gain the Hawks’ trust by taking Jennifer Deleon and their 9-month-old baby to meet the Hawks on their boat, which Skylar Deleon and Machain had staked out three days prior. Gardner is accused of recruiting Kennedy, a hard-core, documented Los Angeles gang member, to provide “muscle.”  

On Nov. 15, 2004, Kennedy went with Skylar Deleon and Machain to take the boat out of the harbor with the Hawks’ under the pretense of test driving it for a possible sale. Kennedy posed as Skylar Deleon’s “accountant.” Once out at sea, Kennedy overpowered the victims with the help of Skylar Deleon and Machain, forced the Hawks’ to sign the transfer of title documents, handcuffed and tied them to the anchor, and drowned them in the ocean. 

Co-defendant Skylar Deleon, 29, Long Beach, was sentenced to the death penalty on April 10, 2009. He was found guilty by a jury on Oct. 20, 2008, of three felony counts of special circumstances murder for multiple murders and murder for financial gain. He has a prior strike for a 2003 residential burglary conviction. A jury recommended the death penalty for Skylar Deleon on Nov. 6, 2008.   


If you are wondering who Skylar Deleon is, "Skylar" is Jacobson. That is his “her” name. Alas, Jacobson didn’t get death. That sentence was commuted to life. Jacobson got another gift thanks to the state of California —  and specifically Kamala Harris — who now supports it. Jacobson claimed that he was “born in the wrong body,” so besides a name change, he got sex-change surgeries, all paid for by the state. 

What has Harris said about her state paying for “sex-change” surgeries for psychopaths? In 2015, she voiced some opposition to paying for inmates getting surgeries on the state’s dime. Then (likely because her party was “all-in"), she changed lanes and now is in full-throated support:  

Harris went so far as to boast that she played a key role in California changing its policy “so that every transgender inmate in the prison system would have access to the medical care that they desired and need,” calling the policy “an issue of humanity.”     

There are three weeks left before election day. She still has time to flip and flop. And flop back again.

An issue of inhumanity is that Jacobson got his surgeries to lop off his body parts and add fake breasts and can now call himself “Skylar,” but the Hawks are dead. The Hawks have been dead for 20 years. The grandchild they wanted to dote on never knew them because a psychopath and his two psycho friends murdered them. Why did Jacobson kill the Hawks? Jacobson said it was to pay for sex-change surgery. 


No need – the state paid for it, and Harris is glad it did. Jacobson lost his manhood but gained phony woman parts and a supporter running for president.

According to Harris, it was an “issue of humanity.”  

Jacobson is being transferred to a women's prison. You know — it's an issue of humanity. 


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