Saturday Cartoon: Jen Psaki, Professional Liar

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

As a cartoonist, I’m gonna miss Jen Psaki. She’s an irrepressible political hack and professional liar, but I will miss her. Why? Because the lying isn’t going to stop, and the new press secretary seems to have no physical ticks to mock. I had a good time mocking Jen and her hair flips (usually three per lie).


Her condescending tone and her ability to not burst into flame while blatantly lying was quite a skill-set. Her obvious gifts at both seem to combine into a perfect fit for her new employer MSDNC. She will be paid a lot more to lie, and no doubt, she’ll be fed secrets from her chums at the White House.

Then she can break stories like home addresses of Supreme Court Justices, or maybe she’ll be the first talking head to announce that Biden has tasked a hit team to kill Vlad. That should start WWIII, and Jen will be the first journo to report on the incoming missiles.

Nah. On second thought, I really won’t miss her. Her mastery of lying would put Pinocchio to shame–and people like that are too common to count in Washington.


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