Flames from a wildfire advance down a hillside near the Springs of Life Church in Casitas Springs, Calif., on Tuesday, Dec. 5, 2017. Wind-driven fires tore through California communities Tuesday for the second time in two months, leaving hundreds of homes feared lost and uprooting tens of thousands of people. (AP Photo/Noah Berger)
The Skirball fire started early Wednesday morning along one of the most congested stretches of freeway in Los Angeles, which also happens to be in the Bel Air neighborhood where many of the entertainment industry’s richest members live.
Fortunately only four homes have been totally lost as of this writing, but numerous others have been damaged. One of the homes damaged happened to belong to Fox News mogul Rupert Murdoch, and “tolerant” liberals on Twitter rejoiced.
Murdoch is a polarizing figure on the right as well as the left, but cheering the loss or threatened loss of one’s home because of “karma” is disgusting.
The cheering wasn’t coming only from garden-variety Twitter trolls. It was also on display over on Facebook, and one person who wasn’t at all shy about sharing his glee was Tafarai Bayne, Los Angeles Metro Commissioner and Board of Transportation Vice President.
That’s Bayne above. Below is a screenshot from his social media.

As a commissioner, Bayne is an appointee of Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti. As far as his day job, if you’re not familiar with CicLAvia, it’s a day where a major street is shut down and people ride their bikes around the area instead of driving. Of course, on their website it’s described a bit differently:
Inspired by Bogotá’s weekly ciclovía, CicLAvia temporarily closes streets to car traffic and opens them to Los Angelenos to use as a public park. Free for all, CicLAvia connects communities to each other across an expansive city, creating a safe place to bike, walk, skate, roll, and dance through Los Angeles.
Doesn’t sound like the kind of thing Rupert Murdoch would champion, which might be why Bayne posted this:
#FTP? There are multiple meanings for that hashtag that fit, and none of them are printable here.
Bayne got pushback on the post since his settings were public. It was shared into local community and political forums, and after a few hours (and a few “wait until this goes viral” comments) Bayne locked down his privacy settings and either deleted the post or changed the setting (too bad screenshots were already taken).
But first he had something to say to his critics.
A quick look down Bayne’s timeline revealed this foul-mouthed post disregarding property rights for the good of the collective.
We get it. Bayne is simply saying what his “progressive” friends all believe. Peace, love, and tolerance, as long as you agree with us. If you’re a developer whose plans don’t align with those of the CicLAvia types, or if you’re a successful non-progressive businessman you have no human or property rights, and they really don’t care if your house burns or if you live or die.
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