MSNBC Claims It's a 'Gender Gap,' But Really Wants to Know Why Blacks Are Not Supporting Kamala

Townhall Media

This last week has been absolutely amazing. Between former President and GOP nominee Donald Trump's iconic and successful McDonald's appearance, and early voting by Republicans leading the polls, we are also seeing the crumbling of the Democrats' chokehold on the Black vote. MSNBC felt the need to investigate this, so they sent correspondent Alex Wagner to a Philadelphia barbershop to explore the legitimacy of what she considered a gender gap with voters. When Wagner questioned the men about former Democrat President Barack Obama's statements, which essentially blamed Black men for not sufficiently supporting Vice President and selected Democrat nominee Kamala Harris, one of the participants had this to say.



The person in the post video said,

It felt like [Obama was saying], you n-words better get in line and do what we say. It felt like [Obama], as the czar of the Democratic Party, coming down to say, go get these n-words in line. It was disgusting, it was abhorrent.

Yeah, they're over it. Detroit Pastor Lorenzo Sewell, who spoke at the Republican National Convention, called this out and pointed directly to Harris' cavalier and dismissive attitude toward Black men as the problem, on Fox & Friends":

A prominent black Detroit pastor slammed Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris for "virtue signaling" and "exploiting" his community, saying that "black men are not political infants."

"We will not allow virtue signaling. We will not allow identity politics. Black men are not political infants," Pastor Lorenzo Sewell of Detroit’s 180 Church said during an appearance on Fox & Friends, referring to Harris’s recent outreach to black voters. "We know exactly what's happening with the Democratic Party. We know that they've exploited us for over six decades, and we are saying, just like Moses said to Pharaoh, ‘Let my people go.’"


But Harris is not willing to let it go. She took her pander tour to New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in an Atlanta suburb where she claimed that helping your neighbor means you have to go out and vote... for her. Still, MSNBC was insistent that this is a "gender thing," until Wagner interviewed a group of Black women who support Trump. This interaction does much to debunk the narrative that Black women are all on board with Kamala and want nothing to do with Trump.  

When you watch the video, you can see Wagner's face progressively deflate as these women tear down one legacy media narrative after another. 

It's glorious to behold.

It's Because Kamala Harris Is a Woman. What Is a Woman?

The first participant, Crystal Canty, blew this talking point right out of the water:

At the end of the day, I don't think that she has the personality. I don't think that she has what it takes to go up against Putin, and go up against these other presidents that are built for this.

If I understand Canty, she is saying that Harris being a woman is not at issue; it's the fact that she's not a woman who would strike fear in the heart of a Vladimir Putin or any of those other crazy foreign dictators. Canty accurately pegs that she wants a president who can be "secure, and manly and about it." Harris is not even secure enough to interview for longer than 20 minutes or take journalists' or the American people's questions off the cuff. 


Another participant, Justice Felix, further destroyed this narrative. Wagner asked, "Do you think it matters that she's a woman and people aren't comfortable with having a woman in a top leadership role?"

FELIX: No! I don't think that because most men they love their mothers, they love their wives. So, as a woman, most men they respect the woman. But she just don't have the qualifications or the education to really run America. Because she don't have the experience. She don't understand our struggles. 

Boom. She is not one of us—and not just "Black" us, but "American" us. Felix also ably points out that it is utter insanity to trust Harris with four more years when she has done little to nothing to better Americans' situation in the four years of being vice president:

FELIX: And for me to believe you for another four years, you're crazy. Like, you're crazy. You're saying the same thing that you said four years ago.

WAGNER: So, the fact that she's the Vice President—

FELIX: That's just the bottom line. 

WAGNER: You're like you've been here, you've had a chance—


Kamala Doesn't Like Black People

And Black people know this. Despite the legacy media consistently covering for it, Dr. Alfie Goodwin says the first time she heard the name "Kamala Harris" was in the context of her deliberate destruction of the Black men and women she claimed to stand up for, as RedState has reported here, here, and here.


GOODWIN: Well for me, the very first time I ever heard the name, "Kamala Harris," it was in association for locking up parents for a truancy. That was the first time I ever heard of her name. So, I really didn't understand how this person claimed to be a Black woman but yet, she's locking up Black women, and Black men, and separating families.

It is apparent from the video edit that they didn't want to go down that road, so the producers had Wagner switch gears. Let's attack Trump! So novel.

Kamala Is Not Black

Wagner brought in Trump's response to a question by ABC's Rachel Scott at the National Association of Black Journalists, where he said that Harris used to identify as Indian, but now presents herself as Black.

WAGNER: Here's a thing that is.. Trump talks about this a lot, he says, Kamala Harris became Black when it was convenient.

 Several others in the room interjected agreement with, "Right. Right," and Yep."

WAGNER: Can you talk to me about, do you feel, do you agree with him on that? Do you feel like she's wearing her Blackness?

Wagner was not prepared for the resounding response.

GOODWIN: Absolutely! Absolutely! When she was sworn into the Senate it was as the first Indian American. 

Another person in the room, yelled, "THANK YOU!"

GOODWIN: Which is fine! We don't care—

Yes, we do not care who you choose to be. You can be purple—just don't pretend you are one of us in order to gain the support of a voting bloc. It's offensive--and Black people see right through it and have for years. The difference this time around is that Blacks are finally saying, "No more," and many are voting accordingly. This is not acceptable behavior for anyone, let alone a candidate who wants to run the country. 


The last woman to speak, Valerie Martin, dropped the mic.

MARTIN: We all know she is not Black, let's understand this, we are all clear of that. But my point of view, as I've told you earlier is that she's already been there—she's in office right now.

And done absolutely nothing good for any American, let alone Black Americans. Harris is inexorably tied to the Biden-Harris administration and directly complicit in helping make our lives miserable through inflation, open borders, crime, and the erosion of working class wages. In her recent interviews, Harris has done nothing to distance herself from this. If the response by these women is any indication, she wouldn't be able to even if she tried.

So, MSNBC, it's not a gender gap. Black men and women—heck, ALL Americans, will take proven leadership and concrete policies over symbolism and delusion. The thrill is not gone, it was never there in the first place. It's a new day, and MSNBC is finally being forced to report about it. 



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