California's Democrat Supermajority Rams Through AB 1955 Amid Chaos and Fistfights

CREDIT: Jennifer Van Laar

So it's come to this. In order to pass divisive legislation, the California Democrat Supermajority has devolved into fisticuffs when they are opposed. According to Capitol correspondent Ashley Zavala, Assemblyman Bill Essayli (R-Riverside) was debating in opposition to AB 1955, which makes it a crime for school boards to agree to inform parents that their child is being transitioned from one gender to another. The Chino Hills Unified School District is in Essayli's district, and they are being sued by the State of California because it instituted a parental notification policy 


I honestly cannot believe what I am watching. Please watch this entire video. The Democrat supermajority will not allow any opposition to speak, and if they do speak, they call any criticism of Democrat actions or policies "disparaging" and cut microphones. This is NOT democracy. This is psychotic, childish authoritarianism. And worst of all, they're cutting Essayli off to cover their despicable lies.

In May, Essayli championed for the passage of AB 2641, a bill to overturn California's sanctuary city laws in order to block illegal pedophile criminals from being allowed to enter the state, and received the same persecution from his Democrat colleagues. Essayli and Assemblywoman Pilar Schiavo (D-North LA) regularly traded barbs on the floor and on X surrounding this bill and others. But in Essayli's efforts to debate AB 1955, Assemblyman Corey Jackson (D-Moreno Valley) decided things needed to get physical.

According to Capitol correspondent Ashley Zavala, in Essayli's floor speech, he likened the Democrat leadership to "the Communist Party" of California and compared them to an oligarchy. Things devolved from there. After a failed vote that would have allowed Essayli to continue to debate the bill, Essayli then challenged Assemblymember Rick Chavez Zbur (D-LA) on a point of order and stated that he received a second to his motion from Assemblywoman Kate Sanchez (R-Murietta). Jackson decided to challenge him on this. Essayli then said, "What are you going to do about it?" This is when Jackson quickly exited his seat and tried to make a beeline for Essayli before being held back by his colleagues. 



Debate on AB 1955 in the CA Assembly just went off the rails. Bill would prohibit California schools from having parental notification policies if a student is transgender. @billessayli had his mic cut for discussing bill from last year, lawmakers raise numerous points of order. Then Essayli said something we couldn’t hear that set off @AsmCoreyJackson

As the debate progressed, more feathers became ruffled. Democrats even created a human wall between Jackson and Essayli. So mature.

Then, like the drama kings and queens they are, the Democrats literally circled the wagons around AB1955's author, Assemblyman Chris Ward (D-San Diego), who was having an emotional meltdown. Again, so very mature.


After all this Kabuki theater, AB 1955 passed on a party-line vote and will now go to Governor Gavin Newsom's desk for signature. 

This is no lie, and many of us have been warning America about this very thing. This move by CaLeg was made to shore up Newsom and his transgender agenda—which President Joe Biden has matched to the letter. But it was also meant to embolden other Democrat state legislatures to pull the same maneuvers to undermine and mow down parental rights. District 13 Assembly candidate Denise Aguilar said it's time to queue the lawsuits.

Tara and I was to send a huge thank you to everyone who showed up, called and allowed us to represent you for the hearing on #AB1955. The bill may have passed the committee but the energy from our community was impeccable It’s clear we all have had just about enough of these crazy bills and policies that push for family separation. Should this pass, there’s lawsuits waiting to be filed. In the meantime if you’re interested in homeschooling I will be having a meet and greet for my Assembly candidacy which will include resources on homeschooling. July 13th Louis Park 11-3. We are so proud of how the day went today.


Essayli did what he does well -- he spoke to the people and the media. Democrats may think that they have silenced all debate and created a chilling effect on any school district that would oppose them, but what they have done instead is ignited a blaze that will burn through to November. California parents have taken note of which Democrats voted YES on this madness. With the Prop 47 revamp on the ballot, expect these parents and their coalitions to flood the mail and the polling places. Parental Rights is now also on the ballot.


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