
Can RFK Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard Push Donald Trump to Victory?

AP Photo/Ross D. Franklin

Team Trump just got two new members, and they could make an immense difference in the presidential race.

Former independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former Hawaii Rep. Tulsi Gabbard have signed on to former President Donald Trump’s transition team.

The move comes after both individuals publicly endorsed Trump’s candidacy for president, as RedState's Ward Clark reports:

Meanwhile, former President Donald Trump has not only received endorsements - I would characterize them both as enthusiastic endorsements - from two former Democratic presidential candidates, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard. Now we learn that Trump has added them both to his transition team:

Former President Trump has tapped Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (Hawaii) to his transition team, bringing both aboard in formal roles on the heels of their endorsements.

“As President Trump’s broad coalition of supporters and endorsers expands across partisan lines, we are proud that Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Tulsi Gabbard have been added to the Trump/Vance Transition team,” senior campaign adviser Brian Hughes said in a statement. “We look forward to having their powerful voices on the team as we work to restore America’s greatness.”

The news was met with thunderous digital applause on social media coming from conservatives and a cacophony of wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from folks on the left. It is certainly an unconventional move, especially in today’s political environment rife with hyperpartisanship. However, given that Gabbard and Kennedy are both former Democrats, it could be just what the former president needs to win over a wider swath of voters.

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To start with, bringing in these two prominent political figures demonstrates a willingness to reach beyond the traditional Republican voting base. This move could appeal to independent voters and other disillusioned Democrats who have become disenchanted with the direction of their party but are hesitant to support a mainstream Republican candidate.

With RFK Jr. and Gabbard on board, Trump could craft a narrative of unity and bipartisanship that could attract voters who have grown weary of the deep political polarization in the country. It would send the message that the former president is serious about aligning with others who might not share all of his beliefs but desire to move the country in a more positive direction. By positioning his campaign as one that transcends party lines, the former president might tap into the sentiments of those who feel politically homeless or dissatisfied with both major parties.

These two choices might also boost Trump’s credibility on several key issues. Kennedy is known for his strong stances on issues such as government transparency, health freedom, and deep skepticism of big pharma.

For her part, Gabbard brings credibility to issues related to foreign policy and national security. Her strong anti-interventionist stances jibe well with Trump’s and are in line with how most Americans feel about America’s involvement in overseas entanglements.

However, there could be some drawbacks to this decision. By enlisting the help of two former Democrats, Trump could risk alienating part of his core base. Many of those who support Trump are deeply conservative and might view this move with suspicion. Kennedy’s left-wing views on climate change, the Second Amendment, and others might cause some to look askance at his involvement with Trump’s campaign.

There is also the small risk that this move could rankle the feathers of those who wish to maintain ideological purity. By elevating two former Democrats to such prominent positions, the GOP presidential nominee might cause some to feel that their voices are being pushed to the side in favor of outsiders. Indeed, his recent vow to reject a national abortion ban has already garnered criticism from those in the pro-life crowd.

Still, this move is likely a net positive for the Trump campaign and a smart move on the former president’s part. The pros far outweigh the cons. Sure, it might alienate some who are of the purist persuasion. But most on the right would feel enthused about the fact that two Democratic defectors are joining their team. Moreover, the potential for appealing to a wider swath of voters will probably be a great boon for Trump’s efforts to win in November. If Team Trump plays its cards right, they will use Kennedy and Gabbard in a way that could push them past the finish line.


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