Top Democrats Frustrated by Being Stuck in ‘Doom Loop’ Amid Doubts About Biden’s Future

AP Photo/Susan Walsh

The Democratic Party is currently experiencing serious internal turmoil as top officials debate whether President Joe Biden should continue campaigning for reelection or drop out of the race. The ongoing controversy has not shown signs of dying down, which has created a divisive atmosphere that has shaken the party to the point that one official has expressed frustration at being caught in a “doom loop.”


Several top Democrats told CNN they believe that debates over whether to stick with Biden or put forth another candidate are harming their chances to defeat former President Donald Trump in November. “His last act will not be getting knocked down,” said a campaign aide. “They won’t allow it.”

The concerns appear to be warranted, given new polling showing that Trump has increased his lead over Biden after the attempt on his life.

Illinois Democratic Sen. Dick Durbin said in a meeting with aides that they should try portraying Biden in a Reaganesque fashion. He is reported to have suggested putting him “in a muscle shirt, like Reagan chopping wood.”

However, many individuals in Biden’s inner circle remain disheartened. “There’s a growing sense that it’s game over,” one of the aides said. Morale appears to be as low as it’s been so far.

Faith in the Biden inner circle – smaller and tighter than ever despite what they have been seeing on TV or hearing directly from top leaders in their own party – has been obliterated. Other senior political and government aides accuse them of delusion and catering to their own self-interest. Major donors are apoplectic.

Many in the next rung of senior aides – who might otherwise be spending time building out campaign operations – have been emailing and texting to check in about how far down into despair they are day by day. They’re discussing their refusal to put their own credibility on the line to make a case for a president that they can no longer see themselves. Crucially, they don’t hear anyone making the case to them.

“It feels like if he could go to Chicago and get the delegates to vote for him now, he would. It feels like if he could go to Congress and make a rousing speech, he would,” said one Democratic operative involved with the campaign. “Whatever your job is, we’re not getting the materials we need to be making the case we need to be making.”


However, some are still trying to maintain a sense of optimism. “Here in HQ, we’re working really hard because on winning campaigns, you work really hard,” said Kevin Munoz, a spokesman for Biden’s campaign.

Further compounding the issue is major donors withholding contributions while Biden is still the nominee.

President Joe Biden’s campaign has taken another hit, this time to the tune of $90 million. Some wealthy Democratic donors are reportedly withholding significant donations to the pro-Biden super PAC, Future Forward, amid uncertainty over the future of the president’s candidacy.

The decision to freeze funding to the president’s campaign is a response to the ongoing debate occurring among Democrats regarding how to proceed with the presidential election.

The frozen contributions include multiple eight-figure commitments, according to the two people, who spoke on the condition of anonymity given the sensitivity of the situation. The decision to withhold such enormous sums of money is one of the most concrete examples of the fallout from Mr. Biden’s poor debate performance at the end of June.

Future Forward declined to comment on any conversations with donors or the amounts of any pledged money being withheld. A Future Forward adviser would say only that the group expected contributors who had paused donations to return once the current uncertainty about the ticket was resolved.

Separately, one donor to the group described being approached multiple times by Future Forward since the debate for a contribution, but said he and his friends had been “holding off.”


Ultimately, Democrats find themselves at a critical juncture. Should they jettison their candidate or continue supporting him and hoping for the best? Either way, the decision will have far-reaching implications for the party.


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