Team Biden Pulls Away From Touting 'Bidenomics.' It's About Time.

AP Photo/Adrian Kraus

Remember how President Joe Biden and his campaign constantly touted the miracle of Bidenomics? For months, it seemed that any time the president was on a stage before becoming confused about where to go after his speech, he would yammer on about how Bidenomics is saving the nation and how we should ignore what we are seeing with our own eyes.


Now, it appears Team Biden has reportedly had a change of heart about this particular messaging strategy. What is interesting is how they failed to see the obvious flaw in this approach.

During a recent campaign swing this month in Pennsylvania − in which Biden made three stops and sought to contrast his economic agenda with former President Donald Trump’s − Biden never mentioned the term “Bidenomics.” Nor did he utter the phrase during separate addresses to electrical workers and builders unions over the past week. Or Thursday in Syracuse, N.Y., where he announced more than $6 billion in subsidies for two microchip factories.

The White House concluded that too many Americans didn’t know what “Bidenomics” meant. Congressional Democratic candidates and party activists never embraced the label as they work to overcome the president’s low approval ratings to win back control of the House.

And because inflation has proven stubbornly high, the slogan became synonymous with an economy that, despite several strong metrics, many Americans fear is headed in the wrong direction.

“‘Bidenomics’ could mean anything to people, and we needed words or phrases that communicate more −like jobs, (tackling) rising costs and ‘junk fees,’” said Celinda Lake, a former Biden campaign pollster in the 2020 election. ‘Bidenomics’ ended up being confusing to voters because they thought it was Biden’s economy rather than Biden’s economic policies.”


The term was coined initially by conservatives pointing out the flaws in Biden’s economic policies and the problems they have caused for everyday Americans. The president’s team appears to have taken a page from former President Donald Trump’s playbook and used the critical term for their own purposes, just as Trump did with “fake news.”

The White House tried to repurpose the term to reflect a comprehensive tranche of leftist economic policies ostensibly aimed at improving conditions for the lower and middle classes. This was to be achieved through the usual making the wealthy pay their “fair share” and investing in clean energy and infrastructure.

But, instead of Bidenomics being associated with economic policies, Americans linked it to their financial difficulties. This administration and its close friends and allies in the activist media have failed to realize that telling people that the economy is improving when they are still struggling to buy groceries, gas, and other necessities is not exactly a winning strategy. You can only gaslight people if they are removed from the situation – which most Americans are not.

Inflation continues to be a debilitating issue for many Americans. Not only has it caused businesses to shut down, it has also made it almost impossible for many to own homes.


A new analysis from found that in 22 states and Washington, D.C., homebuyers now need a six-figure household income to comfortably afford a typical median-priced home — up from just six states and D.C. in January 2020 before “you know who” was inaugurated.

Bankrate analyst Jeff Ostrowski explained:

Affordability is the biggest issue. The higher the price of a home, the harder it is to come up with the downpayment or to qualify for the monthly payment. At the same time, homes have become less affordable because home price appreciation has so far outpaced wage growth.

If Team Biden is abandoning the term “Bidenomics,” it is definitely a smart move. However, the question remains: Why did they actually think it was a good idea in the first place?


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